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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff
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Nitin, I Haven't Spoke To Him 
So I'm not really going to release it without his permission. But it's more of a proof-of-concept. What I found interesting is I just wanted to add dirt mapping at first but I couldn't get it to work right without nuking all the lights in the map. 
That works really well for me, makes the mod feel fun from the first wave and I ended up playing for quite a bit on each jam 5 map. I do feel my map is overly hard now but I think it's because I was evil with vores and shamblers. 
Go for it and thanks for the re-light!

Didn't have time to explore the light past the initial ones I placed in the scene. Haven't even had the time to play the jam yet :( 
Hypnos Map 
Cool, I will tweak it and release. I like the custom textures in the map btw, did you do them? 
Sort of, blending mixes of stock textures and a few from knave. I'll expand it if I ever make a standard map with this theme (or someone else could do it..) 
Do It And Host A Map Jam! 
You don't even have to make a map (actually you do, I've decided new rules)... would love to see this theme explored more!
(playing your map to the assassins creed sea shanties is fun) 
Yes, you DO have to make a standard map. 
Looks like I have no choice in the matter!
Still backlogged with taht rainy thing I started in December so I'll finish that first.

Sorry fifth! No jam organizing, time is scarce. 
Enjoy my tweaked version folks.

I added the source and a readme explaining what tweaks I have made and compiler settings etc. Just pop it into the Jam5 maps directory. 
New MOD By SOC. 
Anyone Interrested 
in a doom3 textured map? 
Third shot is neat with the pixelated textures. Love that look. Almost has a Dark Forces vibe.. 
That looks really good MFX! :) 
Sock's Mod 
looks excellent.

mfx, yes sir very interested although I find the skybox too contrasty to the textures personally. 
Yes To Both. 
It does work well when it's mostly obscured, like in shot 2, though. 
mfx: shots look promising, but:

try turning on trilinear filtering and crank up anisotropic as high as it will go. The see-through gratings will hopefully look better. 
will do, shots were taken on mobile laptop with poor gfx. 
Did bellends drive him out of func or something? 
Long Story. 
TL:DR Kinn go map. 
I Have 
an erection.

On both counts. 
By That I Mean 
the screenshots look amazing. I really like the Doom 3 shots, brushwork looks fantastic as ever. And Sock's mod looks really sweet too, the Furry Knight isn't very cute. Got some moves though. But the shots of the lava cave look really immersive :) 
Another MFX map?? Ooooh could be tempting. Of course :P. Shots look great, well apart from Shot 3 but that will look fine in GL...

Kinn: It was the flounce of the decade, so, errr, yes?? 
Sock's last shot looks quite the homage. 
sock's screenshots are making me homagesexual 
My Func Gay Lovers! 
It was the flounce of the decade, so, errr, yes??
As always there is mighty stirring of the drama teacup here! :)

Arcane Dimensions is indeed a new MOD I am developing featuring tons of new content from many different people all nicely stitched together into one package. I only intent to post about it in one place and have no interest in chasing everyone (the 5 active quake people) around on 4 different quake sites! if anyone wants to post news items on other sites, by all means use the screenshots.

As always feedback is most welcome and is really important to my creative process, so get involved and post comments over at the Moddb pages! Obviously once the mod is finish I will be back with a news items and download link!

@nitin, @rickyt23, @distrans, @lunaran, thanks for the comment and feedback and yes lots of homage! 
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