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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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more resolution is not more freedom.

I have fun making content for this game rather than doom3 or unreal4 because I can spend as long on an entire quake level as one model in those engines. 
Sock's mod has a nice alias prebinded: 'pixels'. It lets you switch between crisp textures or blurred textures simply without having to remember the obscure GL_WHATEVER_MODE_SETTING command, so you can all set it to whichever you prefer. 
More resolution is more work, nothing more. 
Go Bind 
alias filter1 "echo Point Sampling -OFF-; bf; gl_texturemode 6; r_particles 1; bind F1 filter2"
alias filter2 "echo Point Sampling -ON-; bf; gl_texturemode 3; r_particles 2; bind F1 filter1"
bind "F1" "filter1" 
the 'bf' is a nice touch

"shazam! pixels!" 
let's make it a powerup you pick up in game. 30 seconds of pixel-vision, and you can jump twice as high. 
Hi-res Minecraft powerup! 
My New Dm Map Im Working On

not a whole lot to look at without textures / detailing. just working on the layout. might inspire someone with the basic architecture though 
Looks like it will be a really nice DM map. Love arenas.

What QuakeWorld client is this? 
This and #12560 are the same? It's evolving really nice. These screenshots are beautiful. Again, you guys squeeze sweet juice from these textures. Kudos. 
looks nice 
Yes, it's from the same map. The second shot isn't really lit. But I enjoyed the silhouette so much that I thought I would share. In-game it's a bit too dark. 
I enjoyed it too :) 
Playing With Texture Lights, Only Source Of Light Is Lava. 
Very nice! Looks like it could have been a good map for the last jam! 
Zwiffle Has A Timemachine 
Looking brilliant, the rockwork especially!
Go map! 
adib: thanks, ezquake. 
Streaming Tonight 
forgot to add im doing some level design streaming tonight. just working on that dm map cleaning up the brushwork and changing a few things before texturing / lighting / detailing. 
Not Much Progress Was Made Tonight 
im awful at the art part :( 
Sweet broken floor. I could see the layout when you noclipped. It will be a fast 1v1 arena, right? Those are my favorite. 
Jam 6 DLC Feat. Zwiffle 
Cradle To Grave - Redo 
After considering a lot of the constructive criticism and suggestions from Quaddicted and here, I've made some changes to the original idea for my map. This is a complete overhaul. Please let me know your thoughts.


P.S. for some reason the video is super bright, but I recorded it without it looking like this, so I don't know wtf. I have bad luck with technology, I guess... 
Enclave On Sale @Steam 
Mentioned in #12510 and some following messages, Enclave is on Steam sale until the 5th. Amran posted some screens of his custom map for it, if you don't remember.

It's only 0.69� in Euroland. Not a lot more than getting a copy for free as offered by Amran in #12519. (I don't know if his offer is still good. You can ask him via e-mail.) 
Watching you run through the map last night makes me think this will be an excellent map to play on. I'm not sure about your texture choice, also it looks like your texture res is lower than it should be? Even quakes textures aren't normally that low resolution, you should always take your preview screenshots at the best quality you can.

I'm not 100% sure on the theme, I dunno if the texture you have on the walls is doing it justice since it's more of a floor or ceiling texture. I kind of expected something like the DaPak or ZTN style aesthetic. 
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