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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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yes rewrite it 
Gtkradiant Help 
i now have problems compiling a map to make the aas through the bsp option in gtkradiant and i cant add bots to my maps help anyone? 
What Is 'aas'? 
And to put but's in you just need the mod, then you can put bots into any map with DM starts. You don't add the 'bots' like you would add the enemies from the singleplayer game... 
He's asking about Quake3, not Quake 1.

bennett: you need to use bspc, the .exe for it is included in the directory where you installed Radiant. Last I knew GTKR doesn't have a nice front end for this tool so you'll need to use the command prompt in Windows (or whatever else is equivalent in Mac/Linux). It's reasonably simple though, you just want to do:

bspc -bsp2aas c:\quake3\baseq3\maps\mymap?.bsp

(or whatever directory your quake3 and the .bsp are in)

The full manual and instructions for bspc are here 
thank you for the quick response! ill give it shot thank you again Scampie! 
it says its not a recognizable program or action, how do i open the command prompt from the bspc or in the folder? 
ok, so the command prompt

In Windows, it's in Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt. Or you can do Start -> Run -> type in 'cmd'

In the command prompt, you want to change directory to the directory where bspc is, so for example if gtkradiant is in c:\gtkradiant\

cd \gtkradiant

then type what I said in the above answer.

bspc -bsp2aas c:\quake3\baseq3\maps\mymap?.bsp

this runs the program, and lets you also start it with command line options (like '-bsp2aas')

If you need more help with using the Command Prompt, go here 
i tried that and i got system path cannot be specified and filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect. ive been learning ths program for 4 nights straight and has ate my time up thats why i need help, thank you for your continued help kind sir 
also quake and gtkradiant are saved on a flash drive under E:\ 
On A Flash Drive Under E:\ 
In CMD it's always assumed that you are starting in C\. So first type in CD E, then do what scampie said. 
it's e:

you type e: 
If it's Windows 7 you can just navigate to the folder in Explorer and shift+right click in an empty spot (not on a file) in the right side pane. One of the options on shift+right click is "Open command window here". 
It's E: 
Bah. I haven't used it in over a decade. I was thinking of MSDOS when it was a "\" instead of the newer sytax (XP and beyond) when it changed to a ":". 
I really should clean this keyboard, the N keeps sticking. 
Getting Closer 
now it says opened log bspc.log no files found 
ok now the in program gtkradiant aas conversion worked, how do i make the bots do something after they teleport to another room? and thank you all for your help 
do you guys know how to make a open map "outside" i want to replicate q3dm17 and be able to kill whoever jumps/goes "off" the map 
those maps are not really outside. they just have the entire main structure floating inside a box with the sky texture on it, then they put a trigger_hurt (or the q3 equivalent) with a super high damage on it above the bottom of the box. 
What Necos Said 
as best as I remember, without going and looking at a map, you also need a trigger to play the Player death scream sound and another to remove the weapon they drop. 
Open The Editor 
And do it. Come back when you have more solid ideas about what you want to achieve.

If you try to build on the idea too much before putting brushes together you'll get frustrated once you get to that stage.

<smiley face> 
Wtf Light 
I have a weird lighting issue in my jam map in a single corner... it's a dark shadow along a seam that only occurs when the map is vis'd. If the map is unvis'd, the seam doesn't show.

Any ideas how to clean this up so there is no seam? The light from that light fixture is a upward spotlight, delay 3, and a small delay 2 light. Using the latest tyrlite. All my other corners set up exactly the same don't have this issue :_( 
Try moving the lights extremely slightly. Or if you're using trenchbroom try using snap to grid on the geometry. :P

Tinkering a bit tends to work out for me. I get loads of weird lighting bugs all the time 
Light After Vis 
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