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Targeted func_door and give it a 'dmg' value.

Thanks very much ijed. That clears up the first issue.

I still cannot figure how to make two (or more) buttons work together, though (there's nothing about that on -- not that I can see, anyway). 
Trigger_counter does the trick, it�s all explained in the wiki. 
If You Know What To Look For, I Guess... 
Thanks, mfx.

There is no entry for "trigger counter", though (just a blank template) and no mention of trigger_counter on the func_button or func_door pages. I would never have thought of looking up "trigger counter" if you had not mentioned it.

And I still don't know what to do with it... 
2 buttons, both targeting the counter.

Trigger_counter is a point entity, and has the following keys:

targetname: Used to target the counter.

count: Numerical value of how many buttons do i need to press, to activate(in your case 2). Basically how many events it needs to be activated.

target: What should be "fired" when count is reached. In your case the targetname of the door.

message: This text is printed on the screen when the counter fires. Like: A door opens nearby, hoohoho..

delay: delay in seconds before the counter fires.

Spawnflag 1 turns off the messages of the count. (Only one more to go) 
Thank You 
Thank you so much. You have just made my life a whole lot easier.

I've been scratching my head over this for a couple of hours now, trying various things that did not work and trying to find the answers elsewhere before asking here.

What is on is great and has helped me tremendously before (the Getting Started Mapping guide is great), but there are many gaps... 
So The Deal 
is now you create an account there an update the wiki.
I suck at formatting. 
For Later Generations.. 
if this throttles you.. 
Did signup even work? I think I need to setup a mail server D: 
If you happen to get across something like that again. Check what the entity does here. 
I got an confirmation mail link.
And can log in. 
Cocerello: Thanks! I came across that site once in the past, but then I couldn't find it again. I have now bookmarked it.

mfx: Very likely -- once I've learned some more; i.e. once I have leveled up and am no longer a total newbie. 
Because I assumed it was not working. The stuff on at least needs some love from me to be able to mail again. 
I can�t help you there.

But i always wanted to update the wiki, or add missing parts.

Maybe someday..:) 
You Don't Need 
a mail server to be able to send emails. 
Little Quake Sin 
Couldn't keep my hands of the Sinlevel "Gogre".

Something in the map's layout was puzzling my fantasy in the way the long road stretches out the whole outstreching level.
The ground under it is builed on several layers and gives a very canyon atmosphere.

Converted it to quake and got a nasty pack of homs on my plate but now it fits well.

U 4 = bad 
Just To Clarify 
That archived Worldcraft page Cocerello linked to, while very useful, doesn't say anything about trigger_counter on its func_door and func_button entries either. So without mfx's explanation I would have been lost anyway. Thanks again, mfx!

Also, while said page does have a trigger_counter entry, it lists only three variables, instead of the six mfx listed. Does anyone know of a site that has a complete list of all entities and all variables in Quake (i.e. including the things one cannot find on that Worldcraft page)? 
As said on the func_counter entry, it works on any entities triggering it with the ''target'' field and trigger any trigeareable entity that matches the ''target'' field it has (that includes fun_doors and func_buttons as they are triggeareable).

The variables that webpage has are the ones that were known back in 1996, those that Mfx posted are those that you could see in subsequent years.

About oher sources of information. On the wiki, on the entity list page, on the top part of it, there is a link for an old web with info. Maybe you can fill the gaps with it. 
Thanks, Cocerello 
Yeah, what I mean is that the problem is that the converse information is not there -- if you already know about trigger_counter entities, then that's great.

However if, like me, you just knew about func_door and func_button entities and were trying to get the two to interact in the right way, then there is sadly nothing on either or on on the The Forge that tells you you should be looking at "trigger_counter". (A simple "see also: trigger counter" would have helped tremendously. As it stands, the entries on The Forge just say "see also: func_door_secret, func_plat" and "see also: trigger_once, trigger_multiple" respectively.)

