That Damn Min/Max Compilation Problem
#14210 posted by Daya on 2014/08/17 18:33:41
Hey everyone, I've been working on a quoth map on trenchbroom since last month and since yesterday I can't compile the fucker.
Now, before that error I could comple it fine, but I had to make some adjustments because not only was the lightning terrible (ambient shadows were fullbright, colored lightning were absolute pitch-black, sky lightnings produce misplaced shadows and lights as spotlight using mangle doesn't do shit. Also notice the sky lightning was the only light that was colored.)
I changed the general skylight with local lights located around open areas and those spotlights, I made them target a personal info_null entity while making "style = 4" to really be sure I'd get spotlights, and since then I get that dreadful "Inverted min/max" error while starting the map.
 Add Compilers And Engines Used
#14211 posted by Cocerello on 2014/08/17 18:46:32
 Here They Are
#14212 posted by Daya on 2014/08/17 18:53:39
Darkplaces latest build, Tyrutils as compilers (used BengtLightColouredR2 as light.exe recently for the colored lights, hoping for something better but no dice)
removing "light" from the worldspawn and see what that does. Recently seen a lot of people have trouble using a minimum light level, myself included. To be honest using a min light is generally frowned upon anyway.
 Still Doesn't Do It
#14214 posted by Daya on 2014/08/17 20:17:31
http://www.mediafire.com/download/jwq4cem33zg79pi/gravelwip.rar here's the map file with the wads included for those who want to try and fix this
#14215 posted by Spirit on 2014/08/17 21:04:42
I think that is a logic error, not something with light.
CALL3 450(setsize)setsize()
plats.qc : plat_spawn_inside_trigger
plats.qc : func_plat
backwards mins/maxs
Host_Error: Program error
Check your platform brushes.
#14216 posted by Spirit on 2014/08/17 21:06:18
Yes, I can load it just fine if I remove the func_plats.
#14217 posted by Daya on 2014/08/17 21:31:08
Fuck, it's always the platforms, they can't handle negatives.
 Composition In Level Design
#14218 posted by Matt on 2014/08/17 22:19:04
I haven't been posting here since like... 2001? No idea if someone remembers me. I'm MaTi, I did MATDMx or MATSPx ;) Anyway, I wrote an article about Composition in Level Design.
...aaaand the Gamasutra version:
 Fern Doesn't Want People To Use His Version
#14219 posted by SleepwalkR on 2014/08/17 22:24:27
Well, fuck that guy then. How can you not allow others to use your stuff when you yourself are using the work that others have made freely available for you? What an asshat.
 Well, More Exactly
#14220 posted by Cocerello on 2014/08/18 00:09:33
it says in the text file:
If you want the originals, please go to these sites:
http:// ......
Well, he is free to do what he wants with them. And also, there is at least a turtlemap by another author in Quaddicted that uses those textures, so maybe he changed his mind.
 Those Last Colors In The Palette...
#14221 posted by Hipshot on 2014/08/18 05:07:06
Hrm, any good way to remove those colors if they were used on a texture inside a wad.
I copy pasted an image from photoshop into TexMex, the result was good, but some pixels are fullbright, like a few scattered all over the place, but I can't manually sit down trying to find them.
Can I somehow select by palette in either TexMex or Wally perhaps, OR already inside photshop and then change a color to another palette id?
 I Found A Way...
#14222 posted by Hipshot on 2014/08/18 05:13:11
I edited the palette in photoshop, I just turned all the last colors pink, then the next time I did a index, it didn't choose the pink ones, cause they were to far away to match.
I assume it's the last 32 colors in the palette that is fullbright?
#14223 posted by ptoing on 2014/08/18 05:23:01
Yeah, last 32 are fullbright. I use 2 palettes when making textures. one with them in there and one without them. That way I have to be working on a texture where I know I need fullbright to have them there and nothing can sneak in.
Then again I am not using PS for doing Quake textures, but Cosmigo Promotion which is for index painting and pixel work.
 I Use Paintshop Pro!
From like 1997.
I also have 2 palettes :)
 Another Option
#14225 posted by Preach on 2014/08/18 11:45:40
You can also use QME for this kind of conversion:
It's a bit of an extra hassle to have to mock up a model with the correct texture size and import/export a skin. The advantage is you gain a bit more fine control - you can choose which rows of the quake palette the fullbrights are allowed to remap to. This makes it best for when the standard conversion is coming out a bit wonky - as a fallback for stranger textures.
 Massive Slowdowns On My Map
#14226 posted by Daya on 2014/08/18 17:32:35
So after getting rid of that compiling problem, another problem went back:
In Darkplaces, it is massive slowdowns with flashing polygons. In Quakespasm, it's just massive slowdowns.
How can this be? Is it because of the skybox that is too big or something else?
 Despite Deleting All The Brushes Except The Skybox
#14227 posted by Daya on 2014/08/19 01:22:24
The vis compiler still doesn't want to work.
I tried making just a floor with sky textures as walls and cieling with a light in the middle, it worked perfectly.
I just don't know anymore.
#14228 posted by ptoing on 2014/08/19 02:20:35
Maybe you could upload the .map file so other people can have a look?
 Sounds Like...
#14229 posted by quaketree on 2014/08/19 07:40:01
a leak somewhere. A quick way to check is to surround the entire level in a simple box (essentially what you did when it worked just fine). If the vis process starts then that's probably the culprit. Note you don't need or want to let the vis keep going, it's just a quick check. From there you need to get rid of the box surrounding the level and hunt down the leak. Often it's a micro-leak introduced from complex geometry.
There will be a .pts file generated by the BSP software that will point to the leak. Most editors (you didn't mention which one that you use) will load that up and tell you where the leak(s) are. You will probably have to copy the .pts file from the \map folder (where the mapname.bsp is) to wherever your work is being saved (where the mapname.map or mapname.rmf or whatever is) in order to use it.
 Editing ID Stock Textures?
#14230 posted by Hipshot on 2014/08/19 09:01:38
If I edit and/or incorporates iD stock textures to fit my needs in the level, is that considered ok? Like now, I need to put vines on a door, since Q1 doesn't feature any transparency, that means that I need to take the stock door and add the vines and make a new texture out of it.
I will redistribute the textures later on, however I will ofc say that some of them are modded id textures.
#14231 posted by metlslime on 2014/08/19 09:04:38
it's been done many times before, so i think it's fine, but of course, you can't really license your modified textures to other people in any official way. But they can pretty much use them in their own quake projects as they wish to.
 Since We Are Talking Legal Stuff
#14232 posted by Spirit on 2014/08/19 09:44:56
Please don't include nonsense like "don't put this map on a CD" in your readmes.
#14233 posted by Hipshot on 2014/08/19 09:55:41
Maybe it should add that cd-thing just because It's quake1... like it was back in the days.
#14234 posted by Spirit on 2014/08/19 10:10:30
I sometimes get requests to send people in third-world-internet countries a copy of the Quaddicted archives. Paragraphs like that disallow me from doing that which sounds against the intention of the author.