#12013 posted by necros on 2012/07/09 02:40:25
Glad that was helpful. :)
 Radiant Question
#12014 posted by Drew on 2012/07/09 02:43:00
Negke, why did you use Netradiant?
Necros, why did you use Sikkpin's variant?
#12015 posted by necros on 2012/07/09 02:55:47
At this point, i want to use netradiant, but I can't figure out how to load textures in it. :P
I really like Sikkpin's variant, but there is a critical bug somewhere which prevents me from making more complex geometry. Specifically, it is rounding off vertex coordinates when I do not want it to, which tears apart multi-brush objects I've built when trying to rotate them to non-axial angles.
Currently, I'm waiting for Trenchbroom. :)
 Strictly Speaking
#12016 posted by necros on 2012/07/09 02:57:41
the vertex rounding may not actually be a bug, but rather intentional to prevent problems when compiling, but I think off grid vertices are not the cause of compiling problems which is why I don't consider it a good thing in the editor atm.
#12017 posted by Drew on 2012/07/09 06:19:37
I was attempting to load textures into netradiant when I asked
#12018 posted by necros on 2012/07/09 06:49:03
I tried all the obvious things like putting wad files in different subdirectories and extracting them as jpgs and such. Nothing seemed to work.
#12019 posted by necros on 2012/07/09 06:49:57
At this point, I am preferring to just wait for trenchbroom instead of trying to figure out netradiant. I figure if I'm going to learn a new editor, it may as well be completely different. :P
#12020 posted by Spirit on 2012/07/09 08:11:58
Currently, I'm waiting for Trenchbroom
sleepwalkr demoed it to me and now I am pretending to be a great mapper who so far only has been limited by the tools. I can't wait to stare blankly into a 3d editor and do stupid things with its face extrusion and non-sucking vertex editing.
 Textures In Netradiant
#12021 posted by Rick on 2012/07/10 00:42:46
I've never had any problems with textures in Netradiant other than having to manually add the texture wads to the "wad" line in the map file.
I use PSP 4.0 to create and modify the images and convert to .bmp (using a Quake pallette file), then TexMex to add them to a .wad file.
Then just put the .wad files in the \Quake\ID1 folder.
#12022 posted by necros on 2012/07/10 00:55:59
yeah... that works. it seems to ignore subdirectory selection in the wad key. :\
can you change that at all? I really dont' want to clog up my id1 folder with wad files.
 Wads In Id1\
#12023 posted by negke on 2012/07/10 09:48:54
This is how it is. No reason to reject the editor just because of that, one gets used to it.
Drew: I didn't use Netradiant because it has some weird bug/feature that affects the change views function in non-default window layouts which makes the whole editor unusable for me. I've reported this issue to Vermeulen, but it hasn't changed for three versions, so I don't expect it will anytime soon. A pity. Therefore still Gtkradiant 1.5 (26-Apr-07 build).
#12024 posted by Rick on 2012/07/10 16:10:34
I have 3 different Quake folders. One for playing/keeping downloaded stuff, one for editing only, and one clean one just for testing my current map.
I just copy whatever wad files I'm using into the editing folder (I keep all my images and intermediate graphics in a folder totally separate from Quake).
I think a few hundred megs just for Quake is pretty trivial in this day of multi-TB hard drives.
#12025 posted by wakey on 2012/07/10 22:26:28
#12026 posted by rj on 2012/07/11 15:32:23
did anyone ever bang out some kind of utility/script for converting valve 220 map files to regular quake ones?
it looks a relatively simple thing to do going by the syntaxes... whether simply removing the texture axis data produces the same result though i don't know
#12027 posted by JPL on 2012/07/11 20:53:39
As far as I understood, it is possible to do it with QuArK, just by opening the map and then saving the map file using the desired saving format...
#12028 posted by rj on 2012/07/11 21:48:10
with the texture alignment intact?
#12029 posted by necros on 2012/07/11 22:10:54
i tested wc .map -> quark6 -> qe3, but it seems to kill alignment.
#12030 posted by rj on 2012/07/12 00:27:54
thanks, thought that might be the case.
although erm.. the question is kind of irrelevant now. for some reason thought that wc3.3 had an increased grid size but alas, it doesn't. trying to work on someone else's half finished map which is built outside the usual -+4096^3 boundary and tearing my hair out with gtkradiant (i've been using worldcraft for 10 years! it's a difficult transition)
so my next (almost completely unrelated) question is if there is any way in radiant to focus the 2d views on whatever is selected? (ctrl-e in worldcraft). the 2d zoom function is horrible to use as it doesn't follow the cursor, and selected objects don't stand out when zoomed out like they do in WC. basically i'm selecting stuff in a giant grid-wide mass of ~16,000 brushes and can't even see where it is to edit it without a great deal of hunting around...
hoping that someone experienced will be able to point me to a magical shortcut or technique i've overlooked :)
#12031 posted by sock on 2012/07/12 01:08:56
Object focus : Select the object and press SHIFT+TAB. This will focus all windows on a select object and also rotate window axis view.
One thing you should try is floating windows and only have ONE 2d view window. Ditch the old cad/crap 3 axis window view, you really don't need it! The shortcut SHIFT+Tab will also rotate the window axis so you see the object/maps from any axis and only have one (very large) 2d window open.
Editing large map, use func_group on large selections of brushwork and use the filters (Alt+ 0-9) Also learn the inverse hide/select commands. For example, select brushwork group/object, press I and then H. It will only leave you with what you want to focus on.
#12032 posted by rj on 2012/07/12 01:38:26
muchos gracias sock. great advice!
still unsure about the one view layout though... i did try it that way for a bit but kinda missed the old way. may experiment some more though
#12033 posted by necros on 2012/07/12 02:25:55
I've always used 3 views + cam. I find it much easier to work with vertical layouts that way and also find the transition between views when switching very jarring.
Use what feels good.
#12034 posted by negke on 2012/07/12 09:32:21
I use the floating layout, because I prefer having one big window to work in instead of three small ones where I can't see shit and have to zoom in all the time. I don't see how old view can be useful unless maybe you have a huge screen.
Only downside to the floating layout with cascaded 2D/cam/ent windows is that their location gets messed up when starting the game while the editor is still open. Ideally, there should be a fourth layout option to allow single window editing like in Quest or DB, with shortcut keys to switch between 2D, cam and entities/textures.
 GtkRadiant Shortcut List
#12035 posted by negke on 2012/07/12 09:45:58
 Thanks, Have Saved
#12036 posted by rj on 2012/07/12 11:03:23
although interesting that [ and ] are listed as grid up/down, as that's how WC does it too but it didn't work when i tried it (gktr 1.5)
one thing i do like is spacebar to clone; feels nicer than shift-drag
#12037 posted by JPL on 2012/07/12 20:49:54
with the texture alignment intact?
This I admit I don't know... need to give a try.. eh !