#14460 posted by Spirit on 2014/09/30 09:19:05
Please tell me if the wiki is broken and not allowing editing.
#14461 posted by bennett93 on 2014/09/30 20:35:37
when i load the map on devmap it loads then stops and go back to the main menu, there is a aas file and when i try to add bots in map it says aas not found/active
 Moving Platforms
#14462 posted by Blarget2 on 2014/09/30 23:19:47
I went through the wii and no mention of func_plat anywhere. I added target and targetname stuff retrospectively, and I cant figure out how to make the floor move or even how to define the height.
#14463 posted by necros on 2014/10/01 02:53:18
/*QUAKED func_plat (0 .5 .8) ? plat_low_trigger
Plats are always drawn in the extended position, so they will light correctly.
If the plat is the target of another trigger or button, it will start out disabled in the extended position until it is triggered, when it will lower and become a normal plat.
determines the amount the plat moves, instead of being implicitly determined by the model's height.
1 = base fast
2 = chain slow
moving speed (default: 150)
entity name
#14464 posted by necros on 2014/10/01 02:59:01
meant to hit preview.
anyway, as you can see, the amount of movement is normally determined by the actual lift model. but you can override it with height.
#14465 posted by ijed on 2014/10/01 13:45:11
 Stupid Question About Spawnflags
#14466 posted by stoo on 2014/10/06 00:14:09
In the second byte of spawnflags there's flags to not spawn ents in Easy, Normal and Hard mode, but not Nightmare?
Is there a way to make an ent not spawn in Nightmare but spawn in the other skill levels?
#14467 posted by Lunaran on 2014/10/06 03:09:02
Nightmare is hard skill with different monster AI. A NM-only spawn would require modified progs.
 In Theory
You could have a NM-only killtarget for your ent to not exist in NM, but it's a setup that requires a start map and a rune.
 No Spawn In NM
#14469 posted by stoo on 2014/10/06 13:46:34
I was thinking like, make certain ammo or weapons not appear in NM to raise the challenge, but it sounds complicated. :P
#14470 posted by Lunaran on 2014/10/06 18:53:10
You could have a NM-only killtarget for your ent to not exist in NM, but it's a setup that requires a start map and a rune.
You put the rune in the nightmare entrance?
 Been There Done That
#14471 posted by ijed on 2014/10/06 19:06:30
Also made it so the player couldn't avoid accessing NM after collecting the rune, unless they opened the console.
Then use func_episodegate logic gates in the actual map.
 Oh Come On...
#14473 posted by Preach on 2014/10/06 21:54:53
You have 24 hours to come up with the CORRECT maphack before I put you all to shame. Nightmare only trigger - go!
#14474 posted by necros on 2014/10/06 22:20:15
hmmmm all I can think of it somehow using SUB_AttackFinished which will allow 2 or more consecutive attacks on nightmare skill..?
#14475 posted by Lunaran on 2014/10/07 03:25:00
Yeah, I specifically searched the source for "skill == 3" before posting that. I was thinking something like what necros said but I couldn't figure out how I'd exploit it on an entity.
#14476 posted by negke on 2014/10/07 08:01:42
As if Preach's on-demand mentality for revealing hacks wasn't bad enough, now he's even teasing us with it!
#14477 posted by Preach on 2014/10/07 20:22:08
#14478 posted by stoo on 2014/10/07 20:57:36
That's an awesome post, Preach. Really detailed, explains the whole hack thoroughly and ties it up in a neat package.
Much appreciated!
#14479 posted by Lunaran on 2014/10/08 01:35:34
 Radiant In Windows 8.1
#14480 posted by AcidicVoid on 2014/10/20 19:44:37
Hi. Short question:
Is there any Quake 1 compatible version of Radiant that works properly in Windows 8.1?
I can't get any of the available versions to work. I 've tried everything...
 Strange Lighting Issue
#14481 posted by killpixel on 2014/10/22 06:02:19
I've made a post about this over at quake3world because this project is q3map2. However, I remember seeing this in Cartographer's Nightmare and how I banged my head against the wall for hours trying to figure it out.
The issue is that even though a light is placed in the very center of a symmetrical room some shadows are asymmetric. Take a look here in q3map2 and here in bsp29.
It's driving me nuts. Anyone know what's going on here?
 How Come TB Says This Brush Is Invalid?
 How Come TB Says This Brush Is Invalid?
#14484 posted by Spike on 2014/10/23 04:48:05
( -624 -352 200 ) ( -624 -672 200 ) ( -624 -352 -200 ) rock5_2 -61.3333 -40 -0 1.5 1.5
two verticies of a plane are in the same position, meaning the normal of the plane cannot be determined. essentually this results in infinite possibilities, which is something that software tends to dislike.
otherwise known as a degenerate triangle.