Escape By Daya
Not bad. Seems to be improved a bit. When you said you added extra spice I'm not sure that's what I had in mind ;)
that is a very nice and striking visual you have in that map. Reminds me of some of the later UT99 community maps with the texture set.
In terms of gameplay I think you really need several ways up the tower. Someone with the RL could easily dominate the whole map at the top since it has just one entrance and you can pretty much rain down rockets at people below.
#12424 posted by adib on 2015/07/13 02:40:30
Wee, thanks!
Yes, more than one way up (to every floor, by the way) is always a good thing.
But the upper two floors only have the bigger weapons, 1 health and some ammo. Health and armor is at the lower two floors. Doesn't it give balance?
I was thinking about a secret with a Quad at the first floor (or maybe underground), so you can get to the top with: yellow armor, mega health, super shotgun, super nailgun and quad, giving you leverage.
What do you think?
 Damn, These Are Some Sexy As Hell Textures
#12425 posted by skacky on 2015/07/13 02:58:53
#12426 posted by adib on 2015/07/13 03:52:02
Couldn't use all of them yet. There is a sidewalk, a brick road, grates and fences, arches, iron gates, plants, parquet...
#12427 posted by mfx on 2015/07/13 05:58:01
Level looks great, played a few rounds with bots.
Fifth already said it: a second choice of route up is needed.
After that, make a singleplayer map.
..and show us the other textures!
 Sure Thing
#12428 posted by adib on 2015/07/13 07:57:39
Yes, a single player would be nice. Gotta organize prefabs and wads out of this stuff.
What about these map jams? Is it a thing closed to friends, or anyone can join?
#12429 posted by mfx on 2015/07/13 08:28:40
Anyone interrested and able to map can join.
#12430 posted by Shambler on 2015/07/13 10:15:46
Satan's scrotum those textures are NICE - best new ones I've seen in Quake for a while. Great use of fog and lighting too.
I'm not really sure about DM but it seemed like the map wouldn't be free-flowing enough, needed a bit more openness and route choices.
#12431 posted by dwere on 2015/07/13 12:07:55
I've used the provided executable and batch file, but I can't see anything because of the fog.
#12432 posted by adib on 2015/07/13 13:24:49
Really? That's odd. You're the first to give this feedback. Maybe it's an engine issue and some cvar tweaking at the console would help.
#12433 posted by adib on 2015/07/13 13:28:22
That's exactly where the textures came from, how did you know?
And yes, I'm thinking about a second route now.
#12434 posted by adib on 2015/07/13 15:34:35
Set fog 0 and r_skyfog 0 in the console to get rid of the fog.
I think the map is a bit like Aerowalk, but it does need a couple of routes to the top, probably a 2 way teleporter also. Having the powerful weapons at the top needs to also come with some big risk or way of countering a height advantage.
I would have given more feedback earlier but I had a short break. I would add a second lift and maybe a couple of ramped or stair-way paths up. Looks good though, can't wait to see the rest of the texture set.
#12436 posted by adib on 2015/07/14 04:15:37
Yes. But there should also be a Quad far away from the upper levels, so one could storm upon the rocket launcher with leverage.
 Those Who Mentioned Gameplay,
#12437 posted by adib on 2015/07/14 08:03:43
please, try out this new version:
It's still WIP, just to test the gameplay.
There are 2 elevators, one for each room in the 2nd floor;
The nailgun room now takes you to the terrace;
There is a quad damage still poorly placed. The goal here is to see how it breaks RL dominance.
 Pictures !
#12438 posted by Barnak on 2015/07/14 14:29:42
This thread is supposed to be about pictures. Please post pictures !
 Betas !
#12439 posted by Shambler on 2015/07/14 14:38:43
This thread is supposed to be about betas. Please post betas !
#12440 posted by mfx on 2015/07/14 16:35:53
ahemm, forget it..
 CZG's Moobs?
#12441 posted by Shambler on 2015/07/14 19:00:21
Pwhoar! I'd beta-test those.
#12442 posted by Orl on 2015/07/14 22:35:57
I shall try and satisfy your demands with a picture.
It shows the majority, but not all of, the second part of my map oms3_2 in a birds eye view from the editor. The first part lasts about 20 minutes, and I anticipate the second part presented here lasting anywhere from 20-30 minutes. The construction is nearly complete, with only one big area left to create and apply details to.
It will absolutely require Quakespasm and or RMQ since it not only breaks every standard Quake limit known to man, and probably some not even known, but it slightly extends beyond the +-4096 boundary. In other words, its huge.
 Yeahhhhh ORL
#12443 posted by Shambler on 2015/07/14 23:06:27
#12444 posted by RickyT33 on 2015/07/14 23:10:14
#12445 posted by mfx on 2015/07/14 23:14:58
 Lets Bang.
#12446 posted by mfx on 2015/07/15 00:10:03