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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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* Ijed, the problem isn't to input the comands, is that Hammer/WC don't use them when you input them, at least those like -extra4 or -gate, for example, but uses them if they are -windowed -game xxx or -width xxx -height xxx or something similar.

A bat file can be a solution, i know how to make them, but what comands do i need to write into them? Just execute nomapversion.exe, light.exe, qbsp.exe, vis.exe in order one by one and relate them to an origin (.map) and a destination (.bsp, .pts, .lit)?

* FifthElephant, i have that one already, but thanks anyway. That is the version i was talking about that i can't use, i need one OLDER. 
Could Try Pm Necros Instead? 
maybe he has an older version on hand? 
Here's one:

Just edit it and replace with your map name and add/remove whatever other controls you need like -extra4 etc. 

no guarantee if it works or not. probably lots of bugs too. :\

how come you can't install .net 4? 
Thank You 
Ijed and necros. Will test them with the jam right now.

* Necros, i can't install it because it needs xp SP3 and i think that it has more disadvantages than advantages for me.
Apart from that, the internet conection i use this last months goes down on random, sometimes just after one minute, sometimes it last an hour, not that i can protest, as it is free. In those circumstances, downloading something as big as a NET. framework is imposible, even more a SP. 
I used Ijed's .bat for compiling my jam2 map and it looks like this. What i could do wrong to get that? 
Bad light map. Did you replace all the bits that said YOURMAP? It should be one to create the bsp, one to vis it and one to light - I think the last one you missed. 
Lit File Is Outdated? 
No, i substituted them all, and i saw light.exe running in the compiling window. Surprisingly, i cannot see light.exe now on Worldcraft's GUI when compiling, maybe i deleted something ...

By the way, i had to delete from the .bat -transwater -oldaxis -lit, for it to work. Told me that it couldn't recognize those parameters.

* Could you explain that outdated part, Mfx? 
Only Happens To Me 
What compilers are you using?

Switch to Tyrann's! 
Could you explain that outdated part

when you compile a map with coloured light, you get two files; the .bsp which has black and white lighting and a .lit file which has extra data that the engine uses to add colours. if the .lit file is from an older compile, it can make the map look weird in game because data is mismatched between the new .bsp and the old .lit. 
Cocerello What? 
I've got Radiant 1.6 working with Quake (thanks Eric), I've got Necros his compiler thingie working and I can make and compile maps. Woot Woot!

Now, I want to make me some Quake stuff. However, I've never done SP before. Are there some unwritten rules for Quake SP design? Any tips? Feel free to share. 
1. Always put a secret under a lift. 
Necros, thanks for the link, i'll try it as soon as possible.

if the .lit file is from an older compile, it can make the map look weird in game because data is mismatched between the new .bsp and the old .lit.

Yes, that was the issue. The map looks OK if i delete the .lit file. Now to see how to make it uses .lit files like it did with WC GUI, as the parameter -lit gave errors with the .bat file.

* Ijed, i checked, all the compiling utils i use are those from Bengt Jardrup and MH(txqbsp, vis and light).

* SpronyvanJhonson.

1. Obey me.

For the written ones, here.

Read Shambler's thoughts on Q1SP design from long ago:

part 1 part 2 
Qbsp Error: 
NewWinding: 65 points


This follows after multiple healing point off plane warnings. 
does your qbsp version support the epsilon switch? If so, fiddle with it:) 
Thanks Guys! 
Very useful feedback indeed! 
should have mentioned that's with aguirre's txqbsp.
tried with -epsilon 0.01 but still getting that error. 
slowly raising helped me in many cases. But surely it depends:) 
Found This By Accident 
Can be interesting to look at, lots of things can be used for Quake1 mapping too. 
Textures For Mapping 
Modified HL development textures. I find them useful for texturing curves and odd shapes. Uses full bright so you don't have to light anything.


"Textures For Mapping With Trenchbroom" 
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