#12522 posted by Shambler on 2015/09/02 23:33:39
Both cool, well apart from the castle which is cool / fucking great ;)
The orange containers are from jf_obtex .wad which is used in rubicon I believe.
#12524 posted by metlslime on 2015/09/04 01:03:26
jf_obtex.wad is actually a palette conversion of the quake 2 textures I made for the "oblivion" mission pack
Well I never knew that :)
 Blood Bathroom
#12526 posted by Ruin on 2015/09/06 09:58:33
Here's a wip of the blood bathroom I'm redesigning. I'm creating my own .wad (which is the most fun I've had in a while), and I'm making custom textures for my Blood levels, instead of using the textures ripped from the original game.
My goal is to make prefab's of all props. This is a demonstration of that.
this is really neat, you know there was a Blood TC project for Quake a while ago? They probably could have used your talent very much :)
Also for something like your maps I feel that Quake doesn't quite offer the right variety of enemies, if I was you I would check out either Drake or Quoth or perhaps even wait for Socks Arcane Dimensions mod as they will probably have the right kind of variety of enemies.
this is really neat, you know there was a Blood TC project for Quake a while ago? They probably could have used your talent very much :)
Also for something like your maps I feel that Quake doesn't quite offer the right variety of enemies, if I was you I would check out either Drake or Quoth or perhaps even wait for Socks Arcane Dimensions mod as they will probably have the right kind of variety of enemies.
this is really neat, you know there was a Blood TC project for Quake a while ago? They probably could have used your talent very much :)
Also for something like your maps I feel that Quake doesn't quite offer the right variety of enemies, if I was you I would check out either Drake or Quoth or perhaps even wait for Socks Arcane Dimensions mod as they will probably have the right kind of variety of enemies.
Sorry guys, my browser has been a little weird lately.
#12531 posted by Ruin on 2015/09/06 22:35:43
Thanks for the constructive criticism, Fifth. I agree that Blood and Quake are a funky mesh. I decided I'm going to attempt to use Quoth , since they do have a lot more features and rotating brushes, which would be great for the doors in Blood.
Yes, I am aware of Transfusion/QBlood total conversions. I feel that what I'm going for at this time is more of a blood-inspired complete episode with subtle changes to the original Quake gameplay. I'd like to keep this mod simple and focus on level design above all else.
If this project picks up momentum, I'd like yo get into my own custom enemies and weapons. For right now, as you've said, I feel Quoth offers a lot of elements that will fit in this project nicely.
#12532 posted by anonymous user on 2015/09/07 12:37:55
Here's a level designated to prefabs for upcoming levels I'll be working on. All textures were made by me, with resources pulled from cg textures, and the Getty's public domain website.
These are all map objects, created with Trenchbroom. Also used Wally and Gimp for the textures.
#12533 posted by Ruin on 2015/09/07 12:48:24
That looks great!
#12535 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/09/07 13:35:15
Neat! Those look cool.
I'd love to see more Quake-y type prefabs like that. Medieval dungeon stuff ...
 Very Cool, Ruin
#12536 posted by killpixel on 2015/09/07 20:38:32
I'm playing through Blood for the first time atm and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Can't wait to play this project, so far everything is impressive.
#12537 posted by adib on 2015/09/08 05:08:41
Really nice scene, I love this kind of setting. You mastered those curtains, the look so very real.
What are these textures' size?
So, this is something I'm calling "Concreto":
Textures are derived from stores' catalogs and free stuff. I'm giving proper credit when I release.
Along with cement and iron, I intend to make it fire and brimstone as well...
#12538 posted by Ruin on 2015/09/08 06:02:08
Thanks, adib.
I'm keeping all the textures the standard quake resolution. I believe the curtains texture is 128x128.
There's a lot of stuff I wanted done for my maps, but since I couldn't find proper textures to truly fit my theme, I started making my own with a lot of help from cg textures and other online resources.
Here's a pic of what I was able to finish tonight. https://db.tt/tq71feoO
#12539 posted by adib on 2015/09/08 06:33:11
I think you should risk more with texture size, make them at least 256x256 and scale them down on the surfaces, in Trenchbroom. That would give them a sharper look. The floor, for example, looks washed.
Also, it looks like you're facing something Warren was talking about few weeks ago: Quake player is a speedy dwarf and it's very hard to make realistic sized stuff for him. To me, it looks like you're getting close, but this is something you can only tell while you play.
#12540 posted by adib on 2015/09/14 09:29:54
#12541 posted by Spirit on 2015/09/14 09:58:03
You guys are using the worst image hosts imaginable (Photobucket, Tinypic, Mediafire, etc). Why not direct links to Quaketastic or Imgur?
#12542 posted by Kinn on 2015/09/14 10:18:41
was about to say the same. If you can't post a direct link to a jpg file, learn 2 internet plz.
#12543 posted by DaZ on 2015/09/14 11:45:59
Coo. I think the light coming from the white lights on the pillar falls off too fast, it looks very artificial. Maybe the skylight is a little too blue as well, but hard to say without seeing more of the level.
#12544 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/09/14 12:21:50
DropBox gives you 2GB for free if you sign up. Direct image links. Get some.
#12545 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/09/14 12:23:16
As for the shot, the white lights are a little weird as well in that they wouldn't be splashing up on the bottoms of the pillars like that. Your light entities are too far away from the light source...
 Cant View The File Here
#12546 posted by mfx on 2015/09/14 15:35:38
Stupid Host, use quaketastic or imgur.