I tried to find a way to put this delicately but...you're overflowing the error buffer which causes hammer to hang. If I cut out half of the fgd file I get errors back.
Fixes in the order I find them...
Line 26
Float isn't a valid type in old versions of hammer, you just call numeric fields "integer" and then put floats in them anyway. Change float to that and you get back "expecting identifier" - which means in this case that the colon is missing between
(integer) and
"search.... Change that and you get back "expecting integer" because quoting the value
"512" makes it a string. Lastly I suspect that old versions of fgd don't support long descriptions, so I removed that from the line and it finally loads. Final line 26:
distance(integer) : "Search distance for autoconnect." : 512
Line 37
Mostly same problems, I think you can safely remove an empty string default. as fixed:
target(string) : "The first node."
Line 38, 39
By now you should be able to work your way to line 62 fixing things by rote. At line 62 I think your description exceeds some buffer length because I got a "expecting string" error which went away when I trimmed it to a single sentence. The same problem seems to cause crashes later in the fgd because trimming some longer strings took it from freezing hammer to loading without errors(once all the previous fixes has been applied).
We have to go all the way to line 94 to find something new to fix, because you want to actually have a non-integer default. It's not too bad though, all we do is change the field type to
string, then leave
"0.1" as quoted. When it comes to field types hammer doesn't actually care...
As a final trick, we can redefine the type of some of the target fields to benefit from the hammer dependency tracing. If you change target from
(string) to
(target_destination) and targetname from
(string) to
(target_source) then hammer can "Show Connections" between those entities. It's not necessary to make it function and it's a fringe benefit but still nice to know.
Fully fixed at