#14535 posted by necros on 2014/11/03 19:43:31
hmm, i thought you used to be able to do that in quark, sorry.
#14536 posted by necros on 2014/11/03 19:44:10
oh you can!
when you have the texture wad loaded in quark, click the + to expand all the items. you can slow double click or press F2 to rename textures that way.
#14537 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/11/04 14:02:18
Let's say you have an FGD ... is there a way to default a value for something like "delay" to "5" if it's set up as a choice field?
delay(choices) : "Attenuation" =
0 : "Linear falloff (Default)"
1 : "Inverse distance falloff"
2 : "Inverse distance squared"
3 : "No falloff"
4 : "Local minlight"
5 : "Inverse distance squared B"
That would save me some time ...
#14538 posted by ijed on 2014/11/04 14:14:30
worldtype(choices) : "Ambience" : 0 =
0 : "Medieval"
1 : "Metal (runic)"
2 : "Base"
That 0 sets the default.
#14539 posted by ranger on 2014/11/04 14:16:08
what is worldtype?
#14540 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/11/04 14:16:38
I love you with mouth. THANK YOU!
#14541 posted by ijed on 2014/11/04 14:18:18
Also, world type sets the key style to be used.
I think that's all though.
 One Caveat Though
#14542 posted by czg on 2014/11/04 14:59:40
I'm not sure if there's logic to handle this, but I think if you set a default value and don't change it, the editor will not write it to the map file, and if the fgd default is different from the actual default, you'll get the wrong result.
#14543 posted by czg on 2014/11/04 15:02:13
So in this case with the lights, the editor will not write out "delay" "5" on any lights, because it sees they're the default value and what's the point of writing a default value.
#14544 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/11/04 15:41:26
 I Thought It Did
#14545 posted by ijed on 2014/11/04 16:14:27
But I haven't used WC in a long time.
Is this for all versions of WC?
What about Jackhammer?
 I've Never Used Jackhammer, And Not Opened WC For 9 Years
#14546 posted by czg on 2014/11/04 16:31:58
So I don't know.
#14547 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/11/04 16:40:03
Oh no, wait, it's cool ... I added a light to an empty map and this is what Jackhammer spit out:
"classname" "light"
"style" "0"
"delay" "5"
"wait" "1"
"light" "200"
"origin" "-56 8 0"
All FGD defaults intact.
 Ah, Cool
#14548 posted by czg on 2014/11/04 18:01:56
I must have remembered my troubles wrong.
 Editing Existing Map Features
#14549 posted by ranger on 2014/12/02 02:55:59
How can I change a map's:
ambient light,
and add door unlocking sounds
 You Need The Source .map
#14550 posted by ijed on 2014/12/02 12:28:03
TO change the ambient light and add door sounds.
To change the gravity, you need a mod, or you can rename it to e1m8 in standard Quake.
#14551 posted by ranger on 2014/12/02 17:18:15
I can't open a bsp with quark to change ambient light and add door sounds?
Also where in the qc is the area where e1m8's gravity is changed?
#14552 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/12/02 17:19:07
I don't think it's in the QC ... unfortunately.
 You Need The Source .map
#14553 posted by ijed on 2014/12/02 18:05:52
I don't even need to retype it; my browser autofills the answer if you need it again...
Once you have the .map you'll need to set all the door sounds in editor and the worldspawn light key and then recompile it.
The QC for gravity is in world.qc:
// custom map attributes
if (self.model == "maps/e1m8.bsp")
cvar_set ("sv_gravity", "100");
cvar_set ("sv_gravity", "800");
I think a trigger was introduced for this in Dissolution of Eternity. Or maybe it was Scourge of Armagon.
But you could just add it as a key to worldspawn going on what it says there, it seems pretty rudimentary.
 Changing Ambient Light
#14554 posted by Preach on 2014/12/03 00:22:08
I'm pretty sure you can just do another lighting pass on the bsp and don't NEED the .map to do that (no comment on whether it would be easy). Use adquedit to extract the entities from the bsp into a text file. Modify that text file to change the ambient light (perhaps modify the worldspawn keys...) then use adquedit again to put the modified entities back into the bsp. Finally run your favourite light.exe on the modified bsp.
#14555 posted by negke on 2014/12/03 21:45:31
Just run light.exe -light # on the bsp directly, no other files needed.
 Invisible Wall
#14556 posted by Orbs on 2014/12/17 18:27:09
made some whacky architecture and it moves pretty choppy,wanted to add an invisible wall just over it to smoothen movement i tought i remember something like a func_invisible or a flag to do so I'm using worldcraft), any other solution is appreciated to
#14557 posted by mfx on 2014/12/17 19:50:13
use clip textured brushes or skip textured brushes or even fence textured brushes with no actual texture on them.
just name the textures clip or skip on the brush you want to disappear.
 Smooth As A Baby's Bottom
#14558 posted by Orbs on 2014/12/17 20:20:37
#14559 posted by metlslime on 2014/12/17 21:46:29
just use clip brushes, mfx's other two ideas are silly.