#12088 posted by sock on 2012/08/05 22:04:46
I am not sure how that link helps, I was talking about the idle.wav files for each monster. I was wondering if any mod had done any updates to these? added more?
#12089 posted by necros on 2012/08/05 22:07:18
heh, I yelled a bit for the quoth death guards. I sound like a dork though. :P
 Light Shifts
#12090 posted by madfox on 2012/08/14 04:16:11
As I am working on my map for some time there occure strange blackouts in the lightning.
I can�t seem to find a reason for it, like adding a bad brush somewhere and the brush turns total black.
Putting a light near won�t help.
It isn�t the brush because first it was right.
#12091 posted by necros on 2012/08/14 04:40:14
It's just a light artifact, not much you can do beyond rebuilding the area differently.
barring that, you can make that face a skip texture and then place an identical brush as a func_illusionary overtop of it.
 Ah, Right.
#12092 posted by madfox on 2012/08/14 07:02:11
I think it a bad habbit from lightning.
Some other area's I could rebuild right, but this one stays on place.
In the earlier maps nothing was wrong.
I can use a clip brush but it feels like patching.
What happens in a compiler when I have,lets say 15 warnings, and I trie to trace them.
When I go on adding brushes sometimes the warning count gets lower.
Is it because the compiler can't see the other warnings anymore or is it just a limitation in the messages.
It feels so rude to trace warnings that later on in the proces just are vanished.
#12093 posted by necros on 2012/08/14 07:40:01
Well, some warnings are caused by things done during compiling as opposed to something you did in the editor, so when you change an area, it might affect how the compiler treats the same brushes.
Making hull1 and hull2 is the most obvious example because the hull expansion stuff is sometimes very touchy about the brushwork but also things like cuts on faces and the portals that are generated can change just by adding a single brush.
#12094 posted by madfox on 2012/08/14 09:14:19
I succeeded to make new brushes and now they are away.
Only the static entities are hard to light.
Sometimes it 's bright, then it darkens.
I've heard they receive their lighting from under but that's a difficult part in some spaces.
#12095 posted by rudl on 2012/08/15 17:11:48
probably had something similar when q2 mapping, and fixed it by removing decimals from texture alignment.
So resetting texture alignment on that brush might help too
#12096 posted by madfox on 2012/08/15 21:14:30
It's a brush with a sharp point.
Often I experience to get a Cut_node_portal warning at the point.
If I keep the brush concave(not 3 but 4sides) and hide the smalles side into the wall brush it was gone.
Rule is not to let brushes overleap but in this case it's the only way.
If the wall is an outside wall often the leak effect starts calling.
Strange to see the brushes split in game after compileing, but usefull to trace errors.
 ID E1M1
Hi All, I am trying to move entities from the original E1M1 map to one that was released with CTF and has lots of entities like triggers and doors etc. removed. The trouble I am having is with the lights that are triggered just past the quad as you head down the spiraling path. The trigger near the quad door turned into a door withthe word ' trigger ' on it, and it opens when you hit all the red buttons. I must have assigned it a model by accident? there seems to also be a trigger counter for the buttons and activates the lights? Can anyoneexplain the proper operation or list the entities that are for those things?
#12098 posted by RickyT33 on 2012/09/13 10:47:06
If you download the quakeadapter, (and Worldcraft 3.3, and install them as instructed) you will be able to find the quake-defs-by-czg.fgd file in the Worldcraft DIR. (under Windows, you need to install WC3.3 to 'Program Files' (not ... (x86/)).
This file explains to an extent how all of the different entity types work (well it will tell you what attributes each one can have etc). I have trouble findind said .fgd file anywhere else, that is why I recommend you download the quakeadapter for WC3.3 - it's the only place I know of where that fgd file can be found.
AFAIK the entity 'targetname' fields are filled with random indexes ('17239830'), rather than meaninful names (i.e. sliver_key_door), so you will have to probably play the original map to find out the exact behaviour of the entities in the map.
#12099 posted by RickyT33 on 2012/09/13 10:48:08
...in the original id maps.
#12100 posted by necros on 2012/09/13 14:03:37
are you trying to transfer them from one bsp to another bsp?
you will not be able to do that if the number and combination of brush models (doors, triggers) do not match. the .map file would need to be recompiled.
