#14035 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/07/07 18:58:38
I don't think there is a limit. The limits exist in the resulting BSP file.
#14036 posted by ijed on 2014/07/07 19:25:32
The standard bsp format is bsp29.
There's a newer one called BSP2 which needs support from compilers like Tyrann's: http://www.disenchant.net/
Where you need the -bsp2 switch to make it compile.
There is a size limit on how far away from the world 0,0 you can get - if the player leaves this volume in game then strange things happen. Can't remember the distance.
Finally, the most difficult limit to overcome is your own sanity. Slaving away on a gigantic BSP2 monstrosity is not for the faint hearted and can quickly suck the fun out of mapping if you let it.
 4096 ^3
#14037 posted by - on 2014/07/07 20:18:27
 My Monday Posts Suck
#14038 posted by ijed on 2014/07/07 20:24:06
To clarify:
There's are various limits to what can be compiled into a working bsp that you can play. Most of these are based on the hardware that was available in 1996. Things like how many entities and so on.
These limits, all apart from the +/-4096, can be removed if you use the BSP2 format.
For a beginner though, you really want to avoid that - keep it small and fun to start with.
 Sanity ... Yeah.
#14039 posted by total_newbie on 2014/07/07 22:18:16
Thanks for the info, ijed and Scampie. Does that mean anything with +4096 or -4096 as at least one of its x/y/z coordinates is too far away? (I assume it does not mean that 68 719 476 736 is the maximum distance.)
I did start with something that was very tiny, but it was pointless to play. Now I'm trying to create something that would be reasonably enjoyable to play while looking fairly decent -- so not trying to make the next ne_ruins or something_wicked, but hopefully something not completely broken and somewhat better looking than beach1 or rohling. It just seems to have taken on a life -- and scale -- of its own...
#14040 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/07/07 22:21:00
Though AFAIK you can go over if you've got a the right editor/compiler. Which compilers allow you to go outside of that space?
 Well, Tyrann's At Least
#14041 posted by ijed on 2014/07/07 22:29:32
And I think most other modern compilers will build the brushes as well.
But the engine doesn't allow you to move around outside of it, instead you get lots of HOM and weird shit.
I've got various vistas and stuff outside the playable area of my current map, but the player never goes there.
4096 from the 0 position (centre of the world) in any direction, up down, left rright, backwards, forwards.
 Enemies Spawn Alert
is there any way to do this on vanilla quake?
 Target Them
Vores are transethnic otherkin.
#14045 posted by total_newbie on 2014/07/08 14:08:08
Sorry to have to ask this here as I'm sure this is basic knowledge for everyone else, but I can't seem to get sunlight figured out.
From what I've read, I gather I have to add certain properties and values to anything with the classname "worldspawn", which would then make the skybox textures in the map project light -- but so far I haven't been able to get it to work. Possibly I'm leaving important stuff out or using the wrong properties and/or values.
Would someone be so kind as to give me a list of all properties and values to add to worldspawn to get this to work in TrenchBroom? I realise there is a lot one can change and customise and that there is no definitive way of doing this -- but I would like some sort of starting point, where I have at least some sunlight in the map, and can then start toying with the angle, brightness, colour, etc.
I believe you add the key _sunlight to the worldspawn.
"_sunlight" "n"
Set the brightness of the sunlight coming from an unseen sun in
the sky. Sky brushes (or more accurately bsp leafs with sky
contents) will emit sunlight at an angle specified by the
"_sun_mangle" key. Default 0.
"_sun_mangle" "x y z"
Specifies the direction of sunlight using yaw(x), pitch(y) and
roll(z) in degrees. Yaw specifies the angle around the Z-axis
from 0 to 359 degrees and pitch specifies the angle from 90
(straight up) to -90 (straight down). Roll has no effect, so use
any value (e.g. 0). Default is straight down ("0 -90 0").
"_sunlight_color" "r g b"
Specify red(r), green(g) and blue(b) components for the colour
of the sunlight. RGB component values are between 0 and 255.
Default is white light ("255 255 255").
 For Example
_sun_mangle 128 -64 0
_sunlight 100
_sunlight_color 64 192 255
This should make a blue sun light come down
 No Luck
#14048 posted by total_newbie on 2014/07/08 15:22:49
Thanks very much, FifthElephant, but for some reason that still isn't working. Odd. I have no trouble getting light to work when placing light entities in my map, but sunlight does absolutely nothing -- it just looks like an unlit map.
I must be doing something wrong.
On an only marginally related note, can someone explain to me what this means?:
WARNING: CutNodePortals_r:new portal was clipped away
#14049 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/07/08 15:24:40
Are you using a light tool that supports sunlight? What light tool are you using?
 I Think So...
#14050 posted by total_newbie on 2014/07/08 15:31:01
It's LordHavoc's hmap2, which is a compiler with built-in light and vis functions.
