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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

Need a place to host your screenshots? Upload them here:
Username: quaketastic
Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff
File size limit is 128MB.
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Yep, Thats Cool 
I'm seeing a lot of very cool details like the lightning effects and "warm up" of the slipgate, the rotating bridge and a lot of very cool vertical elements. Looks great! 
Bork Model 
Madfox, that reminds me of one of Chasm the Rift monsters, you should check it out to get some ideas! 
Good Stuff, Redfield! 
Down With The Sickness 
Looking good Red, love the infusion of Egypt and base. Cool map name as well! 
I have the Rift conversion from Ijed.
Chasm the Rift I couldn't find.
Not on Terminus or Quakaddicted. 
they defiled our altars with profane rites

at what point should a gif be a video? a 9mb is a little ridiculous... 
More Like 
At what point should a gif be a WebM?, with the answer being "always". 
Just Googled Webm 
and it's awesome. webm from now on... 
Your monster looked like the Faust 
In 2017 only MadFox is allowed to post animated GIFs! 
Hey thanx for the link yhe1! A welcome addition!
I never played this mod and I am looking forward to it.

I had no idea these creatures excisted so I can imagine the likeness.
I have developped my skills to create new monsters, but at this time I'm more interested in adding new qc. And that's even a more harder skill.

@negk!e - Right. I'll scrap all earlier yearends.
What happened to the quicklink <a href="url">label</a>
Madfox, what qc are you in need of? Perhaps I can point you to an example. 
There are some things I really would like to do, but I know it is almost impossible to start with.
I remember I "stole" the rats from Malice, buy couldn't make out the code.
Years later someone here on func had the malice code, and to my surprise it were just a 5 sentenced script to make it go.

But to give you an idea what is puzzling me.
- code to "freeze" the players view.
almost impossible as one has to stop time, while the game runs on.
- the stolen weapon code from hiptronics.
I've been searching for months with no result.
- the statue code from hiptronics.
Can be easier, although it only worked for the knight and hellknight.
Hard coded maybe? 
•Nehahra has this sort of thing for cutscenes:
Check out cutscene.qc and maybe some other files.

•Hipnotic code, look at hipgrem.qc for weapon stealing:
There is a 50% chance of a weapon steal if within 100 units of self.enemy. If you use custom integer values for any items (e.g. IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN) or if the weapon the player is using is stored in self.items2 instead of self.items, make sure you account for that or else the enemy might steal all sorts of stuff like keys whenever the code performs a victim.items= victim.items - (victim.items & best);

•Status code? 
@qmaster - for cutscenes I used the CaptureCameraKit from the Vision level. A bit slow but I'll check this one out.
The weaponsteal code is a good link, thanks for that.

@shamblernaut - desaturate, colorize, qpal was the best way the go.
It looks good now 
Hacky Slideshow 
I was checking out the screenshots and wound up in the source directory. There were a lot of images. I didn't want to keep clicking back and forth between the source directory and the links so, I made a simple slideshow that scrapes the directory for image links.

instructions to start
1)download and unzip the above link to your documents directory (or any directory that is not the desktop. Otherwise, your system will complain about permissions with connecting to quaketastic remotely and will not honor permissions)
2)either open the standalone player I included, click "file" and select Quaketastic_Screens.swf or right click Quaketastic_Screens.swf and "open with" the provided standalone player (or any other standalone player you may have or need to download if you aren't on windows)

How to use:
Left Arrow Key = previous image
Right Arrow Key = next image

How it works (internally...if you want to know):
1) The entire directory is scraped of all image paths and those paths are pushed into an array
2) The first index of the array is automatically downloaded, pushed to the lib and displayed
3)every time you press right or left the library is checked. If the image exists it is displayed. If it doesn't exist it is downloaded, pushed to the library and displayed.

Basically the images are downloaded as you first request them. Past that it is just traversing the library. I'm telling you this because, if you have limited bandwidth this is potentially a terrible solution for you to view the images with.

I may make this better one day. It pretty much has zero features beyond previous/next image. 
QuaketasticScreens 0.65 
Numerous upgrades and polish. Included READ_ME explains everything. 
New Q1SP Beta 
Looks Cool. 
Creative and atmospheric. Some proportions don't seem quite right but already as a beta version it's inspiring. Nice one. 
Looks Moody, 
gonna play this later tonight. 
I was just trying to find this the other night since I remembered the screenshots. Didn't realize it wasn't released yet.

Love the upsidedownness. I need to test this later if I have time but...too many releases lately (not a bad thing!). 
Little Crumb 
is growing over my hat.

Nice To See You Mapping Again, Madfox 
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