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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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No They Aren't 
It must be something else. I'll have a look tonight. 
Yeah, you missed a negative sign there Spike. :) 
Pff, everyone is always focusing on the negatives nowadays! 
How big in size can a func_door be?
How many brushes can a func_door consist of?
Can i move those out of world, and back in? (Not out of bounds)
I can�t get a pretty big door to work properly.
Using QS. And zer progs.
Why in the WORLD would there be a limit of 64 lightmaps? I'd expect that limit to be jacked up somewhere near 64,000 or so. 
That is just a warning that stock engines won't support it. Quakespasm and others can handle that! 
I'ev been deceived of that wording before. 
OK ... it seemed bad because the level was black after I saw it. Like it gave up on lightmaps. But then lighting was back on the next rebuild ... Oh Quake!! 
So ... to ping the crowd ... QBSP runs, LIGHT runs ... the map loads into Quake and is black.

Any thoughts? I already tried being confused and saying, "What the fuck?", a lot. 
It Sounds Like 
Light just failed... to state the obvious, check the light log.

Aside from that I don't know of anything that will kill all lights apart from qc.

Does it kill all lights or some/most of them? 
All ... the level is just black. LIGHT gets to 100%, no errors. It's weird. I imagine, like most Quake errors, if I keep working on the level it will fix itself somehow. :P 
---- light / TyrUtils v0.14 ----
extra 2x2 sampling enabled
running with 32 threads
BSP is version 29
Colored light entities detected: .lit output enabled.
179 entities read, 142 are lights.
WARNING: entity at (0 0 0) (func_door) has unmatched target (Arena_Church)
FFS, as predicted ... added more brushes, kept working, lighting is back.

Sorry for spam! 
Do You Mind The Lit. File? 
just sayin..
Maybe update that as well when c/ping? 
Did You Try 
Deleting the .lit? 
are you messing with QC? Did you maybe do something like this: lightstyle(0, "a")? That would cause the default lightstyle (eg: normal lights) to be black.

Otherwise, try using a different light tool temporarily? Might be a bug in yours..? 
Thanks, but it's something to do with the BSP complexity. If I change brushes around and add things, it fixes it. Work some more, it breaks. Work some more, it fixes it.

It's just being bitchy.

I think it'll be OK. Just have to find a good combo for it to light before release. Heh... 
but have you tried different compilers? i have never encountered anything like that before and I have maps that are over 100 lightmaps. it seems to me like it might be a bug. 
I haven't. To be honest, as long as it works in the end I'm not too concerned. I'd rather map than try to debug this further... :) 
Certainly can't argue with that! 
Try Ver 0.15 Of TyrUtils Maybe ? 
@mfx, Re: Big Doors Not Working 
couple ideas:
- test in an engine with a protocol that lifts the +-4096 coordinate limit like RMQEngine protocol 999, or darkplaces, I think.
- I don't think there's limit on brushes in a door. they're compiled down to a submodel of the world, so if you hit a limit there I think the map would just refuse to load.
- try a different compiler ?
Not sure really :-/ 
what do you mean, you can't get it to work? like it just doesn't open?

if the door is really big, it's probably just getting connected to another door.

if two doors' bounding boxes touch, they link and operate in unison. if the one being linked to is triggered by a target/targetname, then the other one becomes that way too. 
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