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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff
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The most effective way to achieve an animated grain look would be to blend an animated texture over the framebuffer; this way, the kernels would still be static, and kennel alignment would be preserved.

But of course, this would slow down the rendering some more. 
Autocorrect Fail 
"i should post a screenshot. first im gonna do some touch ups"

repeat ad infinitum

ill try and break the cycle in the next few hours... 
Don't be shy.

This screenshots thread is for unfinished stuff. To get feedback about unfinished stuff, there's no need to finish it. 
I conquered a massive design block the other day so my confidence has gone up quite a bit.

I think i bit off more than i can chew in regards to scale. Ive only two out of five areas done and im already 5k units in size...i thought my whole map was gonna be this big..

itll be a bit before i get some compiled shots.

AD mod, of course. Necrokeep inspired, if ya couldnt tell...:P 
That looks fantastic man, nothing to be self-conscious about!

The front facade looks great, if you are looking for criticism perhaps add some background brushes past the rock wall so it doesn't just cut to skybox.

Look forward to more of your progress! 
Really good looking, interested to see how you're going to use those wide-open areas, a lots of flying monsters I assume* (If I can see correctly, there is one soulless placed already). 
Looks awesome pal, keep it going! :) 
Thanks everyone!

@bloughsburgh exactly whats in store once the main bits are nailed down. the rockwall will get some hefty vertex manipulation as well. trenchbroom has given me a lot more confidence in my brushwork with the clipping tool and vertex manipulation. all my prior experience was in hammer, and as great as it is, I always felts weighed down in some ways. I imagine it was that I was trying to map for Counter Strike and it requires too much "realism". Every room had to have a purpose and a rhyme and reason. Quake has been a breath of fresh air to map for.

A big thanks to the Sock and the AD development team for all the fun stuff to play with! Also, sleepwalkr for Trenchbroom! 
Looks well nice, apart from that rock texture. Good stuff. 
Looking great btw, try changing the rock texture as shambler already said.
Go map! 
That Looks Amazing MFX 
Also really digging your screenshots, mukor! 
God Damnmit MFX 
Stop being so good at quake mapping 
How To Stop 
a derailed train? 
Another One 
Just Nuts 
You really are hyping up something incredible here man! 
You're A Wizard, MFX. 
Thanks everyone. Im looking to get this finished up by new years so i can utilize some free time next year for my next offering.

The rockwall was a placeholder so i didnt pay it much attention. Now that its been pointed out, that texture is horrible as it tiles way too much.

MFX: cant wait for the it for AD 1.5? 
Not Dead Yet (insert Zombie Noises Here...) 
Are editor shots the new normal? Should Tronyn release further maps or just fuck off? Will Trump or Hillary win the election?

I'm mainly just trying to demonstrate that I'm not dead yet. The "final Drake" may resurface yet, with the help of God (or Satan, if you're one of those who hates my maps). 
Damn Tronyn! 
Looks gothic AF, love it! 
That Looks Very Nice! 
I hope to see more new maps from you soon 
Looks Cool! 
Excited to see another map from you Tronyn! 
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