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pardon? lol 
Mouse Acceleration 
Like in windows, if you are used to having it on, and it is switched off for what ever reason, you will get a similar thing to what you describe. Also, some games have ability to set it either from within the game or through cfg/ini files. Quake3 for example, quake2 aswell I think, ut2003, etc etc. Depending on your OS, but check in control panel under mouse.

Then again it may be something completely different. 
Quake Map Limits 
Hey guys. Not that I post here much any more, but ...

I'm making a Q1SP map. I'm at 1450 brushes, and RVis reports 2250 numportals. ... Does that seem normal, or are you experienced Q1 guys going "jesus christ, is he carving the whole thing?"

I'm also not done, so it's going to at least double in size, probably closer to triple really, so the end result will probably be something like 4000 brushes. Will the compilers shit all over me if I take it that far? 
Not that I am one to answer technical questions, but if you download the compile utilities from
I beleive they have all/most/some, quake limits raised, and would probably be a benifit to you. 
That Seems Perfectly Normal, Lun 
Real Nasty Quake Mod 
Just back in .AU but not set-up yet, during my off-line time I worked on a little Quake mod called "Real Nasty". Basically all the monsters must be gibbed on Nightmare Skill otherwise that will act like Zombies and return to life. Download link right here (its a long link):

BTW, I do not have a house with internet just yet, so email me feedback if you download the mod :] 
nice addition, reminds me the nightmare mode in doom...I had problems to reach e1m3 :) 
Yo And I Suck 
whats the command to disable auto-aim in Q1dm?

I've tried sv_aim "1", sv_aim "0" and random numbers but it still keeps auto aiming and its pissing me off pretty bad :)

I Don't Think.. 
there was such a thing.

I could be wrong.
sv_aim 0 to disable.

the closer to 1, the more the computer 'helps' you aim. 
This Link Totally Destroyed My Faith In Humanity For Ever 
Parents: Would you have your children abducted and flown to Jamaica for up to several years on end to be mentally and physically tortured into good behaviour?

Some would, which is bad. Worse still, some have.,11913,987172,00.html?=rss

And the dissenting opinion:

Some people can't tell the difference between kids and hood ornaments... 
That just makes me feel sick with anger. 
sounds pretty cool for a prison
but its against the law 
Ignore the firs line. Its not cool even for a youth prison.
Braking the personality of a child doesnt produce a good human, rather opposite - it could result in a sick person who possesses more threat to others than any rebell or hooligan 
geez, that place sounds like something out of 1984. The part that really freaked me out was where one of the former inmates was saying that the guards try to figure out what you're thinking all the time, and then they impose the thoughts of their system over that, and if they figure out you're thinking about something else then there's 'hell to pay'.

To me, it sounds much worse than a prison though. And I don't think anyone deserves to go there, whatever the end result is, although it sounds like you're left with a catatonic brainwashed kid who's scared to display emotion and has recurring nightmares about being forced to return for the rest of their life. Mind you, if anyone deserved to go there it would be the parents :P

I don't know if it could happen in the UK, it wouldn't surprise me a great deal i suppose; recently it seems like regular people here aren't much more difficult to brainwash than a lot of Americans. 
i always thought sv_aim 1 turned auto aiming off??

its what i use anyway. it works.. 
From Console Commands,


Type: Register

Default: 0.93

Range: 0.0 - 1.0

Description: The leniency value for player's aim adjustment.

Note: This variable controls how lenient the game is when it comes to the player's aim. The current setting allows a player to shoot a little off the target and still score a hit. This variable might be useful for single-player games but it is quite annoying
in multiplayer games. Most serv administrators set this variable to a value of 1 in order to remove the server's help when it comes to the player's aim. If you run a public server, make sure that you use this setting" 
Oh Yeah... Hehe 
sorry. :) 
would anyone be interested in a q1sp mod that makes monsters respawn?
i've been goofing around with it today, and it is pretty fun... makes even stock quake maps blindingly fast and difficult. 
Hasn't Somebody Already Done That? 
either way, sounds fun. Why not upload it? 

i'll probably still release it for qexpo, but i was hoping it was something original... :P 
Is hilarious.
-pees pants- 

This should be made into a real mod. 
make sure you release the mod at Qexpo.

It sounds like fun and i dont think anyone else has done it. 
You Bet! 

there's also a modification to dm, which keeps monsters there, so you can dm like in doom, with the respawning monsters... 
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