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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Maximum Size Map For Standard Quake 
For anyone looking to make a huge map that will fit within the standard .bsp size. 
@Fifth: Pretty interesting.

@Skiffy: Looks promising, keep it up. 
Even I Agree Too Dark :) 
I find red lighting difficult to get right.
It needs to be strong enough that it is clearly red and not pink, yet that is usually 'too strong' in that it just looks like batman forever.

I always had the impression Quake engines do something strange to the blending of red lighting, sometimes it appears equally dark as it's surroundings while it should be brighter... or something. Cantputmahfingeronit. 
With multiplicative lighting (and also real world lighting), component red light is going to eliminate any blue and green luminance information, and likewise with any other combo, so colors and brightnesses can appear to change weirdly. Rune metal for example has a lot of blue and green in it, so hitting that with pure red just gives you a strange dark mess.

You wouldn't ever use pure component green lighting, or blue, red technically shouldn't be an exception. Is it just because it's a DARK VIOLENT COLOR that it feels less inappropriate than super crystal green? 
Red Lights 
need a high saturation or they're just pink, as Mentioned above. The reason they look dark in Quake is because lots of the textures are green.

Green + red = black.

The map looks good, keep the lights. 
I skipped Lunaran's post :p

To elaborate a bit, there is also a clamping issue; colour components can only be so bright (ie 255) which often combines badly with the quake palette / textures. Specifically red as well, since it practically requires 255 0 0.

Once you know this, you can use it for specific effects. The screenshot still looks good, but the proof is in the playing. 
How To Do Colored Lights In Quake 1 
1. git gud 
Mor Progress On Map Jam 4 Attempt

Some more areas developing. The blood tunnels will get more open spaces soon... But I like the door style :) spikes! 
Ooooohhhhh ! 
Really nice ! 
An obvious texture misalignment. :) 
Looks Good 
i feel like the middle screenshot has too many of the cross lights in one spot.

maybe if the bottom ones were the rectangle lights, or even better, if the lights that had two on the same pillar were merged into one long 192 unit tall light, it would make it look better. 
Yea I 
Dwere, Texture issue is with Trenchbroom bug currently... or my compiler need to check

Necros, Yea I need to consolidate some of them into the taller ones or change style indeed. I also want to make the area taller and a bit more spaced out since it goes past too quickly. The lower gravity requires that I make those upper platforms a little taller :P

Still not bad for 2 hours of mad mapping at 2 in the morning for that entire space haha. I am enjoying this. A lot less work then UE4 :P 
Good stuff, I like the proper metal style and the tall pillars. Keep it going! 
Looks promising, proper style throughout, the last shot espicially.
Map on! 
More of this please! 
Looki lookie, my new level. A shameless rip of Overwatch, still, someone needs to do the empire of the rising sun some justice in Q3. 
Soes anyone have or know where one could download those old, original pre-shipping screenshots of Quake 1? Remember the ogre (not even the shipping model, I don't think) walking down the hallway, the shambler fighting in front of the slatted stair case .. and a few others. And the dragon!?

I've scoured the internet and they seem to have disappeared. I'd love to get a hold of those and check them out again ... 
Seem To Remember 
that Spirit had a bunch on Quaddicted somewhere. Could be wrong though. 
AEon's nostalgia pages would be the best source but I cannot find them online. 
An old ogre pic is included in this PDF.

Here are some other pics, including one with the dragon.

Dat 90s screenshot resolution. 
Thanks for that! That ogre shot is cooler in my memory but whatever .. nice to have it back! :) 
heh, I had a similar feeling about a Quake2 (pre?)release screenshot I remembered... A gladiator on a bridge over lava...

Tracked it down and ugh.... box room, saturated light, stretched textured on boxy character model. 
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