 Texture Lock?
#13960 posted by Lunaran on 2014/07/02 23:57:55
Like how you'll eventually wind up with textures offset by 1 after dragging them all over the place? I thought that was a Radiant/QE3 specific bug.
#13961 posted by - on 2014/07/03 00:12:25
Radiant can do some weird stuff when texturelock is on, and can do weird stuff with entity angle keys. Getting scientific notation for something rotated 90 degrees is o_O
Otherwise, texturelock is perfectly fine, especially when copying things around. What you DON'T want is to make a brush, then turn on texturelock, and rotate the brush to get a rotated texture. Make the brush with a known slope, and you can just use arctan to figure out the rotation. I have planks in my jam map that are at a 1/8 slope, so that's a 0.125 slope, arctan(0.125) = 7.125 degrees.
 Re: Know That You Can Overlap Brushes
#13962 posted by total_newbie on 2014/07/03 00:22:02
Thanks, RickyT23. I was actually wondering about that too.
I recently looked at the sources of apdm3 and bbelief2008 and brushes sometimes overlap in both those maps ... so I started to suspect that I was wasting my time cutting things and making sure they line up perfectly.
Make the brush with a known slope, and you can just use arctan to figure out the rotation. I have planks in my jam map that are at a 1/8 slope, so that's a 0.125 slope, arctan(0.125) = 7.125 degrees.
This would have been very useful in the past two weeks.
#13964 posted by Rick on 2014/07/03 02:40:16
I wanted a window with a beveled frame at a 45 degree angle, but I couldn't figure out how to make it from scratch (Radiant wouldn't let me move the vertexes the way I needed), so I built it on axis, then rotated and scaled it to get the final result.
(image has been lightened a bit from the original .tga)
 God I Want To Play That Map.
#13965 posted by Drew on 2014/07/03 02:56:40
#13966 posted by Rick on 2014/07/03 03:27:48
I worked on it a bit today, first time in months. There is one area where if the player falls in the water, they can't get out.
I stared at that room for about an hour without coming up with a fix that didn't look stupid and fit in with the rest of the area.
I have a few hundred marksurfaces left to play with, I guess I'm going to have to spend them on that room.
 Make It Lava!
#13967 posted by ijed on 2014/07/03 03:29:22
#13968 posted by Rick on 2014/07/03 04:07:47
in the original Well of Wishes it was slime. Only now the player has to go into it to reach a previously hidden area, but until the area opens there's no way out if they fall in.
#13969 posted by Lunaran on 2014/07/03 04:45:10
You're remaking wishes.bsp?
I love you. That map was a huge influence on LunSP1.
#13970 posted by Rick on 2014/07/03 05:11:07
Thanks for the compliment.
I started in 2007 just wanting to fix the flaws in the original, then it evolved into a sort of quest to see how close I could get to the normal Quake engine limits without breaking any. I haven't worked on it continuously, there were years when I didn't touch it at all.
It now only bears a vague resemblance to the original. I think you could probably fit the entire original map into the open area in the center.
Anybody that's interested, at quaketastic.com there's more screenshots. They all have Wish or Wish13 in the name. Some are of things that have now been changed though.
It really is pretty close to being finished.
#13971 posted by Cocerello on 2014/07/03 11:13:20
Probably something to do with spawning onto a box of shells with negative ammo
With a normal ammo box ...
Why isn't it working for me only when i use the restart command when i am placing the info_player_start above the ammo box?
I have no idea coce... I just trawled through preach's website to see if I could find the trick but no luck.
I know it's something to do with spawning on top of an ammo box (or maybe a backpack?!) with a negative key.
 I've Fucking Linked To It.
#13974 posted by total_newbie on 2014/07/03 12:01:19
Yeah, I meant to say earlier: thanks very much for that link, OTP.
 No Probs
 Negative Everything
#13976 posted by total_newbie on 2014/07/03 12:05:01
Cocerello, Fifth, it's post 13950. Here it is again.
 No, No
#13977 posted by Cocerello on 2014/07/03 12:10:46
I was talking about placing a completely normal ammo box with no modifications in to increase the ammo of the player.
The question is Why the ammo box dissapear when i begin playing the map with the restart command instead of writing again map xxx?
And yes, i have read Onetruepurple's link, very interesting indeed, but this is a different issue.
#13978 posted by Preach on 2014/07/03 12:19:17
It's a well known issue in Quake, although I've never got exactly to the bottom of the sequence of events in the engine. The basic problem is that when you restart the map, the player entity is added at a different point in the startup sequence than when you load the map normally. It's all done with a bunch of behind the scenes console commands and messages.
I think that what happens is that in the normal case, the player is not added to the world until all the items have dropped to the floor, so everything works fine. In the restart case, because the client is already connected, I think the player's entity gets added before the items have a chance to drop. Because they spawn inside a player, they count as stuck, and so fall through the floor.
Anyone with good engine know-how able to back this up? Or better yet explain where in the code the differences arise?
 Cool Tricks
I have to wonder though. Using an info_notnull why not just set it to just remove 25 shells instead? Why go to the trouble of giving all the ammo and then removing it using a door? I just removed the 25 shell ammo in a test map and it worked fine.
 Because They Are Removing Weapons Too
#13980 posted by Cocerello on 2014/07/03 13:23:25
 Response To A Post From 2006/ Barrage Of Idiotic Questions
#13981 posted by total_newbie on 2014/07/03 13:26:26
Sorry Cocerello, I misunderstood your post.
About the ammo/weapons removal thing, I have been playing around with it and now I have several questions (mostly to Preach, I guess):
1) It says in that tutorial OTP linked to that you should use "a brush based info_notnull", but I only seem to be able to add "info_notnull" as a point entity in TrenchBroom. If I create a brush and then add an info_notnull, then I have a brush with an info_notnull sitting on top. I also tried changing the class name of the brush to info_notnull, but that changed the classname of all the brushes in the map, which seemed like a very bad thing to do (yes, I have no idea what I'm doing. But I'm learning). Just having a point entity seems to work, but I feel like I'm missing something here...
2) If you add/edit the "items" variable for a door, do you use the name of an item as value, or does every item have a specific number? In particular, if I want the door to remove only the player's shotgun, do I type "items" and then "shotgun", or "items" and then some number?
3) The reason I'm asking question 2:
If the weapons/ammo removal only has to happen at the start of the map, where you know the player has only a shotgun and 25 shells, does one need all three entities (the two info_notnulls and the door) or can one do the same with an info-notnull with the values
touch BackpackTouch
think InitTrigger
nextthink 0.2
ammo_shells -25
and then a door that just removes the shotgun? (I tried doing this, but I'm not sure "items" --> "shotgun" was the correct value.)
Or is there a reason why this is a terrible idea even at the start of the map?
4) Is there a way of muting the sounds of ammo/weapons being added and subtracted?
#13982 posted by Cocerello on 2014/07/03 13:26:35
Fifth, it is explained in the thread Onetruepurple linked.
Preach, thanks for the info. I checked it a bit more, and it happens too when you put the info_player start above the ammo box, while separating both boxes by 16 units.
#13983 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/07/03 14:23:09
I can't talk for Trenchbroom - in Worlcraft you can type the entity class names.
What you can do is use Notepad++ or similar to modify the .map file.
.map files have pretty easy to understand contents. Just make your brush into a func_door and give it a unique 'targetname', then search for the targetname in your text editor and edit the class directly. Then when you re-load in Trenchbroom, the entity will be what you wanted :)
is really easy to mess about with this as you can just rename the entity in the top right and whatever fields you desire.
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