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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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necros: I was thinking just for level design a quick way to see whats going on enemy wise at various skill levels.

RickyT23: "Witchcraft 3.3" :) it feels that way sometimes late at night when you should have just gone to bed.

slapmap: We should have stats. Might make SP more competitive. 
The only advantage to Worldcraft that I see now is the extra texture information, and making very accurate (non terrain) large brush structures. Other than that I find the workflow is very slow in comparison to TB and it doesn't really support complex terrain (amongst many other things).
Personally I haven't used WC since trench came out. 
Thx For The Answers 
I'll probably try to mend this by using ''save as...'', for making different versions, and saving things to another places. I use to do that when working on 3d modelling so i could go back to a previous stage, not that this give an noticiable advantage when mapping, but can be useful.

Fifhtelephant: i should try at least TB, i did try Quark back in the nineties but i didn't like it, but after so many ears with WC is hard to change.

Ijed: that's a good idea, i'll think about it. And i'll do too about your offer :)

RickyT23: about the 3.4, i read that it doesn't provide anything useful for quake mapping. I looked too at the changelog and haven't seen anything about bugs. I read too that 3.4 is considered Hammer, and Valve doesn't give permission to make maps outside HL with Hammer.

Back in the nineties i thought too that it was Witchcraft 1.2, with so many errors and issues at the compiler that i didn't know about.

Now i know most of them thanks to so many useful documents on the net. There is still one that i don't know how it works, after checking everywhere and in the document that is provided with issues for Beng Jardrup tools too: it is the ''can't find /id1/maps/yyy.bsp, there is no such file or directory'' that shows at the compiler and stops it. I usually fix it by removing the last brushes i put in, but it's weird, it shouldn't be related to that. 
I Have The Hammer 3.4 Exe 
You can drop it into the Worldcraft 3.3 directory and it works well.

I can confirm one difference - the pointfile loads and is visible in the 3D view of the editor. This feature does not exist in WC 3.3
You can load a pointfile but it is only visible in the 2D views. 
I uploaded this Hammer 3.51 the last version of Hammer 3.x I found. I converted Quake models to HL format to have them show in editor (not very good conversion). The leak file support is good. Saves time because you don't have to do a complete compile to find leaks. Stop the batch file after the leak is reported and load the pointfile in WC. 
Glass Hacks 
A lot of people are going to great lengths to hack in support for glass in the their levels, usually this requires setting water alpha or some other such thing and also using skip textures. And coupled with this much larger than normal polygons you will almost guarantee that a new engine is required.
So this begs the question, why go to all this trouble when the most popular engines support alpha brushes? I literally just found a post on inside3d saying fitzquake supported this, so does directq and RMQ...
I must have spent a good half-day this week trying to implement glass in a hacky way when I could have simply applied a key to determine the alpha of a brush.
Is there something I am missing here for all this hacking trouble? Why not just use an alpha key? 
Would be the biggest reason I suppose. The water "hack" works on all engines, whereas the .alpha key works on most, but not all.

The joys of custom Quake engines and all their different standards :D 
It Seems To Work 
in RMQ, quakespasm, directq, fitzquake and darkplaces (afaik, untested but apparently it works).
It doesn't work in Quake Pro and Makaqu (and qbism by that extension).

I understand that it's a compatibility thing but if you use a texture with alpha then if your engine doesn't support it then at least you get a nice texture instead of a completely flat coloured surface. I seem to be missing the point in catering to bad engines with a bad solution.... 
Setting Brush Mirror 
would be awesome if you could set up a brush with a mirror in the exact same way you can set up a window. Coupled with transparency and coloured lighting you could effectively mimic Unreal. :P
(all we'd need after that would be uv motion textures and in-map skyboxes) 
Far Concern 
I understand your concern for the wicked way to add glass in the Quake1 world.

I remember I was already glad to add a trigger_once with health 999 to propose the glass feeling of a space where there was nothing, but didn't let through.
Caught up in the old times of the QuakeLab on BBS in 1996.