#14051 posted by anonymous user on 2014/07/08 15:35:45
But maybe it does things differently from other light tools? I just had another look at the readme, and this is what it says about light:
usage: hmap2 -light [options] bspfile
Compiles lighting data in a .bsp and also makes .lit colored lighting data
Quick usage notes for entities: (place these in key/value pairs)
wait - falloff rate: 1.0 default, 0.5 = double radius, 2 = half radius
_color - red green blue, specifies color of light, example 1 0.6 0.3 is orange
_lightradius - forces light to be this radius (useful with 1/ types)
delay - light type: (x = distance of surface from light, r = radius)
0: 1-(x/r) fast, quake lighting, the default, tyrlite compatible
1: 1/(x) slow, tyrlite compatible
2: 1/(x*x) slow, realistic, tyrlite compatible
3: 1 fast, no fade, useful for sky lights, tyrlite compatible
4: sun slow, directional sunlight, uses target direction like spotlights
5: 1-x/r*x/r fast, looks like darkplaces/tenebrae lights
What the options do:
-extra antialiased lighting, takes much longer, higher quality
-extra4x4 antialiased lighting, even slower and better than -extra
-extra8x8 antialiased lighting, even slower and better than -extra4x4
-nolightvis disables use of visibility data to optimize lighting
-relight make a .lit file for an existing .bsp without modifying the .bsp
-harshshade harsh shading rather than the normal soft shading
Options from here on are incompatible with darkplaces realtime lighting mode
(it does not know if these options are used, and will require manual rtlights
editing to look good)
-intensity scales brightness of all lights
-radiusscale scales size of all lights (including 1/ types)
-defaulttype <number> sets default light type by number, see delay above
-overridetypes forces all lights to use the -defaulttype setting
-minlight raises darkest areas of the map to this light level (0-255)
-ambientlight raises all of the map by this light level (0-255)
So maybe it ignores the settings of the .map file and requires one to set sunlight via the command line?
Or is all of that stuff jut about coloured lighting?
I use tyranns light tools combined with necros compiling gui. I can't really see a reason to use anything else.
 Ok, I Tried It With TyrUtils
#14053 posted by total_newbie on 2014/07/08 16:33:16
which I finally figured out. So I recompiled using qbsp and then I ran light, like this: ./light mapname
Once again, all my light entities work, but there's no sunlight in the map (despite my using the exact values from post 14047), and areas where I put no light entities yet are surrounded by sky brushes, are pitch black.
What am I doing wrong?
 Question For Trenchbroom Users (especially 5th)
#14054 posted by Breezeep_ on 2014/07/08 16:42:49
What version of trenchbroom are you using? For me, snap to grid just reduces the grid size to pixel size.
 The Whole Skybrush Has To Be Textured With Sky Texture
#14055 posted by mfx on 2014/07/08 16:43:57
not just one face?
#14056 posted by total_newbie on 2014/07/08 16:49:47
That is the case; the entire brush is textured with sky texture.
if you're on windows then best just using this tool -
Here's a mapfile I made which has the sunlight set up. As long as you're using tyranns tools it should work right -
 So How Are You Editing The Worldspawn, Total_newbie?
#14058 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/07/08 16:53:21
In Worldcraft you just go Edit -> Map properies, then use the UI to change the values.
Check your .map file.
Here are the first few lines from my honey map jam map (with an example of sunlight):
"classname" "worldspawn"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"message" "Yellow Brick Grotto"
"_sunlight" "123"
"gravity" "800"
"sounds" "5"
"light" "12"
"_sunmangle" "40 -45 0"
"_sun_mangle" "45 -45 0"
"fog" "0.03 0.025 0.055 0.14"
"mapversion" "220"
"wad" "\program files\worldcraft\textures\skip.hlwad;\program files\worldcraft\textures\honey.hlwad"
( 496 0 -512 ) ( 368 0 -512 ) ( 304 -32 -512 ) CITY2_3 [ 1 0.......
Incidentally, I don't know why the worldspawn is declared twice, it just IS. Anyone? Is this an error?
Either way, if you .map file looks like that in your text editor, then something else is going on. If not, try making it like the above...
 It's Working!
#14059 posted by total_newbie on 2014/07/08 17:36:05
I checked my map file as you suggested, and it turns out I had made a mistake with the _sun_mangle values. Fixed it, and now sunlight finally works.
Thank you so much, FifthElephant and RickyT23!
In response to your question, RickyT23: in TrenchBroom, when you select a brush you can add and edit properties. By default if it is a regular, non-func brush, it only lists classname, spawnflag and wad (if it's textured). Everything else (e.g. "_sunlight") you can then add manually (if you know what it is called).
worldspawn is listed only once in my map file, by the way.
Re: 14057: Thanks, Fifth, but I am on Linux.
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