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RE: Gear 
I probably didn't do that right. I think the real way would be to convexorize the stuff myself and then rotatecopy it. That way I could use your default setting to generate several brushes instead of 1 brush per face.

auto convexorizoring would be awesome though, but likely really mathy and complex. 
Yeah, I had that thought while looking at the gear ... doing it yourself would definitely be WAY more efficient in terms of brush use.

But, the other methods will work now so it was worthwhile as a test case. 
OBJ2MAP 1.0 
I'm going to do a proper news item tonight or over the weekend but for now, I think we're at 1.0 and ready to release.

+ logging should be more reliable now
+ added more info to log
+ user can specify a texture name for visible and hidden faces

Run it as administrator! Apparently that's necessary for some people. 
Still Runs With Wine 
I just tested the latest version with Wine, and it worked fine. Since it's going to be a 1.0 release, I thought it was a good time to confirm this.

There are a couple of minor typographical errors in the log file. It says:

"Copy To Clpboard : True" - should be Clipboard
"Beginnning MAP construction" - should be Beginning

Glad you shared the program with us all. 
My attention to detail is stunning.

Thanks, will fix! 
Convexorizing Yourself 
is definitely the way to go: 
I can't wait trying it out, but I'm stuck on the message:
it's not a valid win32 application. 
That's odd. It's definitely a 32bit application. What OS are you using? 
'not a valid win32 application' is typically a dependancy issue. make sure you have .net 4.5 installed (I think that's its only dependancy). 
Yeah, should just be .NET. Although that's a terrible error message if that's what it is...

Also, run it as an administrator. Don't know if that's relevant. 
i think the run as admin is only if you're writing to a folder that is normally protected, eg: program files, or documents?

and yeah, that is a shit error message for a missing dependency. :\ 
I'm using WinXp servicepack 3, but it's fresh installed.
Also I hate adding an administrator and password as I'm the only user,
so I can't even reach that prick.

I think it is the .net.45 not installed.,
but in that case I'm not lucky
because it won't fit WinXp.

I'm an ancient fossil, I know. 
Windows Xp 
Is(was?) fucking awesome. I miss it anytime i have to use windows 8 
Why is that? I'm honestly curious because I'm hard pressed to think of anything I don't like about Windows 8.1 
Windows 8 
Broke a gazillion of awesome old games by ruining DirectDraw emulation.

I wouldn't even complain if compatibility mode worked, but it simply doesn't. 
I Prefer Win7 To Win8 
I'm Totally Un-informed With Win 8 
So that was just my knee-jerk reaction from using it for ~1 day I'm afraid. First impressions were not good though, it seemed very naggy, it forced a restart without me being able to postpone. The mobile/desktop UI mashup was confusing at best, and enough's been said about the start menu.

I presume it gets better though use though? Or at least that the annoyances can be mostly tweaked away? I'm planning on building a windows gaming machine sometime soon, so I hope I can come to like the OS :) 
OTP - Direct Draw Issues 
you can fix the DirectDraw problems in windows 8 but it involves changing registry settings. The problem is that it limits frame-rates in fullscreen mode but not windowed mode.

You can fix it by following steps on this guide -

It's not a very well known guide at all and I spent a lot of time searching google for a fix. 
Windows 8.1 works 99.9% identically to Windows 7. 
I Actually Like Windows 8.1 
It's a good operating system. The fact that direct draw is broken is a huge problem for me since I play a lot of old school games. There are other problems I have had running games on win 8.1 (like hotline miami 1 being broke, amongst other titles, because game maker isn't built for win 8.1).

For anything other than gaming it's really great, but gaming on pc is going through a golden age right now and microsoft needs to step it up. 
I've read that Hotline Miami 2 doesn't run on XP? 
but gaming on pc is going through a golden age right now and microsoft needs to step it up

what's fun is that it's not because of anything microsoft has done, but in spite of it. that's one of the strengths of the PC space, that even with msft's totally clumsy efforts with GFWL, constant driver fuckups, and their single-minded dedication to bringing every good gaming experience they can acquire exclusively to the xbox, it's still been entirely possible for other parties to do a total end run around the de facto owners of the platform. 
Technology Arms Race 
The advent of the internet allowed individuals to take the power of their own creativity and make stuff that the slow, short sighted and clumsy megacorp can't for various reasons.

I don't think its a golden age, because that implies that it will end. Instead things just get more and more possible as we improve our methods.

I can now 3d print a working gun I want, all media (which the megcorps want to gate access to) is effectively free, governments and corporations are fighting a constant losing battle against the rest of humanity, and they're giving ground each time a new startup appears with a cool idea and just does it.

The next step would be the dissolving of such cumbersome and wasteful institutions as we approach a type of creative singularity. Which will happen once the actual costs of production become low enough - which many smart people are currently working on.

Yes I'm talking more about physical products, but we've already reached a point where this same community is producing free content of a much higher quality than many paid digital downloads.

Someone is going to come up with a cool idea which frees this content creation from the licensor's.


I should look into how much it actually costs to license Quake1 from id. 
So to wrap up my Throne Room posts from a little bit ago, the contest wrapped up and I managed to squeak into 10th place! Only the 9th loser, not bad!

But I got the prize I was shooting for so I'm happy!

Now, back to Qonquer jamming ... 
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