#14625 posted by Naitelveni on 2017/03/03 14:20:59
I like HC0 because it was fast, short and brutal.
and thats where LuLz series gets its inspiration from.
ofc HC0 was unpolished but i dont really mind it.
HC3 had a much better level of polish and consistency in style.
#14626 posted by hexcalk on 2017/03/04 05:35:09
Where's LuLz 3? I enjoyed your LuLz maps positively, but you said you would release LuLz 3 one day after LuLz 2. Delays?
#14627 posted by Naitelveni on 2017/03/04 12:50:02
im vising it at the moment! just a couple of minutes more! :D
Map Release: Leviathan Underworld Labyrinth Z 3
#14628 posted by Naitelveni on 2017/03/04 14:09:09
on and off 3 days maybe real work done is 7-10h
10 minutes
monster count:
ID1 map
background story:
It could be said that the subject is contextualised into a postdialectic capitalist theory that includes consciousness as a paradox. If cultural nationalism holds, we have to choose
between postdialectic rationalism and premodernist dialectic theory.
P.s. Mapping in 2k17, shoutout to baker!
Proper Download Link ?
#14629 posted by Barnak on 2017/03/04 15:18:44
Naitelveni, is this the proper link ? That map was already released.
#14630 posted by Naitelveni on 2017/03/04 15:34:13
i just clicked on the link and it is the proper one. Click it again!
#14631 posted by Barnak on 2017/03/04 16:27:48
What a wind of fresh air (and pure monster ass smell) !
You should also put some love on the geometry itself. Better, modern style, architecture (sock style ?). Awesome geometry with a pile of 2000 monsters could be incredible,with full quad on and ligthning gun ! (was awesome in the zombie cave!)
Barnak <3
#14632 posted by Naitelveni on 2017/03/04 16:55:50
thanks dude! :D
I did put alot more effort into the geometry in this map, i should do a polished map with 300 monsters because the gameplay is alot of fun.
#14633 posted by mickmaus on 2017/03/05 18:12:34
Heya, cross-posting this here from quaddicted. This is my first "complete" map meaning some challenge and an exit portal. It's really short, just a couple of fights and three weapons.
I realize my understanding of texturing is pretty off, still learning what they all mean out of context.
Your Understanding Of Texturing Is...
#14634 posted by Shambler on 2017/03/05 20:53:58
...better than anything hexcalk will ever achieve. So that's something. Themes and designs look promising in both shots, keep at it man!
#14635 posted by hexcalk on 2017/03/05 22:30:07
Well, I've had a mixed reception overall with my maps, but "block.bsp" looks beyond what I could achieve so far.
Texturing And The Grid
#14636 posted by Preach on 2017/03/05 22:57:18
I'm sure that anyone who's tried to use it before will agree that the idbase texture set is an utter pain to use accurately. id themselves didn't set a superb standard at first.
However, the two step program is
1. Admit you have a problem
2. Sort it out
And you're half way there!
The bit that sticks out to me in that second shot is the big platform in the lower right, the textures are getting completely cut off around the edge. The thing that will make your life a lot simpler is having an appropriate texture in mind before you build a brush, and set your grid to multiples of the texture size. That doesn't help sort out existing problems though...
So what you need to be prepared to do is make modifications to the geometry in order to get the textures right. Try and find a more suitable floor texture. I suspect that no single texture will perfectly fit that space, in which case you may need to carve up the brush into more pieces. If you carved the inside rectangle where the texture tiles nicely into a separate brush, you could probably texture the leftover edges with a trim texture like tech04_3.
Bilinear Texture Scaling
#14637 posted by mankrip on 2017/03/06 01:38:36
New Map
#14638 posted by Naitelveni on 2017/03/06 21:25:30
Im taking a small break from mapping my tech castle, i want to get some distance so i have fresh eyes to see it with.
Now im working on a ID1 map.
#14639 posted by Newhouse on 2017/03/06 22:12:59
#14640 posted by mjb on 2017/03/06 22:33:13
You are a mapping machine lately! This all looks really awesome man! Keep that up will ya please.
I love those yellow light columns and the wood and iron trim you have there. Looking good. I want to jump in there now!
Doom3 Textures Once More
#14642 posted by mfx on 2017/03/07 00:59:31
Quaketastic seems to to have a hickup because of some outdated certificates and shit. IDC.
Lets Try It Again
#14643 posted by mfx on 2017/03/07 01:04:14
Mind You, These Are Heavy WIP Models
#14644 posted by anonymous user on 2017/03/07 01:05:58
I'm not sure how to put it in my map atm, but only as misc_model or sth. We'll see, right?
Lookin' Good Mfx!
#14645 posted by killpixel on 2017/03/07 01:08:19
And I thought my space ship model was good... :P
Yours Was Moving Around In The Map
#14647 posted by anonymous user on 2017/03/07 01:13:45
so yeah, yours is better..
For now.
Wouldnt Be Terribly Difficult For Him To Do The Same
although it was Eric who did that not me.
#14649 posted by mfx on 2017/03/07 01:28:53
i know of the waypoints (path_corners) to change direction and movement. I need to talk to eric. But my ship has interiour to move in. So...
I plan to to have the player inside of it, which restricts me to linear movemovent, as in a func_train/door.
Or i do some magic with moving skip func_walls. IDK yet.