#12101 posted by RickyT33 on 2012/09/13 14:35:10
I was assuming you were working on .map files.
If you are trying to mod the BSP files then dont.
Just get the .map sources, load them into an editor, and it will all start to make sense :)
If you recompile the original sources with a modern compiler you can actually achieve better lighting, transparent water, more efficient visual optimisation.
Got the Qadaptor installed. I dont have the .map files or the .ent files its been a while since I compiled a map, I used an old program called BSP a long time ago, think it was DOS , and it would take the ents and compile them into the map, and form a bsp if I remember.
#12103 posted by madfox on 2012/09/15 03:02:54
#12104 posted by madfox on 2012/09/15 03:07:48
sorry, that's my own.
#12105 posted by RickyT33 on 2012/09/15 17:07:54
Here are the original map sources from Quake:
You can load them into your editor!
#12106 posted by madfox on 2012/09/15 19:56:10
 The BSP Editor Is Still Going Strong
#12107 posted by RickyT33 on 2012/09/15 20:38:18
IT's certainly one of the more attractive modern editors, and it's open source if I recall.
You basically have to build the map in your editor, then you run the .map file through three compilers:
QBSP (TxQBSP is the best at the moment IMO)
This makes the physical world model that is the bulk of the .bsp file, and it also populates the .bsp file with all of the entities you have put in the .msp file (solid entities like doors, and point entities like monsters, ammo, light sources and scripting entities (which have a location even though they don't physically appear in the game))
This adds a chunk of light data to the .bsp file, after making a 'light-map', basically every pixel of texture in the map is given a brightness.
This 'visually optimises' the map, for running speed. It adds a chunk of 'vis-data' to the .bsp file, which tells the game engine, whilst it's running the map, which parts of the map to draw depending on where the player is stood (so it doesn't have to draw the whole world-model in each frame, when you can't see 90% of it anyway)
Once you have run all of these compilers on your map/bsp file, your map will be 'fully compiled' and ready to run.
If you wan't to add CTF to the original maps, you can load the .map sources linked above into an editor, save your .map file after you have added your entities for CTF functionality, and then compile the .map file into a .bsp file, and light and optimist the resulting .bsp file. :)
 Doors And Triggers (and Any Other Entities)
#12108 posted by RickyT33 on 2012/09/15 20:43:03
Can be flagged in the map file as 'not in deathmatch', I'd imagine that CTF is a type of deathmatch effectively (anyone?).
This way, if you play singleplayer then doors etc will be there, but when you play DM/multiplayer they will be gone.
id software used this feature to add multiplayer support to all of the singleplayer maps in the original Quake. It means you don't have to pack two full-sized different versions of the same map into the game package.
 Latest Version Of BSP Editor (AFAIK)
#12109 posted by RickyT33 on 2012/09/15 20:49:48
 Ooo Er Missus
#12110 posted by Mike Woodham on 2012/09/18 20:21:46
average leafs visible: 593
max leafs visible: 2546 near (-288 224 704)
c_chains: 2003978043
visdatasize: 1058 kb compressed from 4668 kb
Elapsed time: 63h 35m
State time: 13:42
Press any key to continue...
What are c_chains 'cause that looks an awfully large number? What is State time?
 Quake Models In Radiant
#12111 posted by negke on 2012/09/19 09:52:27
Just saw this at I3D: it's possible to have Gtk- and NetRadiant display the actual models for entities instead of the colored boxes. You need to edit the entities.ent file and add the model path to each entry, e.g. model="progs/player.mdl". They are loaded from the pak file, but are displayed unskinned (unless, I suppose, you extract the skin somewhere). The big problem is that only the model is shown, not the bounding box, which makes correct entity placement unnecessarily awkward.
#12112 posted by madfox on 2012/09/19 19:53:39
I had the same with my map.
Awfull lot of vising time, but I gave up at 67houres.
Recompiling some real small brushes to func_wall made it up to 8 houres.
For vising it takes too long.
My example
average leafs visible: 389
max leafs visible: 1544 near (-352 -152 -158)
c_chains: 1540051406
visdatasize: 668 kb compressed from 3718 kb
Elapsed time : 8h 58m
Session time : 8h 59m
State time : 1h 43m
I don't know for state time.
I don't think it are the c_chains, more some queer effect of brushes.
Try hiding extensive places with a big cube.
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