#12038 posted by necros on 2012/07/19 22:50:31
Do skipped faces still cause a slowdown when their lightmaps are updated?
#12039 posted by metlslime on 2012/07/19 22:56:31
at least when using the standard "skip" tools.
If there's some magical qbsp that removes the faces and their lightmaps from the bsp file, then it would not cause slowdown.
#12040 posted by necros on 2012/07/19 23:27:24
Rats. Thanks though!
#12041 posted by necros on 2012/07/20 05:08:58
But, I guess if your skip texture is scaled way way up, then it will still speed things up right? Since that face will have less lightmaps?
 Static Entity & Light
#12042 posted by madfox on 2012/07/20 19:58:33
After turning my static entity of the tessla coil in game only Fitzquake has the brightened light model option.
Playing it in glquake or joequake gives the darkened bolds as black lightning.
I know the models are always bright in Fitzquake, other engines not.
Is there a way to make them bright lightened too?
I used the overbright pallet for skin, but in game they turn black again.
 I Did Two Entities Light
#12043 posted by digs on 2012/07/21 06:30:45
"classname" "light"
"spawnflags" "1" // start_off
"target" "t1"
"classname" "light"
"target" "t1"
If I specify the same target, the two lights initially are turned off. If the target is different, then everything is fine. Why is it so?
#12044 posted by metlslime on 2012/07/21 10:18:30
Each unique targetname on a light is mapped to a lightstyle. Lights of a style turn on/ off as one. Same targetname means same style.
 Ok, Thanks
#12045 posted by digs on 2012/07/21 11:38:57
 R_speeds In Quakeworld?
#12046 posted by tony on 2012/07/22 05:32:51
What kind of poly count should i aim for in my maps? ok/max values?
At what point does it start to not draw brushes?
#12047 posted by digs on 2012/07/22 17:48:13
"func_door" without "targetname" property. Function "LinkDoors" (doors.qc) create a trigger for opening the door. But the trigger box is big and I did trigger_multiple. But now the monsters can not open this door. Can it be done in a different way?
#12048 posted by necros on 2012/07/22 19:58:03
yes, i believe you can replace the trigger_multiple with an info_notnull brush entity, and give it a touch key 'multi_trigger'. and set up the rest of the keys like you would a trigger_multiple.
#12049 posted by digs on 2012/07/23 04:14:34
I tried to do
"classname" "info_notnull"
"target" "func_door1"
"touch" "multi_trigger"
"solid" "1"
This is not working. I also added a "use" = "multi_use" but it did not work too
I tried
"classname" "info_notnull"
"target" "func_door1"
"touch" "door_trigger_touch"
"solid" "1"
It does not work either. I can set all properties for use "door_trigger_touch", but I can not set property "self" as done in the "spawn_field" (doors.qc). Other ideas?
#12050 posted by negke on 2012/07/23 10:02:10
It also needs "think" "InitTrigger and "nextthink" "0.2". No "use" or "solid" field.
 Err Wait
#12051 posted by negke on 2012/07/23 10:04:28
It does need the "use" field as well.
 Don't Understand
#12052 posted by digs on 2012/07/24 03:42:39
"classname" "info_notnull"
"target" "func_door1"
"touch" "multi_trigger"
"think" "InitTrigger"
"nextthink" "0.2"
"use" "multi_use"
It's not worked. And for player too.
#12053 posted by necros on 2012/07/24 04:21:29
did you put a brush in the entity?
#12054 posted by digs on 2012/07/24 04:22:34
#12055 posted by necros on 2012/07/24 04:40:01
try giving it a positive wait?
 Wow! It's Worked!
#12056 posted by digs on 2012/07/24 05:00:08
necros, negke great thanks!
#12057 posted by digs on 2012/07/24 05:22:36
...and this worked without "use"
 Maybe A Stupid Question
#12058 posted by madfox on 2012/07/24 23:13:15
Is it clever to change all clip brushes in a map into (one) func_wall?
This for vis time shortening.
#12059 posted by necros on 2012/07/24 23:41:17
clip brushes have no effect on vis afaik. Only brushes that are in hull0 (the visible hull) effect vis.
If you are talking about putting SKIP textured brushes into 1 func_wall, you probably could without it mattering too much since they are invisible anyway (so flickering is irrelevant).
Skip textured brushes in the world DO affect vis since they are only hacked to be invisible, but are still part of hull0.
#12060 posted by necros on 2012/07/24 23:42:20
Also, you can't put only clip textured brushes into a bmodel entity. You need at least one brush that is not clip. Also, the clip brushes will only be solid in the mins/maxs of the visible brushes, so you'd actually need to have two brushes at the opposite extremes of all your clip brushes.
#12061 posted by metlslime on 2012/07/25 00:57:52
clip brushes actually reduce clipnodes (in many cases), and have no effect on vis or r_speeds, so you're only making things worse by putting them into a func_wall.
 Vis Time
#12062 posted by madfox on 2012/07/25 04:16:43
Thanks for advice.
I thought if normal brushes in func_wall overide vistime, then why clipbrushes not.
My last level4 vis is 23h15. I was looking for ways to minimize this, but as it is such a
cramped map I don't think it will work.