I'm not a perfectionist and I'm sure there are lots of ways to use the alpha channel in a brush and tell the engine to add water_alpha 0.4
I think it's more like not suspecting an 18 year old engine with primary limitations can do things like that.
There's the console command, or the autoexec.bat for in use.

Also there is a slight feeling I get that in time of the quake area like medieval, glass was quiet a rare object.
It would be the same like wondering why the knights don't caugh frozen breath in icy environnements.

But I won't break you up in your search to engine upgrading, that was not my intention. 
You make a good point about glass in Medieval periods however the Wizard, Stucco and perhaps the Base levels (although I'd rather do the Hipnotic \ Custents Force Field effects if given the choice on Base levels) all have window textures in the original levels so the idea of glass is already there so it may not be all that out of line with the environment.

Besides that it's supposed to be another world with some familiar aspects relative to Earth so a little bit of mix and match is to be expected.

Or maybe U;m over thinking it... 
U;m - I'm 
...whatever. Note the icon. 
Preach You Are A Genius! 
Post #3923 worked perfectly for a switchable trigger_teleport entity I wanted. I seriously hope you got the essence of that post on your site.

Also is it possible to safely kill a monster_jump entity with a killtarget on a trigger_once? Is there a way to stop the touch function of the monster_jump entity and then kill the entity next frame? I am looking for a map hack solution. 
Oh Man 
That's a bit of an out of date method, the following post has a much more concise way of achieving the same thing:
And yes, you can safely kill a monster_jump to turn it off, it's just a pity there isn't a way to toggle one instead. 
Monsters Spawning Monsters 
Works like that in schism, thanks to the precache insight. They have separate precache functions that are called from their classname, and I'm still not sure I understand how it works.

Gb did the work, based on Preach's stuff. Now much later I'm using it for splitting tar babies and enforcers spawning their own defense drones... 
That Was Interesting! 
Did not know that. So I can trigger a trigger mid map using vanilla progs! 
Ex-rmq Monster Spawning 
I think the RMQ monster spawning was based on Scourge of Armagon, Drake and some of Necros' stuff in Chapters.

Not sure how much Chapters / Quoth has taken from Scourge of Armagon, but I reckon SoA was the first mod to do the monster spawning stuff.

I believe there is some SoA and also some custents in Quoth, or at least in Chapters.

By the way, some of that code is horrible, especially where it clones an entity. There are engine extensions MUCH more effective for that purpose... and faster. But it depends on the target engine. 
... just like entity alpha. :-p 
The original spawning code borrowed very heavily from hipnotic.

I used custents for that first map I made. It's a great mod with a lot of interesting things in it, but you are better of picking and choosing things from it rather than using the whole package because there is so many things you probably won't need.
it's also a great mod to see some things that are not in stock progs.dat and can give you some ideas for other things like the mechs and security cameras, or the new gun. 
Q3map2 Sunlight Entity Problem 
I'm stumped on this.
So I've made a light entity and pointed it to a info_null with targetname "pointsun".
It's got the _color and _sun tags set. No spawnflags.

At first it flat out refused to work, and now suddenly it turned into a big pulsating light out of nowhere? What the hell am I doing wrong? 
Okay, apparently I had something else pointing to it. It's a sunlight now, but it's still flickering. I thought vanilla Q3BSP didn't support lightstyles? 
Hmmm, seems like a compiler fluke in the generated shaders. No idea how this got in here.

// Q3Map2 custom lightstyle stage(s)
map $lightmap
rgbGen wave noise 0.5 1 0 5.37 // style 32
tcGen lightmap
tcMod transform 1 0 0 1 0.00000 0.50000

Bah, that took too long to fix :( 
Use a sky shader for sunlight. :) 
Alpha Mask Textures 
I know RMQ engine supports masked textures (to make fences and such), but which other engines support it? 
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