Thanks Preach
#14185 posted by necros on 2014/08/14 01:29:23
Did not know about the folder redirection. Very interesting and good to know.
 Another Program
#14186 posted by Cocerello on 2014/08/14 16:49:41
to the big list of those i use regularly that work badly on Windows xp sp3/vista/7/8. At least it hasn't gone to the also big list of those that i have to tweak to deactivate Windows unfounded complains (mainly at installing) or those that directly don't work at all.
Thanks a lot for the info, Preach, very instructive, and thanks to you i can now map a bit in this computer. Never suspected something like that happened, even though that now that i think it well, Windows 7 is full of occasions where it tries to restrict what you do. I hope that i won't be forced to switch to Windows 7 in a loooong time.
#14187 posted by mfx on 2014/08/14 23:19:59
How can this happen? Left side..
There is no misalignment, no duplicate whatsoever..
I tried to cut the concerning brush in 2, i�ve rebuild the brushwork(twice!!), i have put light sources all over the place and tweaked them.
Nothing helps, atm there is a light (300) right in front of it..
I�m gonna smash some smartphones now, can anybody explain me what is going on there in the meantime?
#14188 posted by DaZ on 2014/08/14 23:29:22
I'm sure i've seen some lighting artifacts like that caused by coloured lighting in maps. Didn't someone have problems like this with a jam 2 map entry?
Can't be any more specific, sorry.
 No .lit File Btw
#14189 posted by mfx on 2014/08/14 23:33:40
 Could Be The Floating-point Issue Again
#14190 posted by ericw on 2014/08/14 23:51:50
where the light tool and engine calculate different sizes for that face's lightmap.
are you by chance compiling with OS X compile utils? maybe try a different 'light' util if possible?
 Light Map
#14191 posted by ijed on 2014/08/14 23:52:13
It never gets bigger, no matter how big your map is. Meaning resolution is lost and these types of errors begin creeping in.
You'd have to rebuild the area as different shapes; it seems angular ones, especially 45 degree ones, are very good for provoking this issue.
I can suggest two possible fixes.
Use -extra4 this might reduce the black bleeding onto what should be a lit brush. Probably a waste of time.
Make that particular surface a func_wall and give it _minlight 100 (using Tyrann's tools) so it is forced to be lit to a minimum level, but any light from the level that should affect it still will.
Maybe a third option would be an external bsp meaning you'd copy the lights over to a small piece of map which would effectively have it's own light map included, then spawn it through qc. But that's probably a lot of pissing about and I don't think .lit is supported if you'd want to use it on that piece later.
#14192 posted by ijed on 2014/08/14 23:53:43
EricW's post is based on fact, mine on trial and error and guesswork XD
#14193 posted by ericw on 2014/08/15 00:01:12
well, ijed, you might be lightmap king of Q1 going by most lightmaps in a bsp ;-)
mfx, I can have a peek at it if you want, i'm still on the telefragged dropbox folder; just let me know where to look.
 Tyrlight Is My Choice
#14194 posted by mfx on 2014/08/15 00:05:47
i cannot be asked to change all the light values again. There�s roughly 3000 lights in the map. I even got rid of colored lights, its a shame:( Compiling it on OSX doesn�t help either.
So, a func wall with _minlight is my only option there it seems.
The map is done, you all know i�m polishing a bit:) And such things come creeping by everyday. Like doors won�t react to triggers anymore, obscure mid air clipping and all that jazz..
Its pure joy!
 Mm, Sounds Painful :-(
#14195 posted by ericw on 2014/08/15 00:11:27
what I meant to say was, if you've been compiling with an OS X build of tyrlight, to try using the windows version instead; there's a chance the mac one could cause issues like this. I sent a patch to tyrann which should make the mac one totally safe to use, but it's not in the current 0.15 version.
 Undiscovered Territory
#14196 posted by ijed on 2014/08/15 00:17:32
You've come across a much greater variety of weird errors than myself building at this scale.
Be sure to upload the map as well as the bsp for the test pack version - maybe there is a quick fix somewhere.
#14197 posted by quaketree on 2014/08/15 13:42:36
Hit that same wall. It's a Tyrelite thing. I think that _sunlight triggers it for whatever reason.
