#14385 posted by SleepwalkR on 2014/09/04 15:29:47
integer vertices will not cause vertices to wander, but it will often result in vertices which are off the grid.
I have the thingy majingy bound to the doodly do
#14387 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/09/04 15:55:27
How does one become a beta tester for TB2? :P I have a project I'm working on, so I can provide real world feedback...
#14388 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/09/04 17:14:53
I was thinking ... Of course you've considered this, but I'm wondering why you would have rejected the idea. What about a custom .TB file format or something? Why use the MAP file format for all I/O? It seems like that's where the loss is happening. If you stored the map in your own format and just spit out a fresh MAP file for each compilation you would eliminate this problem.
Like what Worldcraft did...
#14389 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/09/04 17:15:37
.TB being a binary format, I mean. Something lossless regarding floats.
 TB2 Should Have The Issue Anymore
#14391 posted by SleepwalkR on 2014/09/04 18:13:11
and I don't want a binary format for better compatibility with other editors, also being able to edit the files in a text editor is a bonus.
#14392 posted by ijed on 2014/09/04 18:16:28
Was very 'strong' in that regard... but the headaches created by the proprietary format weren't minor.
Although having full control over it would avoid things like texture conversion problems of course. Most of which were caused by Valve not releasing the source.
I suppose it all depends on if you want to create and then support an additional map format SleepWalkR.
Just musing aimlessly when I should be 'working' :)
#14393 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/09/04 18:26:49
"but the headaches created by the proprietary format weren't minor. "
You mean the RMF format? What were those, I'm not aware of what happened.
I think it allows for a few things ... floating point stuff aside, it allows for editor proprietary stuff like groups or prefabs/instances pretty easily.
I did the same thing in ToeTag in that I used the MAP file for everything. This meant that anything non-Quake had to get stuck into special comment lines that I parsed later. Was a little hacky and if I did it over again, I'd probably just make my own format.
As long as you can read/write MAP files also it shouldn't be an issue.
 Yep, RMF
#14394 posted by ijed on 2014/09/04 18:45:56
It was often a blocker for working in teams - often getting someone to pull out their own teeth than install a secondary editor was easier. Getting someone to convert a map before sending it the same.
The other issues were all caused by committee design, things like texture alignment and WAD conversion.
Really, human obstinacy was the only real problem.
And if you support map as well as have a 'clean' format which still plays nice with other editors after export then it should be a non-issue in a technical sense.
#14395 posted by Spirit on 2014/09/04 19:06:28
Maybe we need AlembicQuakeCollada
#14396 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/09/04 20:02:17
Oh yeah, everyone loves a good standards fight, right? Right? Guys?
#14397 posted by ericw on 2014/09/04 20:41:04
Writing a float to text and reading it back doesn't need to be lossy.
From wikipedia,
if an IEEE 754 single precision is converted to a decimal string with at least 9 significant decimal and then converted back to single, then the final number must match the original
So just use "%.9g" in C and you're good. (I guess it's stream.precision(9); in C++)
I made a little test program a while ago that just loops through all 32-bit values, copies the bits into a float, does a round trip to string with "%.9g" and confirmed that is lossless for all 32-bit float values.
 How About Double?
#14398 posted by SleepwalkR on 2014/09/04 21:02:26
Cause TB2 is double prec.
#14399 posted by ericw on 2014/09/04 21:11:05
 Editing Texture Wads On Linux
Can anyone recommend a programme for editing Quake textures and particularly texture wads, which runs on Linux?
Initially what I would like to do is just to extract one texture from a particular wad (let's call it "wad A") and add it to a different wad ("B"), since it is the only texture from wad A I plan to use, and wad A is enormous -- so it's really clogging the texture browser in TrenchBroom, and makes it a pain to search for textures in wad B*. I seem to recall reading that it's possible to do that, but I cannot seem to find that information again. (Can someone confirm -- is it possible to extract single textures and/or splice/merge different wads?)
*I guess that's what TrenchBroom's "group" feature is for, but when I click "group" in the texture browser, it just seems to make a bunch of textures unavailable. Maybe I'm doing something wrong there.
#14401 posted by Spirit on 2014/09/05 13:32:23
QuakeForge has a commandline wad tool.
#14402 posted by Spirit on 2014/09/05 13:34:47
No idea how to make it output mips and create wads though, sorry.
#14403 posted by mfx on 2014/09/06 01:18:19
after an -onlyents compile with an already lit map, your switchable light gets lost. Light again for viewing pleasure.
I think thats why mfxsp17 sucks so much;)
#14404 posted by metlslime on 2014/09/06 02:16:02
i think you can run light -onlyents to fix it
#14405 posted by necros on 2014/09/06 02:16:50
you can with aguirre's tool for sure.
 Using Tyrlite
#14406 posted by mfx on 2014/09/06 02:21:06
Old habit..
 Map Won't Compile
#14407 posted by Garroh on 2014/09/07 00:54:30
Every time I try to compile a map using Necros' CompilingGUI the map fails to compile and it seems as if the compiler can't find the right source file. I'm pretty sure I set up the paths correctly though.
#14408 posted by necros on 2014/09/07 06:45:59
difficult to tell what's wrong.
check this:
source map: direct path to your map file
working folder: an empty folder where the tool copies your .map file to and does all the compiling.
output folder: either quake/id1/maps or quake/yourmod/maps
make sure all these folders already exist-- the tool only uses the windows copy command, which doesn't not create folders automatically.
 Re: #14401, #14402
Forgot to say thank you for the response, Spirit. That looks pretty complicated, though. Does anyone know of some more noob-friendly tools?