You Qmastered That
#111 posted by Spirit on 2016/05/28 21:50:05
Doom Music Spectrogram
#112 posted by JPL on 2016/06/01 10:43:15
Have you seen this ?
Mick Gordon has nice evil tough :E
All Over The Trends.
#113 posted by Shambler on 2016/06/01 20:11:58
I guess it's legit? Pretty cool, good on 'em.
#114 posted by arkngt on 2016/06/01 22:31:45
Aphex Twin Inspired?
#115 posted by mfx on 2016/06/01 23:39:43
#116 posted by anonymous user on 2016/06/02 01:45:29
The pentagram is also briefly shown in DOOM: Behind The Music Part 2
Mick Gordon seems really cool, although I play with the music turned off, so it's pearls before swine in my case.
I Definitely Need To Obtain The Doom Soundtracks
#117 posted by JPL on 2016/06/02 20:33:53
Biggest Turn Off..
#118 posted by xaGe on 2016/06/03 08:41:02
It would be nice to see a Linux version as well, but that's life.
It's DOOM4, a supposed throwback remake of glory gaming days gone by and you can't play the main campaign CO-OP?!? That's a no no buy for me.
That's really the only main reason I haven't rushed out to buy it although I'm really not the type to rush or preorder anything.
Definitely something to buy during a future Steam sale some day.
#119 posted by Killes on 2016/06/03 16:40:01
Ah yes, with its lack of scripted events etc, what the fuck was the excuse to leave out SP campaign CO-OP ?
#120 posted by Qmaster on 2016/06/04 00:38:44
No coop???
#121 posted by xaGe on 2016/06/04 08:15:23
Qmaster Snapcrap co-op only... WTF! Seems like a major oversight for a Doom game.
I bet it can do it, but it's turned off in the engine so they can tout that as a new feature for the DLC coming in the future. Ugh!
#122 posted by Killes on 2016/06/04 08:55:54
DLC, season pass...Godfucking damn them all...I'm waiting for its 2nd "gone gold" before touching it, arr.
#123 posted by ayy lmao on 2016/06/04 13:55:37
Co-op requires you to have friends though
Get a proper name and insult then, you coward.
#125 posted by ayy lmao on 2016/06/04 19:20:52
List of people called onetruepurple who are chill dudes:
[no entries]
#126 posted by mankrip on 2016/06/04 22:04:47
Lack of coop was most likely due to performance constraints.
SnapMap shows that the game can only have 12 enemies simultaneously, which is a low number. Adding more players would force the game to lower the number of simultaneous enemies even more.
At least the number of enemies is higher than in vanilla Doom 3 (which only supported up to 4 players in multiplayer, btw).
Remember that this game isn't purely a classic Doom remake, it's a mix of classic Doom with Doom 3 (plus some new stuff). Features inspired by Doom 3, like the fully real-time lighting, does bring some constraints.
#127 posted by mankrip on 2016/06/04 22:10:18
The 12-active-enemies limit was probably the reason for the arena lockdown mechanics. The player must kill the demons for the engine to free some slots for spawning monsters in other areas.
Co-op In Single Player Games
#128 posted by killpixel on 2016/06/04 23:06:06
I never quite understood the appeal. Something like L4D or Vermintide that is specifically designing for co-op makes sense and is really fun. But running through levels designed for SP with someone else is just... boring and clunky.
I think in order for D4 to make that work it would need a different campaign designed specifically for co-op, perhaps with specific new mechanics. I don't think you can hold it against id for not providing that.
#129 posted by Izhido on 2016/06/05 04:16:29
Bought it yesterday for Xbox One.
1) It's the same story format as all previous ones: one guy against a whole army from Hell. Where does co-op even fit there?
2) Glory kills. OMG. GLORY KILLS. So. Satisfying. >:)
3) Any tips on fragging efficiently the shield guys? Anyone? I'm dying (literally) to know...
#130 posted by DaZ on 2016/06/05 04:17:45
Offhand grenade thrown slightly behind them, plasma gun alt fire stun work well for those dudes.
#131 posted by Joel B on 2016/06/05 06:49:22
Yah. Shotgun-grenade or rocket behind them also works peachy. Indirect fire in general.
#132 posted by Qmaster on 2016/06/05 21:54:54 horde combat?
#133 posted by xaGe on 2016/06/06 10:38:04
#134 posted by scar3crow on 2016/06/06 15:26:35
Not just no horde combat, but also no active and roaming monsters. Everything is self-contained, and it is also why any time there is a sequence break in a speedrun, the level is suddenly empty, because the person missed a spawn trigger. They do what they can to mask it, but most everything is locked down and delivered in measured doses. The cost of that visual fidelity at 60fps on the Xbox One and PS4. And then they designed an upgrade cycle akin to the recent Shadow Warrior to fit in with it.
The only time I can think of where they aren't following that limit is 14-15 Possessed after you pick up the BFG. It's a money shot and a demo room. Otherwise, twelve monsters at a time, with intensity coming from ramping up the monster type. You won't get an equivalent to Doom's flood of pinkies, or sprinting across a risky area to an objective, waking up dozens of monsters, and having them roam the level looking for you until you finish it. You get small inconsequential groups, or hallways with them before you, or an arena.
#135 posted by arkngt on 2016/06/06 19:13:29
Also, the shield guys are quite slow to turn, so you can get behind them and unload a double barrelled shotgun before they have time to get behind their shields.