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Screenshots & Betas
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Post #11468 Undeleted 
we don't have a delete feature, and if it is flagged as spam your IP address gets blacklisted, which is not what you want, so i unflagged it. 
Not really a screenshot, just some initial test bits for a quake texture pack I plan to make when I got a bit more time. 
Very Nice 
Have you done any PXart before? 
If by PXart you mean pixelart, then yes, infact I am a professional game artist who is specialised on pixelart. 
Me and my friend [url=]released a a pixel art game last autumn[/url], where I made almost all art, I've also considered making some q1 textures with the q1-palette.

I'm always looking for talent, do you have some home page or portfolio? 
You can go to which links to my slightly outdated art blog and pixeljoint gallery. That should give you an idea of my skillset. ATM I am mainly focusing on getting better at 3D in my freetime. 
you made Hammerwatch?! I freaking love that game, me and my friend played the co-op for hours when it first came out!

Ptoing, your stuff reminds me of old school bitmap brothers - 
Thanks, the Amiga OCS stuff by Dan Malone is certainly an influence. 
seriously though, I hope you do make a full set in this style, would be amazing. 
I plan to. It will probably take a while because of work related stuff. Work first and all that. But I am pretty fast once I got going, and once I got some decent base textures for metal and rock and all that those kinda things should be fairly fast as well. But yeah, plan is to make a full set or sets. Base, Metal, Rock, Weird shit.
Yep, yep. 
Omg Bitmap Brothers... 
I loved xenon 2 
I Really Need To Start Signing In... 
Ptoing, your style reminds me a bit of heretic. I like the orange, not many textures like that. 
Thanks. The colour I used is not indicative of the colours in the final textures, just one of the 16 colour ramps to get a good base. But I want to make textures with colour variants which are not that common in the original Quake set.
I still have to experiment and get a feel for the colours and which ones work well together. 
Looking forward to seeing more of this! 
Bitmap Brothers 
I always wanted to play Gods, and spent hours trying to guess how it would be in reality, based on some full color double DIN A-3 pages in a magazine, that had all the levels in the game on those pages, as a guide to complete it.

Xenon 2 is also a game i miss a lot. I always loved the feature about buying weapons, upgrades and bomb-like equipment, like the one where you get enough weapons to fill the bottom of the screen for a few seconds.
Unfortunately, those are the only games i know done by them.

Looking forward to you work, Ptoing. If you do it quickly enough, it could be the next map jam theme ;) 
Doubt it will be ready for the next map jam, but yeah, would be cool if it was used for a jam when it's done. Would love to see what you guys can do with it. 
Oh hey ptoing, remember you from Apedogs and Unit16 when I used to lurk there a couple of years back. I have no doubts those textures are going to go out like hotcakes :] 
Hah, small world. 
Some more stuff. Maybe I should make an own thread for this? And yes, I plan on doing colour variants of probably most of the textures. Or at least for the ones where it makes sense. 
the top row looks the best. like bronze or something... would be cool if there was some teal/green in there like the id *cop* textures. 
Yeah, teal/green could be nice. So far I am very much still in an experimental phase, seeing which colours work together well. Top row looking best I would say is highly subjective, thought I quite like it myself.

I think that it will heavily depend on the surrounding textures used and as such I will have variants of almost all textures in my pack. a) because it's easy and b) mappers will have a lot more variety to choose from to give accents to their maps or use it for stuff like secrets, hints and the like.

Oh btw, I have not tried this yet, but I take it max amount of animations for a texture is 10? +0 to +9? 
Are those too small? I would have expected twice the size (or maybe map editors always scale up textures?) 
Those rune animal ones are 32x32, which is the size of the red rune textures in quake for example. I will probably make combinations of different ones as well, and have them as single ones too.

Most textures in Quake are 64x64 actually, I will probably go more towards 128x128 for walls since that will allow for more variation on bricks and such. And it's not too much more work.

But yeah, I think I will make a new thread for this and post my updates there. Don't wanna clog up this thread. 
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