Ok a few months ago I bought a second matched pair of ddr400 (2x512mb) and installed it into my pc, it is exactly the same brand,model,size,etc as the first matched pair seen below ->
But when I install it my pc suddenly becomes super-unsatble and crashes all the time (full sys lockup - cant do a thing) I am trying to understand why... All of the 4 sticks of ram are exactly the same and should technically work fine but they dont.
I have run memtest86 overnight a few times now but it never finds any errors with the memory at all so I am at a loss.
If I remove 1 of the new memory sticks the system still crashes but maybe once every few days or so which is bare-able but it really bugs me because I dont understand why.
There was a gap of around 4-5 months between buying the first matched pair and the second pair, all I can think of is that somehow the newer memory is incompatible with the older stuff in some way, but like i said its identical so I dont know about that.
Any tech-heads have any clues on this? I have an asus nforce4 sli-se mobo, amd64 4000+ running win64, and it was fine before I installed this new memory...