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bsp2 should be fine with >64k unique planes.
From what I can see, the only reason vanilla q1bsp had a 64k plane limit is the planenum field of dface_t is 16-bit, but that's been increased to 32-bit in bsp2 
Wow, 3DS Max spits out a special OBJ file format ... yeah!

So new version ... should handle more OBJ goofiness now:

Much thanks to WizardExt for the OBJ file samples! 
v-hacd ... I think we JUST integrated that into Unreal Engine 4 for collision mesh generation.

I think that might work but it would have to have an option for exacting output because I don't think anyone will accept approximations. They'll want the exact mesh they modeled.

But I'll look at it, it can't hurt! 
Oh, and if more people could give the OBJ2MAP thing a go, I'd appreciate it. I want to make it real release but I'm afraid that there's something I'm missing. And the immediate problems WizardExt ran into tell me I'm probably right... 
Shit just got real! 
tool sometimes outputs scientific notation for small numbers. just round to 0? anyway, TB can't parse that. :(

( -63.6619 8 -2.5683 ) ( -63.6619 -8 2.5682 ) ( -63.6619 -8 -2.5683 ) EMPTY 0 0 0 1 1
( -55.6619 0 -4.99999999998835E-05 ) ( -63.6619 8 -2.5683 ) ( -63.6619 -8 -2.5683 ) EMPTY 0 0 0 1 1
( -55.6619 0 -4.99999999998835E-05 ) ( -63.6619 -8 -2.5683 ) ( -63.6619 -8 2.5682 ) EMPTY 0 0 0 1 1
( -55.6619 0 -4.99999999998835E-05 ) ( -63.6619 -8 2.5682 ) ( -63.6619 8 2.5682 ) EMPTY 0 0 0 1 1
( -55.6619 0 -4.99999999998835E-05 ) ( -63.6619 8 2.5682 ) ( -63.6619 8 -2.5683 ) EMPTY 0 0 0 1 1
Odd, there's code in there to handle that ... but I guess it's not handling it in all cases.

Can you send me the OBJ file that does that? Or just give me a download link or whatever? 
Which Programs Use This? 
Not really looking to be a pirate 
OBJ2MAP worked for me under Wine in Linux and successfully converted a small obj file containing a single octahedron. If there is a larger obj file you'd like me to run it on for more testing, gimme a copy and I'll give it a go.

The window layout is a bit wonky, but it's all right to use. 
I can't believe TinyPic isn't dead, either. 
Coder Challenge 
Make the tool automatically scale and align the brush textures based on the skin. 
primal - Thanks for looking! Nice to know it runs under Wine. That layout is basically correct...

Fifth -

I have some test meshes from various people that are behaving stupidly. This is the joy of trying to release something publicly. :) 
Finally We Can Get Realistically Modelled *things* 
OBJ2MAP (alpha 3)

+ added field to the UI so users can choose the decimal precision they want
+ added code to remove scientific notation in number results
+ added log file for debugging purposes (OBJ2MAP.log in the same folder as the EXE)

This should handle your gear mesh without scientific notation in the map file now, necros.

This also writes out a log file so if you get a problem going foward, please include that file with your bug report ... it may help save a life! 
Using the "spikes" method with current fixes... 
Hypothetically Speaking 
if there was a special texture applied to the non-drawn planes of these mesh-brushes, that represented "this plane is not supposed to be part of the bsp", could a suitably modified bsp.exe use that info to discard these planes in way that simplifies the compilation process / makes it less error prone / makes these structures more robust and less likely to leak? 
I could add a field for a user specified texture name to be applied to the extrusion and spike faces that get added pretty easily if that would be useful, sure... 
i've had some scaling problems with that converter, objects scaled way too large.
Now its working, thanks warren!
Go map! 
Seriously ... time spent on this is not time spent on my jam map. Gotta buckle down ... Sunday!! 
OBJtoMAP. Run As Admin To Fix Possible Crash! :) 
For anyone having issues with crashes when pressing the GO button to convert OBJ to MAP files make sure to run the program as an Administrator. :) It crashed for me at first but then I thought I would give it a go in admin mode. Worked perfectly then. 
Am I the only one who has an admin account on their machine? :)

Out of curiosity, what crash are you getting? 
I could add a field for a user specified texture name to be applied to the extrusion and spike faces that get added pretty easily if that would be useful, sure...

Certainly a worthwhile feature. Could default it to "skip". 
When I Say Which Programs 
What I meant was which 3d modelling software? No piracy ofcourse. :P

Is Gmax still a thing and does it export to obj? I have blender but it's a little bit obtuse (plus getting grid snap to work is impossibru) 
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