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texture is very well done... though I think if you want the texture to be used alongside or fit in with the current set of textures then it needs colours from different parts of the palette. When you look at even some of the most simple textures in quake it's very rare they stick to the same colour row. 
Atm this one uses colours from 4 rows I think, but they are all brownish, apart from the little grey bits I got in there. That kinda stuff will be what I will do later on when I got a really good base to work from and sorted out some other colour variants first. Little bits of green, blue, whatever works nicely.

Though I am not necessarily thinking about how these will work with the original textures, since I want to make a full set, trims, buttons and all of that. So mappers can just use my set if they want, but it should work OK with the original Quake stuff nonetheless.

Also when it comes to all the wads that are floating around out there, from the Dooms, Heretics, Hexens, stuff like Kingpin and what have you. All of those are kinda different styles and people still mix them together (more or less successfully)

So with that in mind I will just mainly focus on making a selfsustained set where people will not generally think "Oh, I need this one texture from the original Quake here." 
Everything on the right track, but get rid of that 'kin' horse that's following you! 
Just the Quake marine wearing his step dancing shoes. 
Looks Good Ptoing 
Though I am not necessarily thinking about how these will work with the original textures, since I want to make a full set, trims, buttons and all of that.

If that's the case just keep doing what you're doing. In comparison to Quakes textures though, Quakes are considerably more noisy and generally don't have as many colors per texture as yours do.

Maybe play around with adding a bit of noise for some texture that will register close up in game (try 1% uniform monochromatic before indexing). If you do that, you many not want to dither at all during indexing, or at least very little, depends on the look you're going for. Are you using Photoshop?

...and then dirty up from there, so the dirt is actually unique. I reckon for stuff like bricks and the like, things that tile across bigger areas, this is worth it, no? Do we even need small 128x128 versions?

Good. I opted to go for larger textures for textures that will often occupy large spaces. Go for unique as possible as much as you can in this case. Typically, I'll make the entire thing unique or make half the grid seams then copy-paste, flip and rotate bits and pieces till I fill up the whole texture. after that its just a mater of drawing in the bricks and tweaking.

I cheat a lot, however, on basic pattern based textures. For instance, I made a brick seam template, which I can manipulate with masking layers and layer styles. This lays over the base 'brick' image. Then of course, detail passes, which take the most amount of time.

Anyway, your texture looks very good. I posted my first textures here a little over a year ago and they looked like ass. Nice work! 
Thanks KillPixel :) 
Some Quake textures are more noisy, some less. In general there will be a bit more colour variation in tiny amounts. As far as colours goes, this has 27. There are plenty in Quake which have way more.

I use Cosmigo Promotion, which is for indexed work. Like a more powerful version of DeluxePaint and the like. I do have Photoshop as well, but I probably wont be using it that much for these textures, apart from maybe some groundwork. I like to have 100% control as to which colours become which when I repalettise and I wanted to practise indexed texture work a bit more anyway, so this is a good excuse.

Also I have been doing pixelart for over 10 years professionally now. So that helps with this kinda work as well :) 
Also I have been doing pixelart for over 10 years professionally now. So that helps with this kinda work as well :)

I bet, no wonder your textures look good. I look forward to seeing more! 
It will probably be a while until I have some more time for this stuff. Pretty busy with working on a game we just released a while ago on Steam early access, as well as a freelance gig I need to finish. If I had the time and money to just do this right now I would, but alas. 
What Game? 
I saw one that looks similar to SLAIN that just hit early access. 

If you like really chaotic multiplayer fun that is more aimed towards party than competition you will probably enjoy it. We also seriously need more players. Going a bit slow right now, though I am confident it will pick up over time and when it gets more exposure. 
Makes me want to plug in a N64 controller. Looks cool, I hope it goes well for you guys. 
Quake is a fast game, as Shambler says, what you've got there is a bit crampt for how quickly the player can get about, meaning that they're going to trip over the geometry quite a lot as it is now.

For the aesthetics, try and make the textures match the geometry they're placed on a bit more, that can help a lot to lead you to new ideas for the layout and deco itself.

Also (and take this as you will) don't use Darkplaces. It might sound purist, but if you can't make it look good in Quakespasm no amount of real time shadows, bump maps or particle fx will save it.

But yeah, it looks good - keep going and good luck! 
Not as much Quake related, but more something that bears similarity to Quake. The level is mostly done in Ogier, but TrenchBroom also came in handy for speeding up the process of creating cliffs and rock formations. For anyone curious, the game is Enclave. 
Fucking Shit! 
Quake conversion please!!' 
looks very pretty/atmospheric, makes me want to get enclave, makes me fondly recall when I had time to play games, and also makes me want to play lots of coop rpg/action games / quake maps at christmas. win. 
Enclave Is Fun! 
And perfectly consumable in bite-size chunks :) 
Enclave Rocks 
also that level looks very nice. 
Great to see Enclave finally getting some mapping love. Looking great so far; rich design and tons of architecture! I've still got the editor all setup here, but nothing has come to mind yet. :( 
Was good. CyBear of this very forum worked on it. Never worked out how to get combo moves working properly, but it hit the medieval 3PS melee vibe just right. 
yeah i remember how varied and interesting the maps were too. all very different with a good solid theme in each.

ranged attacks were hard for me though... really difficult to aim the bows and xbows... 
Thank you for the kind words! I've always found that Enclave has some great level design, and it's made all the more interesting that it's a brush based engine similar to Quake. (The editor can even save levels in .map format.) I still need to get back to finishing some of my Quake levels, but this was definitely a good diversion.

If anyone's interested in Enclave (and with any luck editing for it as well), just shoot me an email as I have a few spare Steam copies. 
Couple Of Previews 
Gotta respect cool stuff made with Quake textures.

What about this orange container? Is it just a brush with a very good and hi-res texture scaled down? 
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