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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Try setting "developer 1" in the console and then load the map, you might get "Bonus item fell out of map". If that's the case the item position just needs to be tweaked - move further from walls and away from floor. I don't know the exact distances off hand 
Yea, you're right, the actual bounding of the ring seems to be a much larger affair than trench displays. 
Then the fgd file is incorrect. Can anyone tell me what the correct bounding box is? 
How Does One Set Up The Shub-telefrag? 
It's kind of crazy that I don't know this already... 
The artifacts are all 32 x 32 x some height, but some engines treat coplanarity with a wall as touching, and drop the item out of the world, and some don't. \o/ 
Just place a monster_oldone, and telefrag it. It does everything automatically.

Have an info_intermission pointed at it. 
The powerups have the same bounding boxes as all other items: 32x32x56. This means the smallest possible space they can spawn in is 40x40x64.

Shub telefrag needs a misc_teleporttrain as teleporter destination, a regular one will cause a crash. 
You might also want to check the vore's bbox. It's the same size as ogre, fiend and shambler, but some fgds have it wrong for some reason. 
Thanks, that's why my items kept disappearing, that's a huge difference from the size on the ring inside the editor.

I'll just make sure my items never spawns in small areas like that (this was a secret). 
Thanks Lun/ Neg 
Missing Entities Depending On Quake Client? 
Back on my gravelpit map once again.

After filling those damn voids, I've come yet to another problem while testing the map in both Quakespasm and Darkplaces.

Darkplaces loads the skybox while quakespasm doesn't. Darkplaces has a decreased decceleration and shaky viewmodels in the latest quoth release. But Quakespasm has 2 major problems:

The first one being there's been missing entities, as in 2 box of shells, one box of rockets, one box of nails, a quad damage and a rocket launcher (even though they show up nicely in darkplaces).
The second one is the most problematic: while approaching the last building of the map, the world suddenly makes brushes invisible, only shows the upcoming entities (not entity brushes) and mirrors the entire map far ahead.

What the hell's up with that? 
Thanks Neggers 
Vore was in fact incorrect, and some items were missing the bounding box. 
Tip For Hipshot 
Hipshot, if you set "developer 1" in console, you'll get a warning message when items fall out of your map. Other warning are emitted as well, it's a handy option while creating a map. 
The second one is the most problematic: while approaching the last building of the map, the world suddenly makes brushes invisible, only shows the upcoming entities (not entity brushes) and mirrors the entire map far ahead.

You have gone outsize of +/- 4096 game units. Darkplaces increased this limit, but Quakespasm uses the stock size. 
Well That Sucks 
Guess I have to make my map a Darkplaces exclusive for it to work properly.

But what about those missing items (if I get a workaround) and Darkplaces related problems? 
Should be possible to just "select all" in trenchbroom and re-center the map so it fits in bounds. The map looked easily small enough to fit :-) check the coordinates of brushes in the four corners of the map to get an idea of how much to shift it and which direction.

Items not appearing is probably the same problem hipshot was having - items need more space to spawn. Interesting that dp and qs have different behavior for that. 
radiant has a visible "edge" of the map in the 2d views, which made it easier to avoid this mistake. I guess in 3d it's hard to show this. TB2 will have 2d views, so this might be a nice feature to add. 
This means the smallest possible space they can spawn in is 40x40x64

oh? the padding is that much? 
Yes, 4 units on each side (same goes for monsters). Although, to be more correct, the minimum height is 60 as items can spawn on the floor. 
I tried to move the whole map at once, but not only did it made TB crash, but now the map is corrupted (it shows nothing and the console has this in red: "Malformed map file: expected token of type integer number, or decimal number, but found string at line 2629, column 65

All this work go to waste in an instant. 
Protip: Backups, autosaves, multiple versions. 
Yes, now we get to have a teaching moment about back ups and file revisions ... 
Well, what's at line 2629, column 65 in the map file? 
Silly Me 
I can just download a backup from my mediafire and refix the leaks.

But why in the hell did TB crashed when I was just trying to move everything and how can I center the map if there's no option for it? 
"( 1600 -1840 -0 ) ( 1600 -1840 176 ) ( 1552 -1840 -0 ) tech07_1 1.#QNAN 1.#QNAN 1.#QNAN 1.#QNAN 1.#QNAN" 
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