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A thing I found is to set texture resolution to medium instead of high, the textures still look great and loading times and in-game hitching is MASSIVELY reduced. Worth a try anyway.

As for the crashing, it hasn't done anything like that yet on my system (STEAM version).

Bal, more enemies will be coming to you very soon =) 
Yeah I'm kicking orcs off cliffs by the hundreds. =D

Haven't had any other crashes, and yeah I have my textures on medium (I read on the forums that it just didn't run with textures set to high). 
Well, I'm In Chapter 2 Now... 
...and haven't really had any trouble at all. Reasonably quick load times, etc.

I noticed that apparently the game installation takes a look at your rig and decides what the recommended settings should be (as denoted by an asterix in the menu), but it doesn't actually change your settings to be less than "godlike". Wow, that's really silly.

Even though I have a decent rig (3.2 w. SLIed 7800s) things were still set higher than "recommended for your system" by default. This is probably a good contributor to people's computers taking a shit when they try to run the game.

I also notice overlapping brushwork in the start/tutorial map. For fuck's sake.

I'm having fun playing the game though. :) 
PC Technical Question 
Ok a few months ago I bought a second matched pair of ddr400 (2x512mb) and installed it into my pc, it is exactly the same brand,model,size,etc as the first matched pair seen below ->

But when I install it my pc suddenly becomes super-unsatble and crashes all the time (full sys lockup - cant do a thing) I am trying to understand why... All of the 4 sticks of ram are exactly the same and should technically work fine but they dont.

I have run memtest86 overnight a few times now but it never finds any errors with the memory at all so I am at a loss.

If I remove 1 of the new memory sticks the system still crashes but maybe once every few days or so which is bare-able but it really bugs me because I dont understand why.

There was a gap of around 4-5 months between buying the first matched pair and the second pair, all I can think of is that somehow the newer memory is incompatible with the older stuff in some way, but like i said its identical so I dont know about that.

Any tech-heads have any clues on this? I have an asus nforce4 sli-se mobo, amd64 4000+ running win64, and it was fine before I installed this new memory... 
maybe it causes overheating of some sort ? no real idea why though. 
Maybe you could try to remove the old sticks and check how the computer behaves then. This could give you a clue. 
I'm not sure but... I think it can come from 2 things: either the compatibility between your mother board and your PC3200 memory, or the connection distance between memory and CPU memory controller.

I guess it is not the first one, and that you are aware that memory to memory compatibility need to be checked (i.e PC3200 is faster than PC2700. you can change from PC2700 to PC3200, but a mother board that has been designed for PC3200 will not work with Pc2700 memory.. it is not backward compatible...)

Anyway, I already experimented such issue. Like you, I added memory to my PC. I have 3 slots on my nmother board, I removed the old RAM stick, and I didn't took care when I re-placed the memory stick into the slots... and I put them on the "opposite" side, that was the farest slot... Due to both memory and CPU memory controller timing constraints (that need to be respected), the data were not stable when sampled by the CPU, and so completly incoherent and not understandable by the CPU: that explains why the PC crahses...
So I think you should try to change of memory slots (the biggest memory as close as possible of the CPU), if you still have free slot on your mother board...

Maybe it also can come from clocking, power supply, etc.. at memory input...

I hope it helped. 
I will certainly look into these things, thanks everyone.

Well my mobo has 4 ram slots, and each one has a 512mb stick in it, all pc3200 ddr400 with the same ras, cas latency etc, so I dont know whata happening really.

I have tried moving all the ram around into different slots but nothing seems to work. Also I dont think its an overheating problem as the case is quite well ventilated with case fans / dual psu fans and the biggest cpu fan I have ever seen... 
seems that all I had to do was upgrade the motherboard bios to the latest version and it appears to be stable now with all 4 sticks of ram installed.

Strange thing is that the ram is now working at 160mhz rather than 200, but I cant see any noticeable performance hit, and if it makes the system stable I wouldnt really care if it did :) 
Neverwinter Nights 2 Is Out 
Yeah so NWN2 is out and it will make everyone's PC cry. Preliminary reports indicate that Core 2 Duo E6600 + 2GB ram + NVIDIA 7950 GX2 = unplayable in 1920x1280. 
because the screenshots aren't really impressive at all... in fact, it looks ugly as hell...... 
disgusting. I myself refuse to play games at less than 15384x10240. 
That's A Bit Shit 
that system sounds teh awesome, yet it can't run a game at (presumably) the native resolution of the screen. That sucks.

I hate playing games at less than 1920x1200 because they always look shit on my screen. It was never a problem with CRTs, because they could handle any resolution and produce crisp output. My monitor is a fucking POS when it comes to displaying anything other than a 1920x1200 image, so I try to avoid it. Some TFTs are ok though.

Also, if you use half the resolution of your screen (i.e. to 960x600) the picture is likely to be fine, but anything in between will often produce dodgy results. I guess it depends on which monitor you have.

Anyone else got the same problem? Anyone got a nice TFT that can handle all resolutions crisply? 
I've got two Viewsonic VA1912WB 19" widescreens and I don't really have a major issue running non-native resolutions or resolutions that don't match my ratio (16:10), like 4:3. Then again maybe I'm not picky and don't notice anything problematic that others might. 
I've got five Panasonic 60" HDTVs connected to my computer, I don't notice many problems with my array of thirteen overclocked GF x666's 
Samsung 204B 
It runs fine with what I've thrown at it: 800x600, 1024x768, 1600x1200 (native). But then again I've never seen other LCDs run at non-native resolutions, so I don't have much to compare it with. 
you fuckers owe me for one scrollwheel. so many posts, so little substance. 
Thanks For Contributing To The Discussion! 
My e-penis got an infection when I posted on another messageboard :*( 
Stay Tru 
to func. In metl we trust.

No, really, this design is damn elegant when I get here after browsing some other forums. 
Then don't post here! Jeeeesus...

This board is the most efficient I've ever seen. 
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