And Thanks Very Much For The Map File, FifthElephant.
#14060 posted by total_newbie on 2014/07/08 17:39:54
Bizarrely, though, I cannot open it with TrenchBroom (although I can open it in a text editor).
 Oh Wait, No, I Can.
#14061 posted by total_newbie on 2014/07/08 17:41:51
It's just empty, right?
Sorry; with every consecutive post I must seem like more of an idiot.
 Shouldn't Be Empty
It's a simple box room.
 Quadruple Derp
#14063 posted by total_newbie on 2014/07/08 17:50:03
Oh, right. Just needed to rotate the camera almost completely. Yes, it's all there.
Well, as I said, with every consecutive post I must seem like more of an idiot.
it's probably because of where the geometry is. I can't leave what I was working on there, probably going to do something special for the next jam.
 Another TrenchBroom/mapping Question
#14065 posted by total_newbie on 2014/07/09 20:29:42
Not sure if it should go here or in the TrenchBroom thread ...
Is it possible to flip a brush/selection of brushes in TB so as to get an exact mirror image of it?
I know you can turn it around using alt + the arrow/PgUP/PgDn keys, but I guess all of that just turns the brush/selection in different directions as if it were a real 3D object. Or maybe I'm missing something and there's some magic sequence of twists and turns that produces a mirror image?
 Try Ctrl + F
That flips it... is that what you mean?
#14067 posted by ijed on 2014/07/09 21:59:07
ALT CTRL F flips it vertically.
#14068 posted by total_newbie on 2014/07/09 22:12:38
That is exactly what I mean. You both rock! :)
 Necros Compiling GUI
When using this, even though folder preferences are in order and the tools are actually there, I get this error:
'D:\Files\Design\Quake' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Press any key to continue.
What gives?
#14070 posted by Joel B on 2014/07/11 17:26:04
I haven't used that tool but I'd guess you're trying to use a path that has a space in it, and the tool is cantankerous about that.
Possible solutions if so:
- Rename the folders in the path to remove spaces.
- Put double-quotes around the path in the place where you enter it in the tool; or if the tool uses a config file and saves the path there, try editing that to add the quotes.
- Use DOS-style shortnames in the path.
You can use "dir -x" in a command prompt to see shortnames.
#14071 posted by Joel B on 2014/07/11 17:26:51
Oops sorry that would be "dir /x".
#14072 posted by Lunaran on 2014/07/11 20:11:42
what could possibly be outside this folder
#14073 posted by Joel B on 2014/07/11 20:15:52
#14074 posted by Joel B on 2014/07/11 20:17:21
#14075 posted by Joel B on 2014/07/11 20:18:00
#14076 posted by Lunaran on 2014/07/11 20:26:09
it's like when a website url contains /site/
 Johnny Law
Thanks man. It was a space. Didn't know the tool wouldn't except that.
@lunaran, yeah man I know. It was either this or misc :)
#14078 posted by Joel B on 2014/07/11 22:04:15
SvJ, cool!
Lunaran: I'm wondering how deep you're rolling here, since my own website has URLs that contain "site". :-) In my case it's an artifact of using "GitHub pages" hosting and a site that is generated from templates, so that I have both site_src and site (output) trees in the repo. So, ha!
#14079 posted by necros on 2014/07/12 01:36:35
Glad you got it figured out!
I should have just placed all paths within quotations. :(
Actually, I should redo that thing in a real programming language. >_>
#14080 posted by negke on 2014/07/12 09:58:10
You shoud redo the Quake Injector in a real programming language!
#14081 posted by Spike on 2014/07/12 14:15:08
Aye, rewrite it in QC.
 Rewrite It
#14082 posted by Orl on 2014/07/12 18:51:53
In Binary.
#14083 posted by Lunaran on 2014/07/12 18:58:06
What's it written in now?
cuz if it's in python we gonna fight
#14084 posted by Joel B on 2014/07/12 21:11:13
java java bo bava