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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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Wait What? 
the powerup flash is built in and can't be disabled.

although, amusingly, if you type 'bf' into the console, it will play it. 
My Bad 
i forgot, but it's not actually 'built in', but is part of the progs.dat.
The code actually sends a 'bf' console command when you pick up items. In theory, you could make a mod to disable it. 
Or In Theory 
You could also create a modified engine that makes "bf" a command that does nothing - or have a cvar that introduces that change. I read ranger's post as looking for such a cvar, dunno if it's an existing feature in quakespasm or elsewhere... 
Minor Issue With Joined Console Commands 
This one is a really minor issue. It's about as non-urgent as they come, since working around it merely requires typing in the console commands separately.

I noticed that you cannot autocomplete map names when joining multiple console commands using a semicolon. The following happens to me on QS 0.90 using the Quoth mod as an example. Any collection of Quake maps will do.

I start the engine and enter the command "game quoth". There are now maps titled breakable, e1m1quoth etc. available to launch from the console. If I type "map " (including the space), I can press tab to autocomplete them. This works as intended.

Let's say I want to play on Hard. I type "skill 2; map " and try to autocomplete the maps now. It doesn't work. It only offers to autocomplete commands instead of map names, which isn't right in this context. If I type in a proper map name, the commands still work, as you'd expect.

Presumably the autocomplete logic considers the whole console command line and not the part after the last semicolon. This would be a nice little thing to fix if you revamp the autocompletion feature some day. 
Uneeded Levelshots 
SQ saves unneeded levelshots TGAs in the game's maps folder.
These image are never seen ingame and the files take up space, so QS should not generate these files anymore 
QS Crash 
texture coords on a brush were:
16777740 1584.00 832

don�t ask...

FitzMKV crashed too. 
What The Fuck Is That 
Looking For Testers 
I was wondering if anyone with AMD/ATI cards could try this build for me (I've tested some intel and nvidia cards already, but if you have those you're welcome to try it too):

It has the alias model speedup I've been working on (only requirement to get the speedup is opengl 2.0+), so a good map to test is jam3_tronyn from map jam 3, with its 120k epoly. A good commandline would be:

"-heapsize 256000 -game jam3 +map jam3_tronyn"

then check the first number of the r_speeds when looking at the demon face. If it's not too much trouble, checking the r_speeds with QS 0.90.0 for comparison would be great too. With any luck, the frame time should be half of what it was in 0.90.0. Thanks! 
Ok Here 
I guess you mean the start of jam3_tronyn. On my HD 6750 it improves from (some version of 0.90) ~ 13 ms to under 5 ms.

Havent played that map yet. Third of the way through now... Not bad :) 
in line 505 of vid_glsdl.c, can you please add SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS to flags? Makes it possible to run without window decorations in window mode, useful for dual-head setups when playing on non-primary monitor (for SDL2, i built it with USE_SDL2=1). 
@stevenaaus, thanks for testing - that looks like a good speedup!
@LeopolD, sounds like a good idea, we maybe could have a vid_borderless cvar. 
That would be even better:) 
R_speed Test 
Went from average 69.15 to 12.21 on a 6770 using OSS radeon drivers.
Pulling the console down almost doubled the value on the old build while the test build kept the rate. 
Gamma And Runes Problems. 
Hi! Thanks for all the hardwork in the port :) however, I seem to have come across two problems:
1.-Gamma isn't respected unless the engine is set for 16 bit color depth; if using 24 the gamma slider works and the gamma console command indeed changes the brightness, the gamma value is saved, but ignored when exiting and restarting the game (or rather reset when the vid_restart occurs in config.cfg), it's a bit annoying having to reset the gamma (by typing gamma 1 to "reenable it": the engine assumes the value it read is already there [despite being ignored] and does nothing, and then gamma 1.35, since the slider won't go above 1 and 1 is to bright, could these values by fixed, too?) every time I start the game.
2.-My runes disappeared! I finished episode 3 (after finishing 1 and 2 beforehand) and noticed the bars weren't there...true runes. Sure it can be fixed by impulse 11 (and I know it can happen in vanilla Quake), but it's annoying nonetheless.
The engine I'm using is the latest stable Windows 64 bit build, SDL 2 with a GeForce GTX 750 Ti using the latest drivers (347.09 at the time of writing). It may or may not interfere that I do have the drivers set to use NVidia color controls (since allowing "other programs to control color" makes the desktop [and mostly everything] look like ass). Other games have functional (or not ignored) gamma controls.
Thanks in advance :) 
@Bloodbat - Runes Disappeared 
Did you use the "kill" command at any stage? This is an old Quake bug where the "serverflags" field is wiped by using kill, and I guess that QS hasn't fixed it. 
@mh - Disappearing Runes. 
Nope, no kill command. The only command I've used is vid_restart and some screen related cvars (including, obviously, gamma) for dealing with and testing the other problem I mentioned. 
Bsp2 Leafs 
I'm getting an error trying to load a BSP2 map that exceeds 64k leafs. Shouldn't this limit have been raised (or abolished) for BSP2? 
The file format itself abolished the limit, yes, however, the PVS buffers within the engine tend to be a fixed size, and there needs to be one bit per leaf.
large leaf counts are just all kinds of bad.
By the time you reach 64k leafs, your uncompressed pvs data is half a gigabyte.
If your editor supports detail brushes, try using those. 
Ok guys, what are the chances of putting this into Quakespasm:

QuakeForge uses shader magic to simulate the look of the software renderer... 
I don't see the difference between that and changing the texture mode using gl_texturemode 
the output pixel colour uses quake's colormap like in SW rendering (which is a lut basically that combines texture pixel colour with the lightmap)

It really makes a big difference imo 
There's a subtle difference in that a GL engine, even with a gl_texturemode change, calculates lighting by doing a multiplication of texture colour by lightmap intensity.

The software Quake approach uses a lookup table but the result of the lookup is constrained to colours that are in the Quake palette, whereas the GL multiplication can produce results that are not in the Quake palette.

For a truly authentic look you'd also need to use the software Quake miplevels, since once again these are constrained to colours in the Quake palette but GL's miplevel reduction can likewise produce colours that are not in the palette. 
Oh ok, so the lighting being restricted to the palette? Fair enough. 
I would really like to see before and after shots on that. 
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