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I forgot to add that after some Trigonometry calculations the angle to get the textures to line up correctly in spz1dm1_txqbsp.jpg is 26.6� 
You can likely fix the second one by passing in "-oldaxis" or whatever the flag for that compiler is. It flips the 45 degree determination logic... 
The 3rd Warning Is Crucial 
check the coords given, there is a hole in your map.
You can put the .pts file into your /maps folder, load the map in engine and via "pointfile" command check where the leak is located. 
i read only the half of it.

Note that liquid brushes (*prefix) dont seal your map, so it looks like that teleporting brush could be the cause of the leak. 
The strange thing is with txqbsp the leak doesn't happen. There's a solid wall behind that teleporter brush. I just checked the entity after my post earlier and that's also not outside the map. Possibly due to the supposed leak it does not vis with tyr_qbsp either.

-oldaxis worked by the way thanks. 
You can also load the pointfile in TrenchBroom if it's in the same directory as your map file. 
It's under the File menu. After that, you can ride on the point file trace, look in the View > Camera menu to find the shortcut keys to advance / retreat the camera. 
Loaded up the pointfile in TB but it seems to go straight through the middle of a solid brush, not the joins of any. It seems placing a teleporter entity at a 45� angle is a bad idea =P

Would it be too forward to ask somebody to have a look at it? 
No It Wont 
first try to delete and remake that brush, if you haven't already. 
After various cases of "Is it this one? Delete, recompile, No!" etc I just deleted the whole lot and started again.

Good news: No leaks
Bad news: wtf...
(could have sworn i was in the screenshots directory, oops...) 
Yep, thats a missing face, check for floating point inaccuracies.

Or even duplicate brushes at that spot. Or or or.

Try to keep the brushes on grid and their texture alignments too. 
If You're In Trenchbroom 
Snap the verticies of all nearby brushes. I think it's under edit? Or Tools maybe. 
Okay, figured something out. No matter what the brush looks like, as soon as I add it inside this area, that wall to the in the WTF screenshot gets the missing face. Even these 2 pillars I have in now cause the same issue. 
Just ran a test. Compiling the exact same .map with txqbsp instead of tyr's and that brush works fine. 
In my experience those sort of differences between tyrutils and txqbsp are usually due to the different default epsilon values the compilers have.

For research purposes: try passing the flag "-epsilon 0.0001" to txqbsp, it should bring back the flickering face. The next version of my tyrutils-ericw will support that "-epsilon" flag so you can tweak it.

However, as ijed says there are probably some off-grid brushes / small misalignments that are the root cause. 
Just gave it a go but no flickering faces that I can find anywhere. Tried snapping vertices too (Ctrl+A and the ctrl removing all the entities. Ouch)

Thanks all though. Giving up for today. I'll make do with the misaligned trim for now. 
Screens Before I Call It Final 
I don't really wanna do any wall detailing. but here's some screenshots before the final release:
-extra4 -dirt -dirtgain 0.5 -dirtmode 1 -light 50

thanks for the advice on the lighting tools and everyone elses input. 
Nice ! 
It Really Looks Nice! 
Curves And Yellow Light 
looks good. I can see some vertex snapping issues in that screenshot on the right hand side. This type of architecture can be difficult to get on grid for sure. 
It's actually on grid in editor but it turns out that way after qbsp. Don't know how to deal with it. 
pulsar: which editor and compiler are you using? make sure you turn off integer planes in TB, this has always been the source of problems for me. 
and same goes for radiant, there is a integer option there as well. 
tho I've got an idea of how to fix this. Though every vertex of these brushes is on grid I have a problem with the shape due to the difference between rear face that can't be seen and face that is actually visible. If I cut of the rear part of each brush , I may solve this problem. 
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