#13723 posted by necros on 2014/04/16 21:45:55
In even the worse implementation of a carve tool, you're probably fine using it to create on-axis grate holes.
overlapping brushes get merged during bsp anyway.
it's off-axis carving that can lead to microleaks and such.
Yeah I know the faces get split during the bsp process but it also makes it a bitch to go back and edit the brush later on if you're relying on the carve tool (I once made a level this way and wanted to change a couple of things and realised what an error I have made, it changed my entire philosophy on mapping)...
Though I knew the faces get split up I thought the way which you made the brushes determine how they split?
#13725 posted by necros on 2014/04/16 23:53:43
but it also makes it a bitch to go back and edit the brush later on if you're relying on the carve tool
definitely. if you're making a grate or something similar, i recommend putting it in a func_group and then doing your carving so that the resulting dozens of brushes are still part of the func_group. you still can't edit them easily, but at least they're all contained.
I thought the way which you made the brushes determine how they split?
Not that I'm aware of? afaik, merging and splitting is all done at once.
for carving, i would say doing things like grates and such is up to you. i'd only recommend staying away from it with things like big world geometry for exactly the reason you mentioned.
Carve Tool?
#13726 posted by killpixel on 2014/04/17 00:22:37
Clip tool is the same thing, or CSG subtract? I'm a nublet, I apologize. Of those, I've only used subtract, and very judiciously for that matter. gets messy. fast.
Never Apprise
#13727 posted by ijed on 2014/04/17 01:02:03
We all started somewhere.
I'd offer more useful descriptions but I'm a bit hammered.
#13728 posted by necros on 2014/04/17 01:24:51
carve = subtract
#13729 posted by Cocerello on 2014/04/17 11:56:24
I thought the way which you made the brushes determine how they split?
As far as i know, no. For example, I have a map where i cloned a brush and its surroundings several times, and almost every clone is split in a different way, in cases some brushes merged and split again in a different way.
#13682 : thanks for the link, Spirit.
So i have to suppose that the tutorial Iika made has been lost forever.
#13730 posted by Spirit on 2014/04/17 13:33:09
I meant the link as incentive to add map performance tricks there...
#13731 posted by ijed on 2014/04/17 13:45:52
Interesting, I haven't looked at the door code much.
Typical Entity Count
What's the usual entity count for the standard quake maps?
It feels fairly easy to hit the 512 entity limit!
#13733 posted by killpixel on 2014/04/18 16:37:56
I hope it's not 512...
Pretty sure it's 512 entities before you start getting in-game error messages.
(it might even be less because I t hink if you're shooting nails and stuff that adds to the in-game count or something)
#13735 posted by negke on 2014/04/18 17:12:03
If you're refering to the edicts limits, that's 600.
That's Weird
#13736 posted by killpixel on 2014/04/18 17:26:48
so far I've got 2161 entities and no warnings or errors.
I'm using TxQBSP 1.13 and Light 1.43, release 2, the one modified by MH for colored lights and multithreading. Can't remember which vis.
#13737 posted by mfx on 2014/04/18 17:53:07
As far as i know, lights are count as ents by light.exe, but they don�t add to the edicts.
#13738 posted by - on 2014/04/18 18:20:22
lights are not edicts, unless they have a targetname.
KillPixel: don't worry too much, modern engines handle well above 600 edicts. It's just that the standard id engines can't go over 600.
#13739 posted by ijed on 2014/04/19 02:39:38
Are things that do stuff during runtime.
A light without a target name is effectively deleted before runtime, and so not an edict.
#13740 posted by necros on 2014/04/19 03:15:13
i believe light.exe actually delete them if they don't have targetnames?
Oddity I've Yet To See...
#13741 posted by ionous on 2014/04/19 06:33:47
I use Worldcraft 1.6. Working on a Quake level, I compile to check my latest round of progress. Oddly, the batch file I'm using to run TXQBSP returns 28 warnings.
Checking back with the rmf. file, it claims that I have 28 instances of invalid structures. Which is odd since I've been careful about my vertex manipulation. When I zoom to the problem, it's a shapeless object at the grid's top view origin. It's a solid with one face, larger than the grid itself. 28 of them.
I deleted them all, and progress continued, but I'm wondering if anyone's ever come across this before. And what it may possibly mean...
#13742 posted by necros on 2014/04/19 07:47:03
probably just a bug with the editor. i've seen that kind of thing is just about every editor i've used at one point or another.
Lights And Other Entities
#13743 posted by Preach on 2014/04/19 11:16:00
A blog post on when light gets removed and how to remove other things. Save entities, save the planet!
#13744 posted by killpixel on 2014/04/19 19:28:12
Ok, can anyone out there spoon feed me some literature on custom entities and how to make gtkradiant see them.
I've asked someone on quakeone to make me a couple and he compiled a new progs.dat for me as well as gave me some cut/paste stuff to put in a radiant file.
I've got several more things I need but don't wanna harass the guy every time I need a new entity.
Currently, what I'm looking for is a way to arm/disarm triggers, silent spawns (that is, remove the "thud" that models make when the teleport in). I'd also like to be able to trigger any sound, i.e type a path to a sound file to be played. That way one could make a pretty dynamic and awesome sound scape.
My QC knowledge is nill at the moment, I know, I know...
#13745 posted by Qmaster on 2014/04/29 04:27:07
The empty object error is something that occurs in Worldcraft or Hammer.
How to Reproduce:
Create a brush.
Tie it toEntity (eg. make it a func_door)
Create another brush.
Select both brushes.
Tie them toEntity.
Oops, now there's a func_door without a brush.
What is going on:
The editor when it creates an entity from a brush, takes the brush data moves it out from under worldspawn and puts it under an entity like this:
"classname" "worldspawn"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"classname" "func_door"
So what happens when the brush is already within an entity as above, the brush data gets moved/stolen from under the entity it's already in (worldspawn is an entity!), then put under the new entity. Like this:
"classname" "worldspawn"
"classname" "func_door"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"classname" "func_door"
"classname" "func_door"
Notice that there is nothing under the first func_door. And that is why the editor puts in at 0 0 0 and it looks like there is one superbrush covering all of reality. But really, there's nothing.
Best Practice: NEVER create an entity out of brushes that are part of an entity.
Source: I've been a mapper for Quake for over 10yrs. Also, the .MAP file format.
#13746 posted by killpixel on 2014/04/30 23:54:29
this happens in gtkradient 1.5 as well, took me a while to figure wtf was going on.
"Best Practice: NEVER create an entity out of brushes that are part of an entity."
now I know...
This Can Happen In Pretty Much Every Editor
#13747 posted by negke on 2014/05/01 01:00:56
Best to keep it in mind and check the map for it before release. BJP's Glquake prints a warning if it detects a rogue brush entity, but none of the other ports do.