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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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A trigger_relay with both a target and killtarget will not work properly - the killtarget bit won't but the target will.

That's fixed in Quoth I think. 
What? Since when?

looking at the 1.06 progs source right now I don't see anything that would cause that. 
Well, wait, here's something. It makes killtargets work and targets not, though. It breaks out of the entity-finding loop by returning, so if the killtarget loop happens it returns before the target loop is reached.

I did not know that.

(I appear to have fixed that in lunsp2, so apparently I once did know that 
I tripped over it years ago and couldn't remember very well. 
yo, -> random mapping tips or something? 
I'm Just... 
going to point out that this is exactly why I wanted to make a compendium of knowledge that covered things like this over a year ago. The Quake Wiki was a compromise.

There needs to be a more firm collection of not only the basics but the nuances of the process or everything will be lost. 
That's cool. Many things need to be but they won't if people just keep pointing out that they need. 
Re: #14358, #14359, #14360 
Thank you very much, Lunaran, for those two extensive posts. Most of what you wrote in #14359 were things I did not know, or certainly did not understand as clearly as you explained here.

And thank you, ijed, for that additional tip. 
i wonder if it would be better to just have a way to grab a post in it's entirety, put some tags on it and then throw it in a pile to be searched... 
Or Copy It Over To The Wiki... 
I've made the wiki my homepage to guilt myself into writing something on it.

We'll see what wins - stubbornness or frustration. 
Dunno if its useful, but i stumbled upon this skybox generator. Its online and ... check for yourself. 
Using Trenchbroom to create rocky paths and walls ... these verts were all perfect sitting on top of each other. Is this just something I have to accept or should I be snapping all vertices to INTs or what?

(in before FifthElephant tells me he has snap to grid bound to space bar) 
in before FifthElephant tells me he has snap to grid bound to space bar 
Can You Send Me The Map File? 
I'd like to check that out. Maybe send just the part in the picture. 
I'll work on a solid repro and send that to you. I already fixed that area. I've got drift everywhere now and I'm wondering if I need to burn the boats and start over.

Is it recommended to turn "Force integer plane points" on for maps full of organic shapes? It seemed to do bad things to the brushes when I reloaded the map ... cuts moved into nearby planes and made extra verts on a bunch of brushes.

It's hard to describe.

Maybe I'll just make an interior map with axis aligned walls. :P 
Willem Is Making A New Map! 
Sorry to read about the headaches with the vertices etc., but it's awesome that one of my favourite mappers is making something for Quake again. Yay! 
Is it recommended to turn "Force integer plane points" on for maps full of organic shapes?

It's recommended to turn it on before you do anything else with the map. :P TB2 does not even have an option to disable int plane points.

Willem Is Making A New Map! Yay!

Yup! This will be cool. 
Oh, so it's the recommended way? I didn't realize. The warning it throws up and the description text in the dialog box made it sound like "Only as a last resort!" kind of thing.

Turning it on now! 
*jumps Out Of Window* 
You'll be missed ... I always considered you a friend. 
Forcing integer plane points will result in more vertex drift as the editor needs to move vertices around so that the planes are all represented with integers. You'll get vertices off grid and such. 
But isn't that better than the verts drifting slowly over time as I close and re-open the map? At least I can see it happen and fix it on the spot. 
You're wrong. TB2 doesn't have this option at all and always allows you to use float points for planes. It will give you warnings in an issue browser though, with a quick way to fix them.

int plane points may or may not safe you from drifting vertices. I can't quite remember how TB1 handles it, but I think the problem is in writing and reloading floating points through text files - it's always lossy.

But as necros said, integer vertices will cause vertices to wander. There really isn't a way to deal with this problem that completely avoids any headaches. Integer plane points will give you off grid vertices, and float plane points may give you drifting vertices. Both might result in microleaks. 
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