In My Latest Map
#14510 posted by Orl on 2014/10/27 23:09:04
I have a "door" that is comprised of almost 6000 brushes and is about 3000 units big. I'm pretty sure there is no limit to how big or complex a door can be.
#14511 posted by metlslime on 2014/10/28 00:55:03
necros' theory sounds plausible. Try setting the "don't link" spawnflag.
 Thanks Guys
#14512 posted by mfx on 2014/10/28 05:20:16
fixed it.!
#14513 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/10/28 13:22:19
"QBSP : Too many vertices (66074 > 65535)"
And now the pain starts...
 Use Tyrann's Tools
#14514 posted by ijed on 2014/10/28 13:53:28
And the -bsp2 switch.
#14515 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/10/28 14:49:10
Which engines support BSP2? Apparently Quakespasm and Fitzquake don't ...
The BSP has some mangled version number in it or something. All the tools report that it's BSP2 tho...
#14516 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/10/28 14:54:13
 Quakespasm Does, Fitzquake Doesn't
#14517 posted by SleepwalkR on 2014/10/28 15:00:04
#14518 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/10/28 15:01:07
I'm the worst Quake player ever ... sorry, I needed to get 0.90 Quakespasm. All good now!
Thanks for the info!!
 I Did It
#14519 posted by mfx on 2014/10/28 15:38:14
WARNING: Marksurfaces 32768 exceed normal engine max 32767
hehe, nothing more.
#14520 posted by mfx on 2014/10/28 16:14:17
After adding more geometry:
------ FinishBSPFile ------
WriteBSPFile: maps\zer_1.bsp
15012 planes 300240
32592 vertexes 391104
16573 nodes 397752
23431 texinfo 937240
26005 faces 520100
26942 clipnodes 215536
10200 leafs 285600
32750 marksurfaces 65500
116817 surfedges 467268
62745 edges 250980
106 textures 2015088
lightdata 0
visdata 0
entdata 61566
Skipped 147 surfaces
Writing File Format : BSP29
DivideWindingsOn : 0 / 0
All is good.
 BSP2 Support
#14521 posted by Joel B on 2014/10/28 16:48:35
Quaddicted says that DarkPlaces, QuakeForge, and experimental builds of FTE support BSP2 (along with the latest QuakeSpasm). I know I used FTE to play Something Wicked a while back.
#14522 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/10/31 20:01:32
You can scale up textures to reduce lightmaps.
Anyone - does this work with the sky?
If you have rocks or any hidden surfaces you can mak big savings. Or completely 100% shadow areas in some places maybe too?
 It Works With The Sky
 It Works With The Sky?
#14524 posted by mfx on 2014/10/31 20:24:01
 I Believe So
Otherwise czg is a massive poo poo head for upscaling the sky in rub2m3.
#14526 posted by necros on 2014/10/31 20:30:51
i didn't think lightmaps are saved on the sky.
i do it out of habit because older compilers would split the sky faces if you used a 1.0 scaled texture. scaling the sky to 10x or whatever made the compiler split only when the max face size was reached.
new compilers do this automatically though no matter what scale you use.
 I Think They Are
#14527 posted by ijed on 2014/11/01 01:24:16
I caused crashes on some old void maps in BSP1 a long time back by not scaling up the sky textures.
Now I habitually scale trigger, skip, clip and sky brushes to texture size 666.
 Being A Tool
#14528 posted by Preach on 2014/11/01 02:41:25
Now I habitually scale trigger, skip, clip and sky brushes to texture size 666.
It seems like such an easy thing to get compilers to do automatically (apart from trigger), I'm surprised none of them do it. You could add a switch to turn the behaviour on if you were being cautious, but I'd personally vote for a switch to disable this feature were it to exist.
#14529 posted by necros on 2014/11/01 06:38:07
#define TEX_SPECIAL 1 // sky or slime, no lightmap or 256 subdivision
// some surfaces don't need lightmaps
if (texinfo[f->texinfo].flags & TEX_SPECIAL)
// non-lit texture
in LightFace() (ltface.c)
 Replacing Liquid/teleport Textures With Quark
#14530 posted by ranger on 2014/11/02 01:40:27
I'm using quark to replace textures within BSPs and they've all worked,
but when i tried to replace a teleport texture, ingame the texture doesn't animate and appears odd
#14531 posted by necros on 2014/11/02 05:12:12
does the texture name start with *? it must, if you want it to have water properties.
#14532 posted by ranger on 2014/11/03 19:22:05
how do i make the texture start with "*" ?
 Open The Wad
#14533 posted by ijed on 2014/11/03 19:33:51
In texmex and rename it.
 It's Here
#14534 posted by ijed on 2014/11/03 19:34:33