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Screenshots & Betas
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my original suggestion was with the implication that all lightmaps would be high res, and only indicated lights would cast high res traces (because it is the traces that will take the most time). For other lights, they would put their low res maps (upscaled to match) on the high res lightmap. (like simply increasing a bitmap's size by 2x, maybe use some filtering to smooth out the results)

I have had light take several hours when doing final passes with -extra4 and all that other stuff.

increasing the number of traces to get high res light maps would increase that by order of magnitude, I would imagine...

unfortunately I hadn't considered how dynamic lights would work what with having to update all those lightmaps.

could there be 2 full lightmaps, one low res for dynamic and one completely static high res one and then just do some additive blending at run time?

also, for setting lightmap res on faces, would that just be a huge pain? If i set 1 light to be high res vs setting all the walls, doors, plats, whatever else in the room to high res? 
the problem with per-surface lightmap res is how you get it from the editor to the qbsp. it would require a new .map format instead of just new entity fields. and that would require editing all the map editors etc too, which becomes a significant undertaking.
I doubt that it would be that hard for the qbsp though. 
You could do it with the standard .map format by using texture names as flags... so a surface with the texture "*texturename*$lm256" or something like that would be flagged in the light compiler as using a 256x256 lightmap res.

Might be a slight pain to work with, but if you're only going to utilize the highres lightmaps in key areas, it shouldn't be too bad to set up 
Pixel Journeys 
Nice, I really like the lava river ... the organic shoreline with the structure of the pillars works really well. 
Very Nice. 
Also what Warren said, lava river is the one. 
Spoogetastic Sock 
how big is this and when is it coming? 
Duke Screenie 
Near completion with a few tidbits left to do. 

What editor are you using? 
Nice, I never say no to new Dook maps. 
Yeah I wanna play it :) 
Searching For Link 
Hi, I was browsing this thread and came across a screenshot on some blog, I'm trying to find it again. It was of a fairly basic scene, with two views. One with void or dark area, the other with lava. I'm pretty sure it was from this thread, a few pages back. Anyone recall? 
Arcane Dimensions? 
Not AD 
The scene is of a corridor with a gap in the floor, which has lava in the second view. I think it's a single image of composed of two shots. 
Hypnos2 (or 1) 
In post #12241 there's a link to a map from jam5. It crashes my ezquake as it loads, did I install it wrong or is it for another client? 
ezquake is a quakeworld client, it is not meant for singleplayer, it will make you play a different singleplayer, it will not support mods, you should use quakespasm, fitzquake or directq. 
Use sv_progtype and sv_forcenqprogs 
AAS, I can load the map with both of those set to 1 but crash on spawn. With ezquake.

But jam5_hypnos2 doesn't look like the early shots from posts 12087 and 12106 :) 
ezquake is a quakeworld client, it is not meant for singleplayer, it will make you play a different singleplayer, it will not support mods, you should use quakespasm, fitzquake or directq. 
#12362 & #12365 
slowest double post ever :P 
Found That Screenshot I Was Looking For In Another Thread 
Cave Of Pixels 
@WarrenM, @Shambler, thanks :)
@Nitin, 2-3 maps from me, no release date yet, still building stuff.

The AD MOD project is also designed to be a resource kit for mappers to play with and luckily MFX is busy creating a new map for AD. 
MFX Is A Great Addition! 
Looking forward to this MOD, more and more... 
sweet. you + mfx = me very happy. 
Room Of The Moment
From my first map. Sorry about the hud. Dig it and get out. 
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