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Screenshots & Betas
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Spirit, neither one is using soft or extra4, it's just that the second one has lots of suns to give the soft edge on the purple light. I maybe should have left that feature for another comparison, but oh well.
Here's another test where the sunlight deviance angle was raised to 25 degrees: (cloudy day diffusing the light?)

The main thing I wanted to show is the effect of using minlight for the light dome (first shot) - this is why the shadowed areas look flat - vs regular additive lights in the light dome (second shot). I think the light domes have a similar number of lights actually.

Fifth, yeah, good point. Could just be a question of tuning the parameters, not sure. 
fuck that looks good. 
Speaking Of Sunlight 
back in the elder days when i made maps, I remember various quake engines drew the skybox at different orientations, turning the highly sophisticated idea of sun direction matching the skybox artwork into a bit of a "why do I even bother" situation.

What I'm trying to say is - have the various engine peoples sorted that shizzle out yet? 
i think so. 
thanks! also I remember on your website, you were saying it would be nice if you could split up a light entity into a bunch of smaller lights in a ball- i've got that working as part of the same patch, it looks handy! 
how are you doing the fake GI? When I did it, I just spawned a bunch of suns in a sphere and divided the light level by the # of suns. I had to convert all the light variables into floats though because each sun would have like 0.5 light intensity. :P

I also find it is *insanely* slow because each sun is now impacting onto the entire map. 
that's all I'm doing. It's a dome for _sunlight2, and for regular _sunlight I just jitter the angle a bit on each sun to get the penumbra effect.

It is slow, but none of those screenshots took more than about 20 seconds to light (and I'm on a laptop, though it's an i7 quad, so 8 hardware threads.) It'll be a lot worse for -extra4, but even if it's 4 or 5 minutes for the final light compile, that's not bad. 
Lol Kinn 
"Elder days," I hope you come back one day.

With all this lighting discussion, I am hoping for some help from some of you with a question I have, "WHY SO UGLY!" I have a map whose architecture I think is reasonably okay, but it always looks like shit in-game, and I think the lighting must be part of it. I have looked at it enough to feel stupid even trying to figure it out. I hadn't even mapped this year until a week ago, and I may be living in a tent this summer while trying to finish my Phd (lol)... but nevertheless I am going to annoy some of you (and/or anyone who volunteers) with this question of WHY SO UGLY, posed in .map form, soonish. 
I assume you are accounting for how there will be more suns near the poles of the sphere? my problem was I forgot to do that, so there was a much larger percentage of sunlight coming from straight up and less from the sides. 
Yeah so you need some texturing, good skybox, bit of fog maybe, looks like a neat village layout for Quakey exploration... 
You Fucking Cunt 
Don't put urls in the title please kthxbye. 
How To Right Click If The Mouse Is Magic? 
Oh, hey, instead of just making it clickable here are 3 steps that are super easy instead ... wat? 
Just put the URL in the body. 
Just sayin' it's not the end of the world you know? 
Kinn Should Write A Book 
i believe his a great writer 
And He's My Favorite Poster Right There 
For SleepwalkR 
Http:// Just In Case. 
But nice on Scampie that's solved that. 
Somehow I Knew This Would Happen... 
funny someone else is working on foliage at the same time, well here's my attempt at it: 
I've tried that recently. And by foliage I mean shitty, drippy slime and dopey ass looking plants. 
Wow Really Cool Shoots 
What game is that? Potions, zombies, trees, looks great.
REAlly liked the Quake shot as well; Cyclopean for sure. Loose stones are a nice touch. 
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