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Shamblers Have No Eyes! 
and neither vaginas nor buttholes 
vaginas got one eye!!! :p great to bite :p 
Take A Suggestion From David Cross 
You could punch several holes in the shambler's sides, put a bowl of dip on his belly, surround it with chips and make a circle jerk out of it.

Be creative! 

I get a dozen spams w/ attachments from you a day. 

I got some virus mails from you too a while ago 
Can I have some 
Sometimes What Happens.... 
is the trojan will scan the infected user's address book, and send messages "from" addresses in the book. So you can't tell who's infected.

I get a lot of messages "from" fingers and sock, and I assume it's just becuase someone they know is infected. At least, that's my theory. 
I get lots of 'your shit is undeliverable' mails about mail I never sent to people I don't know. 
Time has chosen 'internet people' as their 2006 person of the year, maintaining an 81-year tradition of picking total dicks. 
i love his new emo look! 
Guitar Hero 
I picked up Guitar Hero I and II yesterday (so I have two guitars yay), and I'm saving II for christmas day but I've been playing the first one nearly non-stop since o_O

Holy shit this is fun - I suck having had no guitar experience before and I'm still stuck on some of the later songs on medium difficulty, but I can see myself practising until I kick arse.

I got into it because there's a bit of a Guitar Hero social scene at work with competitions in a local pub - some of the guys have some absolutely insane skills \m/~_^\m/ but I always sucked too hard to compete.

So yeah, um this game rocks. 
I thought those kinds of games were kind of lame until I played Donkey Konga over at a friend's house. Holy moly it was fun, and he said Guitar Hero was 10x better. BTW - Can you like get your own songs on there somehow? Or are you stuck with the stuff it comes with? 
Wel,l In A Word No :/ 
the tracks have all had to be re-recorded just for the game so that the individual elements of the music can be associated with the key presses.

The songs in the game really rock though - it is a very well thought out selection :) 
Me, The Mad Collector 
Does anyone have the old Quake scene release (like in ripped and cracked) from RAZOR (Quake-RAZOR)in an good health? I want to have it but every copy I found so far had a damaged file (the 6th). I own the game like 3 times I think, so it should be ok to ask. :) 
check your email 
Watch. Laugh. Cry. Share. 
We Already Did 
but yes. bollywood is classic, in that strange kind of 'indian guys making movies' way. 
Here's What I Thought You Were Going To Link To

the laughing and crying byline still applies 
Lost Partitions 
I have Windows XP telling me that my D:\ drive (second partition of two, on my master drive)has a problem:

"The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted"

I can read C:\ and load Windows but am running very slowly, and my other HD (G:, H:, I:) is also readable. All of my Quake mapping is on D:\!!

Has anyone any experience of any free partition recovery programs that they can point me to? All of my utilities are on my D:\ drive!!

I am accessing the internet via my laptop and can use a DVD to swap programs between the two. So if I can find a suitable repair program, I should be OK.

I have Norton, Zone Alarm running all the time so don't think I am infected with anything but at the moment my priority is to recover the partion.

Needless to say, any help will be much appreciated. 
or getmydataback, can't remember, was the only program that easily worked for me once. 
GetDataBack is the right kind of program but unfortunately it is commercial software - the free demo tells you that it can recover your data but (not surprisingly) doesn't put it right until you pay. I'm looking for freeware.

But thanks for the suggestion anyway. 
Easy Recovery 
Help Me! 
Hey guys, can anyone tell me what the ftp site for the planetquake webspace is? I want to upload something and I havent connected to it in years!!! 
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