 Duplicates Duplicates Duplicates
#14198 posted by total_newbie on 2014/08/16 16:11:26
Using TrenchBroom 1.2 on Linux and for some reason I keep finding duplicate brushes in my map -- I would e.g. move a brush and then notice there's an exact copy (sometimes two or even three!) of the brush sitting underneath, which I did not deliberately create (I never use Ctrl+D).
Does anyone have any idea why this keeps happening? Has anyone had the same problem? Am I doing something wrong?
And is there any way of tracking down duplicates, short of moving and checking every single brush by hand? I was sort of hoping I could Ctrl+A the whole map and then just move it a few units to the side, but that of course selects the duplicates and triplicates too, thus solving nothing. I've got well over 3000 brushes so far, so checking each one manually would drive me insane. I mean more so.
#14199 posted by SleepwalkR on 2014/08/16 16:43:55
It must be something that you're doing because it's the first I'm hearing of this.
That happened to me a bunch of times but I always assumed I doubled the action by accident.
 Are You
#14201 posted by ijed on 2014/08/16 17:30:44
Pressing control while trying to move something?
You can easily create a duplicate in the same place if you try to move something when the axis is locked.
 Thanks For The Responses, SleepwalkR, Otp And Ijed
#14202 posted by total_newbie on 2014/08/16 21:45:43
ijed, I guess that's possible. I often Cntrl + click a few brushes in a row to select them together, and then move the entire selection. Hmm, I guess being new and inexperienced I'm just still very clumsy at mapping, but it does seem overly easy to create duplicates unintentionally in TB (seeing as it has happened to otp and mfx as well).
Any suggestions on how to track down duplicates & triplicates? Or does one just have to do it the hard way (manually, one by one)?
 In Theory
#14203 posted by ijed on 2014/08/16 21:48:37
They won't cause any problems since they are a duplicate - there won't be a visible error.
It will increase your bsp compile time marginally.
I come across this problem a fair bit as well.
#14204 posted by mfx on 2014/08/16 21:53:12
They only get in the way when you need to retouch the texturing right?, else those duplicates are harmless as the guy above said..
 Duplicates, Cont.
#14205 posted by total_newbie on 2014/08/16 23:20:31
Good to know it's not a serious problem, but that adds yet another mapper (ijed) who's had the same experience ... so maybe that qualifies as a TB usability issue then? SleepwalkR, maybe it is something you could tweak in TB2? Should I post this in the TB thread or the github issue tracker -- or is it rather a non-issue? Don't want to seem as if I'm finding fault for no good reason...
mfx: Yes, a few times in the past they caused problems with textures, which was how I first noticed that I had duplicates (thanks to the tip you gave me in this thread a few weeks ago -- thanks again for that).
I wonder if there's a way of adding some feature to TB that is able to match up duplicate brush info and delete one of the entries? After all a .map file is simply text and you could do a simple "find and replace" using notepad anyway.
I'm no coder and I haven't experienced this duplicating bug. There's been instances when using the clip tool that it wont split the face properly and it just duplicates the brush instead, is this what you guys are experiencing?
 Check This Out
#14207 posted by mfx on 2014/08/17 00:48:32
WARNING: Too many light styles on a face
lightmap point near (-4156 -1780 -117)
WARNING: Too many light styles on a face
lightmap point near (-4156 -1780 -117)
Look at the coordinates.
I have stripped all lightstyles , still getting this warning :( And the bad lightmap.
I think i just leave it like this for now.
#14208 posted by SleepwalkR on 2014/08/17 01:03:06
The plot thickens. It's very likely that the duplicates are a result of misinterpreted ctrl+drag operations. I'll fix that for TB2.
 Mr. Clean Textures
#14209 posted by Cocerello on 2014/08/17 14:32:04
I am searching for this guys excellent texture packs for Quake 2 and 3, beginning with the originals of those that Fern modified for his map Return to Dust (Fern doesn't want people to use his version), which got the Quake2 versions in here and also found this ones for Quake1.
So the question is, have i missed other Quake 1 versions of his textures or have i to rip the rest from his maps and convert what i have for Quake1?
If there is a Quake 1 version already is better, i don't mind learning to do that, but they would have been better converted to Quake 1 palette than what i would have done myself.