#13885 posted by ijed on 2014/06/24 20:18:43
Try r_lightmap 1 - it can help you improve lighting without the textures getting in the way.
 RE: Trying To Find Textures
#13886 posted by EARP on 2014/06/24 20:35:27
Trying To Find Textures
#13862 posted by RingofQuaddamage [] on 2014/06/22 16:19:30
Any good rock textures for quake?
#13887 posted by Lunaran on 2014/06/24 22:36:38
keep them linked if they're double doors, or they'll open separately if you stand in the right place
setting two different angles is all you need
 Thanks, Lunaran
#13888 posted by total_newbie on 2014/06/24 23:43:31
Any idea what I'm doing wrong with the exit trigger (post #13880)?
 You Need
#13889 posted by ijed on 2014/06/25 02:13:36
To point it at the next map - whatever.bsp or it'll not do anything. I can't remember what the key is called offhand.
Also, triggers are never visible and are only rectangles - so I big prism will still be a rectangle in game.
 Re: Lighting
#13890 posted by necros on 2014/06/25 03:38:51
If you can stand my colour scheme (or disable styling) here's a kind of overview of lighting:
#13891 posted by Lunaran on 2014/06/25 03:54:49
the keyvalue is "map" ijed :)
set it to the filename of the next level, without the extension. if you don't have one, just use 'start' or the name of the same level you're already in.
#13892 posted by total_newbie on 2014/06/25 14:47:13
Thanks, ijed and Lunaran -- that did it. :-)
 Newbie Mappers
#13893 posted by Mike Woodham on 2014/06/25 17:03:33
Fantastic that Quake still brings in new mappers!
 More "newbie" Stuff
Is there a way of making a secret door retract into a wall, and then go upwards? Or am I stuck with a handful of cardinal directions?
 That's What Secret Doors Do
#13895 posted by ijed on 2014/06/25 20:20:55
#13896 posted by ijed on 2014/06/25 20:26:10
"open_once" once open, stays open
"1st_left" first move is left of arrow
"1st_down" first move is down from arrow
"no_shoot" only opened by trigger
"always_shoot" even if targeted, keep shootable
Maybe a negative lip allows you to reverse the first left / first down directions.
Never played with them much to be honest.
 Better Info
#13897 posted by ijed on 2014/06/25 20:27:10
#13898 posted by Rick on 2014/06/25 20:43:19
I needed a door to use as a long, extending walkway. I needed it to slide out about 256 units, then up 16 units. I thought I could do it with a secret door somehow but I never could get it to cooperate. I ended up just using a func_train and used a little door hidden in the floor to provide the sound.
As far as I could tell they only go bang and pop open then slide in whatever direction they're set for. I always meant to go back and experiment with them some more but haven't got around to it yet.
 Yet Another Newbie Question
#13899 posted by total_newbie on 2014/06/25 22:32:59
Suddenly my map does not want to compile anymore (I've been compiling and testing every so often until now) and I get the following error message:
LinkConvexFaces: Mixed face contents in leafnode
Clearly I've broken something, but I don't know what. Can someone explain?
Don't mix normal textures with liquid/sky textures on your brushes.
don't have liquid brushes and sky brushes touching.
 It Was # 2
#13902 posted by total_newbie on 2014/06/25 22:52:44
I had a teleporter brush and a sky brush touching. Thanks so much!
 Light Question
#13903 posted by madfox on 2014/06/26 00:32:25
What to do with black washed out vertices that are placed on grid.
You'll have to redo the brushes or get them back on the grid properly.
I had this problem with the rockwork in q-deck, I ended up redoing that area about 3 times. Every time I opened up the map the vertices would degenerate until they started looking like your screenshot.
 Best Advice I Ever Had
bind "snap to grid" to the space bar and every time you mess about with the vertex tool hit space. It has saved me a hell of a lot of trouble.
That is if you're using Trenchbroom, and also make sure you enable force integer plane points.
#13906 posted by necros on 2014/06/26 00:59:26
I needed a door to use as a long, extending walkway. I needed it to slide out about 256 units, then up 16 units. I thought I could do it with a secret door somehow but I never could get it to cooperate. I ended up just using a func_train and used a little door hidden in the floor to provide the sound.
e4m1 actually has this too. i think that that is the one thing a secret door can't do.
 I Suck
#13907 posted by necros on 2014/06/26 01:00:37
it's e2m1.
 Force Integer
#13908 posted by ijed on 2014/06/26 01:25:30
Means you won't have to do it by hand (spacebar), unless you've already created so many degenerate brushes that you crash the editor when trying to do a global snap to grid.
But you guys won't be anywhere near that yet.
 Well How About That
I once snapped a perfectly fine brush to grid and it offset it by about 0.00403434 units