#12730 posted by negke on 2013/04/04 21:32:20
A slightly more complicated but also more compatible way is to make the wall an info_notnull with its model and modelindex fields set to itself.
#12731 posted by Preach on 2013/04/04 23:22:35
That also gets around two of the side effects of the func_wall version: that you are forced to have the func_wall use function (which toggles the "skin" of the model), and that the texture might toggle a few times right at the start of the map while the hack kicks in. You can skip setting the model value directly as long as you make your info_notnull a brush-based entity (you do still need to set modelindex though).
Thanks For Those
#12732 posted by than on 2013/04/06 02:50:48
interesting hacks. I might give that a shot, but working in Worldcraft makes setting modelindex a pain in the arse since I'm using rmf for my map.
Out Of Order Useable Map Item Trick
#12733 posted by than on 2013/04/06 05:39:59
I made an example map showing how you can make fake map items that the player can pick up and place at another point in the level. Picking them up and placing them can be done in any order as a moderately complicated trigger system is used to check if the player has at least one item and then places the item and reduces the count of items held.
However, I've just realised that you could do the exact same thing by having multiple keys the player must collect, but that doesn't allow for customiseable item models unless there is some awesome hack that allows that.
Meh, ah well. Use it if you like :)
I Like It...
I'd love to see a map that you collect a bunch of bombs and then place them, then you trigger an event as you pass through the exit which sets off a kind of cinematic explosion scene...
I'm surprised more mappers haven't made more stuff like this to be honest, I'm sure it'd be possible to do with a bunch of func_doors and triggers etc.
That Wouldn't Be Difficult At All
#12735 posted by than on 2013/04/06 16:30:25
You could even use the spawning trigger hack to make placed bombs effectively shootable, so that you can blow certain parts of the level open. Of course, you could just use keys, but you can only carry one key of a particular colour at a time, and it looks like a key.
I definitely think using logic gates and other various hacks and tricks allows us to do a lot of interesting things that haven't really been done before.
czg's rocket/grenade locks are also fairly easy to implement in vanilla Quake I think. Should simply be a trigger_once with health > 0 inside a hollow tube with the brushes inside arranged to prevent the wrong kind of thing triggering it. I think the rocket locks also used trigger_push to keep grenades out.
Would be cool to see more maps using this stuff.
Of course, we can just make mods to do all this and more, but there is something sexy about shipping only a bsp.
Honey Was All Vanilla Until Fairly Late
#12736 posted by czg on 2013/04/06 18:41:35
#12737 posted by deqer on 2013/04/07 05:26:39
hey necros,
two people have posted a comment now on my video of q1spcompilinggui, saying that when they try to compile the map it says map not found.
I don't understand how they could get this error, since I show exactly how it's done in my video.
They also find it a hassle to take a screenshot and post it somewhere asking for help, so.
They said they're on win8.
Anyways, have you had anyone report similar issues? Do you have any thoughts or suggestions for them?
Here is the quote: "I downloaded several compilers, including hmap2 but none of them work. Every time I try compiling my testmap the console says it can't find/open my map. Or says that there is no map. I'm selecting the exact path to my .map and really don't know what to do..."
#12738 posted by necros on 2013/04/07 07:36:13
that's very general information, unfortunately. direct them to this thread and they can post more info.
the fact quake isn't finding the map can mean either compiling being aborted from errors or compilers not being found.
one thing is that if they are typing the name of the map into the text box, then it will not use that filename (because it's bugged); you have to select it through the windows open dialog box with the [...] button (all other dialog boxes work properly when typing in directly).
I'm On Windows 8 Pro
and I have been successfully using necros compiler since I downloaded it.
Anyone Know Where I Can Get The Q3 Flavor Of The IK2K Texture Set?
#12740 posted by Fat Controller is doing things on 2013/04/07 12:57:30
It's plans like this that make me wish I'd kept the Q3 version of that texture pack after all. All Google gives me is Sauerbraten (which links to the dead digital-eel site) or subsets of this forum - or a link to the Q1 version I made centuries ago!
(Yes, I could use my own, but they're a little too low-res and grainy for this.)
#12741 posted by rj on 2013/04/07 13:07:03
Wait, Shit
#12742 posted by rj on 2013/04/07 13:10:02
that's ikbase, not ik2k. ignore
Ik2k_full_jpg Zip By Iikka "Fingers" Keranen
#12743 posted by slapmap on 2013/04/07 13:31:59
Than: thats pretty cool, I had thought of a similar system but with using a row of toggle shootable doors and 2 opposing shooters to store value and add/subtract in a linear fashion. A bit easier to handle larger number of inputs.
Many Thanks Rj And Slapmap
#12744 posted by Fat Controller is doing things on 2013/04/07 14:20:21
I'll take both; I might have a use for the base...
Fat Controller Is Doing Things!
#12745 posted by generic on 2013/04/07 16:20:31
Quake 3 Jump Pad Paths?
#12746 posted by Rick on 2013/04/07 21:01:59
Do any of the newer editing programs have anything like the old bobToolz plot path thing that will draw the arc player follows off a jump pad? I use NetRadiant, and there's a bobToolz plugin listed but there's no path plotting option.
Making Floating Text (q1)
#12747 posted by darkhog on 2013/04/08 13:42:08
I'm playing around with TrenchBroom editor and I'd like to make at some places floating text, like in main game (You can jump over ther, this hall selects easy mode, etc.).
Also I'd like to know how to make custom episodes.
I think you can do a trigger_multiple with a message key -
I'm not certain though, never done it before.
#12749 posted by darkhog on 2013/04/08 15:41:26
Re: Floating Text (q1)
#12750 posted by Rick on 2013/04/08 16:19:01
Yes, use a trigger_multiple and put your text in the message key. Be sure to add a delay so that the message doesn't repeat constantly if the player happens to be standing directly in the trigger. Somewhere around 10 - 20 seconds is a good place to start. If the message is long, you can make it wrap to multiple lines by inserting a \n where you want it to break. Also, the message key can be used with other entities that are triggered, like doors.
Message Key...
#12751 posted by than on 2013/04/08 16:29:52
You can use the message key on various things to print messages when the player touches them or triggers them.
trigger_once - will print the message once
trigger_secret - will print the message when the secret is found
trigger_multiple - will print the message every time the player touches it
func_door - will print the message only if it is locked and the player tries to open it.
trigger_relay - will print the message any time something triggers it
There are probably a few I've missed, but those are the most often used.
#12752 posted by necros on 2013/04/09 00:54:02
should the wiki or even a link to the mapping section of the wiki be added to the top of this thread?
Finding Stuff
#12753 posted by sock on 2013/04/09 15:22:30
It still amazes me how difficult it is to find stuff for Quake. I recently wanted to see how Rogue (mission pack 2) did there stuff and finding their QC files is really hard work. I even tried de-compiling their progs but had loads of problems with weird error messages.
After a long time searching I eventually found THIS and it is perfect! Loads of sample maps and all of the extra files needed to see how it works. If you want to use any of the mission pack stuff in your maps download this zip!
URL: http://super8.qbism.com/2011/12/quake-c-custom-entities-custents/
#12754 posted by than on 2013/04/09 16:17:08
yes, it is pretty amazing. I wonder why nobody has really used it though? I mean, you can have funcs containing water ffs. How cool is that?
erm... I just realised that's not what you are talking about. Seems that I was thinking of this: