While trying to optimize a map to bring it under the marksurfaces limit, I encountered (and bit my teeth out on) a perculiar area where some seemingly random face splitting occurs.
Shot - the grid-like stuff next to the kights.
There's no indication where it could originate from, no intersecting brushes or anything, and the tris even reach into an adjacent room through the wall (there's a doorway at the end of the corridor). I can't seem to get rid of it. Tried upscaling the texture, splitting the brush into smaller chunks, even trisouping it, moving it to the end of the brush cue, but all to no avail. It does go away if I block out parts of the map with a giant brush (to speed up QBSP), though.
I don't expect anyone to know a magic cure; this is mainly supposed to be a wtf bsp post. The whole deal with marksurfaces (and their optimization) is quite obscure. Seems to be more about experimentation than logical conclusions...