As for adding the missing information myself (as mfx also suggested), I may very well do so soon, but as I am still currently learning, it would be great if there were a source of up-to-date information I could refer to. Hence my question. 
There is of course always the option of asking in this thread (and people have been incredibly helpful here), but I usually try to figure things out on my own and to use the information that is already on the internet, before posting questions here. 
There are not that many entities. If you're using an editor that shows you the fields then just open it and start plonking entities in to find out what they do.

Some entities are test stuff or only useful in very specific situations, but most do work for something.

All games have their entities built around a structure that can be learned.

It would be nice for 'someone' to update the wiki, and possibly even write some simple tutorials. I'd like to, if I could find the time and energy aside from everything else.

That sort of stuff has existed, but gotten lost over time as websites have been closed or been forgotten. 
total_newbie, yeah, I understand completely why the words "trigger" and "counter" would never have occured to you. I hate having a problem and the only barrier to me finding out how to fix it is that I don't know what it's called, so I have no idea what to google. like you can't learn unless you already know, so your only recourse is making vague hand motions and using words like "thingy."

(there's probably some academic education term for that kind of block, but I don't know what it's called. :P )

The trick to sussing out where a solution will be comes from an understanding of how targets and targetnames behave, and how entities handle them.

Each one is essentially a parameterless "ping." A button sends a ping. A door opens when it receives a ping. You want the door to appear to open only after receiving two pings - to count to two first - but doors only ever respond to single pings at a time. So, you need something in between that can count pings from other sources, and then send its own single ping to the door.

Every entity only really has domain over itself. Any interaction more complex than ping-respond is going to require some kind of flow chart of entities.

Of course, if you don't know that, it's like its own small barrier to finding out. You've got buttons and a door, and each one is a mess of poorly documented spawnflags and keyvalues, so you figured what you wanted was in there, and not some extra middle man entity that isn't visible in game. Everyone else here already knew that you wanted a trigger_counter, but more importantly, they knew that doors only offer complexity and options with regards to how they go up and down, and not when.

I'll plug the quake editing wiki before spirit does: 
Other handy shit you might already know so if you do no offense or nothin im just bein thorough:

- If you want to impose a delay between one entity firing its targets, and the targets receiving the message, use a "trigger_relay" in between. Use the 'delay' key.

- If you want something to trigger multiple entities, which already have different targetnames, use a "trigger_relay" for each target entity to map from one targetname to another. Give each relay the same targetname, so one entity can fire them all at once, then give a different target to each one individually.

- A trigger_once is just a trigger_multiple with 'wait' set to -1. Otherwise they're identical. (the spawn code for a trigger_once is literally two lines, "self.wait = -1; trigger_multiple();".)

- a "func_" entity is always visible and brush-based. "trigger_" entities unfortunately aren't so consistent - relay and counter are point entities (because they're activated by a 'ping' so you don't need to touch them), while all the other triggers are non-visible brush entities (because they're activated by touch). (in Quake2 they cleaned that up, and point entities that only served to manage firing targets were prefixed with "target_" instead.)

- You can target a monster at something and he'll fire it when he dies, but if one of them is a path_corner he'll start walking towards it when he spawns.

- Trigger_relays only pass along pings. If you happen to want a monster that does both of the above, you only have one 'target' label to work with. The trigger_relay trick works here, but only for the targets he fires on death. If you try to point a monster at a path_corner through a trigger_relay, he won't "see" the path_corner through the target network. That's one of the rare non-ping-based uses of targetnames.

- Anything that fires a 'target' can also have a 'killtarget' key. At whatever time it would send its 'ping' to its target, it will also find whatever entity has a matching targetname to 'killtarget' and remove it from existence. This is handy for breaking entity connections once the player has done something, because you can 'kill' a trigger_relay and stop the pings from getting through, or kill a trigger_multiple so it no longer fires anything when the player steps into it. An entity doesn't have to have a target to have a killtarget. 
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