Kinda Made It Better
#12759 posted by
PuLSaR on 2015/10/19 20:12:02
splited those brushes in 2 triagle shaped.
how it looks from previous screenshot spot:
it seems like those gaps are gone.
what it actually looks like:
also it produces tons of spam in compile log :/
Just Listen To What Necros Said
#12760 posted by
SleepwalkR on 2015/10/19 23:07:38
Snapping vertices to integers will not fix it. You need to ensure that the planes line up. The vertices depend on the planes and not vice versa.
#12761 posted by
mankrip on 2015/10/19 23:10:04
That's great! Gapless surfaces are one of my recent topics of interest, due to their influence on features like Phong shading.
#12762 posted by
adib on 2015/10/19 23:20:56
As I said before, you guys do magic with these textures. =~)
Okay I've Had Enough.
This whole recent "I love Quake even though it's shit ugly and unplayable, thank god you guys can polish this old turd!" meme has gone past getting on my nerves and now it's just plain fucking annoying.
Enough Already?
#12764 posted by
mfx on 2015/10/20 00:04:35
You should see how funny not rotating bboxes from monsters react to round brushwork.
That's A Valid Opinion
#12765 posted by
mankrip on 2015/10/20 00:30:04
And this is why improvements should be optional. It's good to keep a foot on the ground and not forget what the game's design is really like. Otherwise, it may lose its personality.
#12766 posted by
necros on 2015/10/20 01:52:08
one last thing you can try is to stretch the brush out so that the faces overlap. this will let qbsp knit things together without gaps. it won't be pretty in the editor, but it should be fine in game.
#12767 posted by anonymous user on 2015/10/21 02:07:58
Released final version of that map I was working on. Thanks again for the help. I'm always lurking here if I have anything helpful to add to anyone I'll try to post more often.
#12768 posted by
adib on 2015/10/21 03:03:43
Had fun playing against a Reaperbot in Fitzquake Mark V and Quakespasm.
In Fitzquake Mark V I get stuck at that upper ledge when teleported from LG + YA + RL site. That doesn't happen in Quakespasm. Probably not in EzQuake, or it would be fixed already.
It's a beautiful level. Really good textures, nice lighting, good navigation. The old Reaperbot mastered the level, easily going everywhere.
Great job, man.
Would Like Some Minor Trim Along Those Rubicon Walkways
#12773 posted by
Drew on 2015/10/24 03:31:41
but that's just nitpicking I guess?
looks cool, particularly since it looks like there is a dense knot of hyperdetailed corridors within that structure.
#12774 posted by
negke on 2015/10/24 10:56:32
lol. Level name found: Lava ice cream maker.
Doom 4 The Way 1996's ID Would Have Done It
Looks Pretty Sweet
I think I'm right in believing that this kind of soft-edged, "cartoony" design has been closer to your forte than the usual realistic gloom? :)
#12779 posted by
JneeraZ on 2015/10/25 00:11:06
It does seem to be what comes out when I start making stuff.
#12780 posted by
killpixel on 2015/10/25 00:16:25
is this for a particular project or just for fun?
#12781 posted by
JneeraZ on 2015/10/25 00:24:43
Marketplace and Asset Store stuff ... I want to sell it as a mesh set.
Selling Meshes
has that been a success for you so far? I could imagine buying assets for an indie project could run expensive unless you have some self control...
#12783 posted by
JneeraZ on 2015/10/25 01:23:06
I've only been doing it a few months ... it's not a living yet but I hope to get it up that high eventually.