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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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tx supports everything tree does, but also supports floating point coordinates. unless there's anything else, there's really no reason to use treeqbsp. 
I Thought 
that Tree supported floating point in exactly the same way that Tx does. That's what it says in the readme files anyway. 
oh maybe it's the 'etp' thing then? enhanced texture precision? 
supported in both, according to the readmes. In fact, going from the readmes, the main features list of both tools appear to be identical. 
geez, maybe they are then? the only difference would be txqbsp supporting -group then and different switch name for old/alt axis... 
Tx > Tree 
More stable, from my experience. 
Tx has better dynamic memory management, which of course is completely irrelevant with today's computers. I think that internally they use different data structures. 
Mapper Switch 
I did find it funny that there is a -kinn command line switch for the light compiler! :P

"Added new option "-kinn" which translates all delay 2 lights into delay 5." 
yeah, the story behind that is this: originally the only inverse square falloff was "delay 2", which I didn't like because the light level went to infinity as you approached the light source. This of course just meant you got a big flat fullbright circle around your light all the time, no matter what the value of the light entity was. I ended up modifying the formula so that it was still inverse square but the light level at the source was equal to the light entity value, not infinity. Aguirre liked this formula, so he included it in his version as "delay 5", but in my own custom version it's still "delay 2". 
thank goodness for that, i love delay 5! :) 
Worldcraft Question 
i'm using worldcraft 3.33 w/ quake adapter, and is there away to tell worldcraft not to use a specific color for the brushes? a lot of times they end up black, and its hard to see with the black background.

there is an option for white background, but with the grid being gray, its pretty useless. 
Like When You Clip Them? 
Try 'grouping' the brush. Thats my mid level solution. Always hated that too. 
pretty much whenever i edit a brush, like playing with the vertices or whatever, it changes color.

one thing i do is right click on a brush and go to properties, click ok and it changes color.

i'm guessing the answer is no then. :( 
I have several flying monsters spawning in close proximity. Although they have some delay between them, occassionally one will spawn on top of the other and I get blood-n-guts all over the place. It seems that trigger_push and trigger_monsterjump do not work with flying monsters. Any ideas on how to avoid this kind of issue without resorting to qc, other than not to do it in the first place? 
to say for sure, need to see this place. trigger_monsterjump does have tested. If the monster is already flying, it does not work. Maybe there is an opportunity to put between the trigger pad covered with textured skip? Then he landed on it and no longer flying 
i don't think that will work as the fl_onground flag (which is what is needed to be on in order for monsterjump to worok) is never changed or explicitly set during teleport so if the monster didn't have it set, then it won't have it set after teleporting. 
Yes, now I've looked at the qc I can see why. I had promised myself no more messing with the devil. I seem to be endlessly 'tweaking' just to get one effect, so I will leave it alone now. If the player gets lucky, so be it.

You never know, I might even finish this map. It's four years and counting: architecture was finished not long after I released the first half of FMB-BDG, lighting about a year later, monsters went in end of last year, play-testing and looking for music this year, and I'm getting older by the minute... 
Texture Rotation And Alignment 
I was fooling around in Worldcraft today trying to align textures on brushes aligned at 45 degree angles when it occurred to me that someone might have already figured out the correct ratio not only for this, but for most angles in general. Has anyone formulated a table to get proper alignment on textures, scale included? 
Sounds Like Something Negke Would Know 
so I have a map vising that finished today (this is bsp2 tools), and right after it said left 0:00, 100% as if it was done, it then said *********** ERROR portal not done. I haven't come across this before, uhh... does this mean the entire vis time was wasted and there's some kind of vis-killing problem in the map?

(that would only show up after its 100% done after 333 hours? lol). 
...Ouch :/ 
For 12 sided circles etc I think your angles are often 63.5 degrees (to the nearest half a degree) and 27.5 degrees. Scale for the textures on one of the diagonal sides is 1.06

Stuff I remember :) 
~0.71 is correct

0.75 is sometimes better to make edges align to grid. 
Thanks Ricky And Metl 
I had figured out the rotations for the 12-sided cylinder, but never the scale. Thanks for both, they're going in my own 'Mapping Tips' document. 
I ran into that error when vising my coag3 map with an older version of WVIS that had a bug with the state save function - interrupting the vis process caused unfinished portals to be left 'open' instead of resetting their progress altogether. BJP then sent me an experimental build of his VIS tool which had a -finish switch that would disregard such conflicting portals and force the vis job to complete.

Now, your problem appears to be different insofar as the WVIS bug was fixed in the final version and the BSP2 tools are based on that source. Or are they - can someone check?
Problem is that, presumably, BJP's new vis won't work here, because of the different BSP version and specifications. Still, you could contact him and see if he's got an idea. 
Thanks Negke 
I doubt I will be able to contact aguirRe these days, though he formerly was one of the best guys to talk to regarding mapping. I'll try him but I'll also try RMQ team / mh who I think (?) is the major tools developer. It could be a very old, rare and gay bug. But I reserve the right to be formally offended to only find out that shit's fucked after 333 hours. It's like a relationship, except even worse (333 hours into a relationship ought to have bought you the notification that you're doomed - long ago!). 
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