Well Put
#13760 posted by killpixel on 2014/05/08 21:30:46
The higher fidelity and realism of the graphics the more visible the flaws, not only technically, but artistically.
Maximum realism is the goal of most modern games, but I don't think we're quite there. IMO, it would better better if designers worked within the boundaries of the tech and made cohesive, artistic interpretations instead of attempting realistic duplication. "pushing the boundaries" is not the safest route, as I feel people push them too far.
 Always On Spikeshooters
How do you make them constantly fire?
#13762 posted by mfx on 2014/05/11 12:16:32
Use trap_shooter instead.
 Not Everybody Uses Quoth
 Its An Id1 Enity Iirc?
#13764 posted by mfx on 2014/05/11 12:56:08
#13765 posted by Spirit on 2014/05/11 13:01:31
Just use trap_shooter. For trap_spikeshooter I think you can set its target to a info_notnull.
#13766 posted by Spirit on 2014/05/11 13:02:00
 I Was Correct
#13767 posted by mfx on 2014/05/11 13:05:43
#13768 posted by quaketree on 2014/05/12 04:24:03
If memory serves I believe that trap_spikeshooter uses a rotation flag or a up or down firing flag and is dependent on what type of level it is in the worldspawn (lasers in tech levels and spikes for everywhere else).
But I might be wrong on that, it might be possible to put spikes in any level or lasers in any level. I never really played around with them. The timing just seemed a bit too fiddly to get right without a lot of blind tries and recompilings until you got it right.
 Ropes And Chains Models
#13769 posted by Mike Woodham on 2014/05/13 20:35:28
Do I remember someone having some rope and/or chain models, and if so, can I pick them up somewhere?
 Honey By CZG
#13770 posted by mfx on 2014/05/13 20:45:20
they were actually .bsp, but does that matter?
Just look into the file at quaddicted.
And Ijed has some chain models, hanging from ceilings, maybe he�s so kind to distribute them?
#13771 posted by anonymous user on 2014/05/13 20:47:49
are also to be found on the tome of preach, its the cable model with skin set to 0.
#13772 posted by Mike Woodham on 2014/05/14 20:10:09
Thanks to both
 Plats Vs Doors
#13773 posted by anonymous user on 2014/05/17 03:00:35
is there some sort of specific reason to use plats instead of doors?
I ask because I have a use for one but the plat is a bit finicky so I'm using a door instead. Is this ok or is there something more to plats that I'm missing?
 You're Right
#13774 posted by Preach on 2014/05/17 07:54:05
Plats are slightly easier to set up in an "inactive, then autonomous" way, but when you need better control then a door is the standard solution.
#13775 posted by killpixel on 2014/05/17 16:18:06
thank you
 How The Hell
do you set the gravity in a map? I want a low grav map in my quake episode....
#13777 posted by mfx on 2014/05/18 20:53:35
set in worldspawn.
I don�t know the actual default value, maybe 800?
 Only Way To Do It In Id1
Is to name it e1m8.bsp.
 Scourge Of Armagon
#13779 posted by madfox on 2014/05/19 05:28:52
had a patch for it, I thought.
Maybe in the qc somewhere.
#13780 posted by quaketree on 2014/05/19 06:10:10
It may be in the QC as both of the official expansion packs came with a patch to the engine but far more likely that it's in their own custom progs.dat otherwise all of the new features would have been carried over so anyone with a 1.08 Quake engine could take advantage of, lets say particle walkways or rotating objects (or anything else that didn't have a special sound or model attached to it) in Vanilla Quake levels (ie in the ID1\maps folder).
#13781 posted by negke on 2014/05/19 08:12:57
There's a hack to execute console commands like sv_gravity, but it's messy as it has negative side effects which would have to be worked around.
If you go for a custom progs dat with universal gravity support, be sure to also fix some of the common standard bugs like fish count, death solid frames, and so on.
 Necros Sent Me A Progs.dat
That fixes it. No idea if it fixes anything else
#13783 posted by Lunaran on 2014/05/22 21:50:45
Am I using the wrong combination of compilers, or does using func_detail really make it impossible to compile -onlyents? Building BSP with TxQBSP 1.13 XT -onlyents, func_details apparently don't get stripped out they way they do with a normal compile, leading to a corrupt unloadable BSP with extra bmodels in it.
 Sounds Like An Oversight
#13784 posted by Preach on 2014/05/22 22:20:40
func_details are added to the map as if they were entities, it's only because the compiler knows to do something special with them that they get removed in a full compile. It wouldn't be surprising that unaware compilers would leave them in for an onlyents compile, and I expect it's just an oversight that an exception hasn't been added to compilers that do support func_detail.
Two workarounds I can think of:
1. Save your map, then select and delete all the func_details before you do the onlyents compile. This should work just as if the compiler had skipped them, and they should appear in the output map because they were included in the original compile.
2. Use adquedit to extract the entities from your map into a text file, make the tweaks, and export them back.
Neither of these workarounds are things you'd want to do regularly (they'd be useless as a way to save time on a "changed lighting" compile as they take longer than you save by using -onlyents). But if you just need a last minute tweak to a few ents on a fullvis'd map they might be just the ticket.