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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Was this back when you were asking about building scenery beyond the limits? Seems to match up, although it was quite a while ago.

My approach would be to use the entire 4096�3 volume. So some of the e2 castles would become dungeons, and others maybe floating the the sky, Eyrie style.

Then again, it sounds like what you want is something more Dark Souls in terms of free roaming. Which makes me think of The Demon King...

But thats not a Ep2 remake :) 
The RMQ scraps wouldn't be much use considering the size restriction. Each individual map used most of the 4096 footprint. 
no, that was unrelated :)

i had planned to continue working on that goofy rpg mod i started, so i needed a huge map where you could spend time leveling up and such, have more difficult areas you might go back and visit later, that sort of thing.

now i hadn't considered converting some maps into dungeons... that's an interesting idea, but i still prefer the idea of a big sprawling map with canyons and rivers connecting everything together. 
Would Be Hilarious 
If you could fit in all of E2M2-7 in with some trickery like ijed said, but there was no room left for the lost E2M6 entrance. 
Shifterb8 Screens With New Light <-- 4 shots

got to play with ericw's tools. only have 1 light entity now. pretty awesome makes changes so much faster. feels a little overbright but pretty happy with how it turned out. 
Noice. Make sure you slap a bit of AO on that gentleman too. 
foogs, kinn is right. If you're using ericw's fork of the compiling tools you can add -dirt to the command line. Or add it to the worldspawn. Either way it will add some extra depth to your scene by faking ambient occlusion. 
Yeah and you'll want to goon around with the various dirt settings. Here's a handy visual guide! 
Spz1dm1 - Some Updates After Fifth's Suggestions 
Moved a few items around and added an extra room after getting rid of the big ramp.

After this I vote I'll need some help lighting spz1dm2 
I like the addition of coloured lighting, looks nice. Map looks a lot better now. Still a few things I would clean up, some of the trims near the lava need to go all the way to the end of the platform edge for example.

But my quibbles would be minor at this point. 
Just Realized 
i just realized i was doing lighting with gamma 0.5. no wonder why everything is so bright :(, But it's what I play with though :( So I guess I should do lighting with default gamma in quake? 
gamma should be 1 when mapping because that's the default. 
disagree, gamma should be used to make the stock ID levels look correct on your monitor, then you should make your levels similar to the brightness of the stock ID levels. 
^ What He Said 
Just had a look at the map and no idea how I missed that. Thanks for the heads up. 
Compiler Problems 
The last time I asked for help with Screenies I was told to put it in the screenshot thread instead of Mapping Problems so here goes:

I have two different compilers on the PC: Txqbsp and Tyr_qbsp(renamed so that I could differentiate).
Both of them are giving me texture alignment issues (IE they don't match what I see in TB)

With Txqbsp this happens:

and with Tyr_qbsp this happens:

and generates 5 warnings:
"*** WARNING 12: New portal was clipped away in CutNodePortals_r
*** WARNING 12: New portal was clipped away in CutNodePortals_r
*** WARNING 10: Reached occupant at (-720 -688 294), no filling performed.
Leak file written to spz1dm1.pts
*** WARNING 22: Healing degenerate edge (0.000000) at (208.000 -1264.000 512.000
*** WARNING 22: Healing degenerate edge (0.000000) at (224.000 -1248.000 480.000"

leak being here (my teleport entity might be extending outside map, I'll check)

1) Why? and...
2) What do? 
I forgot to add that after some Trigonometry calculations the angle to get the textures to line up correctly in spz1dm1_txqbsp.jpg is 26.6� 
You can likely fix the second one by passing in "-oldaxis" or whatever the flag for that compiler is. It flips the 45 degree determination logic... 
The 3rd Warning Is Crucial 
check the coords given, there is a hole in your map.
You can put the .pts file into your /maps folder, load the map in engine and via "pointfile" command check where the leak is located. 
i read only the half of it.

Note that liquid brushes (*prefix) dont seal your map, so it looks like that teleporting brush could be the cause of the leak. 
The strange thing is with txqbsp the leak doesn't happen. There's a solid wall behind that teleporter brush. I just checked the entity after my post earlier and that's also not outside the map. Possibly due to the supposed leak it does not vis with tyr_qbsp either.

-oldaxis worked by the way thanks. 
You can also load the pointfile in TrenchBroom if it's in the same directory as your map file. 
It's under the File menu. After that, you can ride on the point file trace, look in the View > Camera menu to find the shortcut keys to advance / retreat the camera. 
Loaded up the pointfile in TB but it seems to go straight through the middle of a solid brush, not the joins of any. It seems placing a teleporter entity at a 45� angle is a bad idea =P

Would it be too forward to ask somebody to have a look at it? 
No It Wont 
first try to delete and remake that brush, if you haven't already. 
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