#1076 posted by Rick on 2016/11/03 19:05:28
"I'm pretty sure we all agree that monster footsteps is pretty cool. It's the player footsteps that some are annoyed by. "
Yes, that's what I meant. It's not so bad I want to turn them off, it just sounds odd. Not really in sync with what I feel like I'm doing. More of a pitter-patter sound instead of step-step-step. Hard to explain, I know.
 Tap Feet
#1077 posted by sock on 2016/11/04 14:25:21
I'm pretty sure we all agree that monster footsteps is pretty cool. It's the player footsteps that some are annoyed by
Ok, that makes sense because the players footsteps are constant. Something worth randomizing with a table function.
#1078 posted by Mugwump on 2016/11/04 19:13:38
Speaking of, is there a way to adjust the player's footsteps volume? I find them slightly too prominent in the overall mix.
 It's Not Coded To Be But...
#1079 posted by Qmaster on 2016/11/05 02:13:44
A cvar could be added to set the volume from 0 to 1.
 Custom Cvars
#1080 posted by Spike on 2016/11/13 14:09:18
that would require the ability to actually create cvars...
DP+FTE+QSS all have set+seta console commands to define cvars in your default.cfg.
combine with autocvars for decent fallbacks (in vanilla QS) (also helps performance if you're abusing them like crazy).
 A Step In The Right Direction
#1081 posted by killpixel on 2016/11/14 22:43:54
Finally found time to make some footsteps. Sourced from a sound library I own, so all legal. It's a hard surface with a bit of grit underneath. Since this is just a draft there is no compression or eq or any other polish. They're not even sampled at the correct rate. Just trying to get an idea.
These are very dry (no verb) which, IMO, helps a lot. It's strange being in an open area and hearing such reverberous (is that a word?) footsteps.
If people like this direction and actually want me to take an honest stab at quality footsteps, I will. If not, I have plenty of other things with which to occupy my time :)
#1082 posted by mjb on 2016/11/14 23:53:52
Those sound pretty good man!
 Clean Feet
#1083 posted by sock on 2016/11/15 11:57:29
+2 No Step Repeat
Added random sound selection for player feet sounds and lowered the overall volume.
A Step In The Right Direction
I like them and as you said without any echo they are very dry. I think the less reverb will work well for the lighter sounds, but the heavy stuff will certainly need some echo.
#1084 posted by killpixel on 2016/11/15 19:01:12
Those sound pretty good man!
Thanks! It's in the ballpark but still not quite there IMO. A sound that will work well with disparate surfaces will never be wholly appropriate for any particular surface. I gotta keep that in mind.
Added random sound selection for player feet sounds and lowered the overall volume.
Awesome, that was 90% of the issue. I'll continue once the new update drops since the volume has changed. The sounds I uploaded compensate for the current volume.
#1085 posted by ericw on 2016/11/21 19:55:17
#1086 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/11/26 04:54:06
Am I being a bad citizen if I change the health values on all my monsters to increase them slightly? i.e. 50 health on a monster_army, 85 on monster_army_grenade? The most drastic change I made was actually 100 for rocket grunts, seeing as that actually makes them stronger than grenade grunts...
I found it dissapointing that a regular grunt could be downed in one SG shot, which was the inspiration for tweaking these enemies. But that set me down the path of tweaking all these other monsters, and I worry that people won't like the results...
To judge for yourselves, I invite you to play my retrojam map, since I made similar changes to the monsters in that.
#1087 posted by anonymous user on 2016/11/26 06:05:16
Generally not a good idea. Players learn and expect to deal with monsters consistently, and play levels to face them in new situations. Just bumping up monster's health arbitrarily can make the player feel cheated.
It's better to use more monsters, combinations of monsters, or just tougher monsters... rather than increasing health on weaker ones. If your goal is to make the player shoot twice, 2 grunts or a grunt and a dog are more interesting to fight than a single grunt with twice the health anyway.
Also, Quake's pain system is kind of 'meh', having more health just means you see how lame pain is. Grunts have 30hp... but giving them 300hp doesn't make them ten times harder, you just use more ammo on them while you keep knocking them onto the ground.
#1088 posted by damage_inc on 2016/11/26 08:12:52
I was having this conversation earlier tonight with gotshun.
My premise was, when a monster encounters US, we have varied health! Why shouldn't monsters have varied health as well.
I told him that if I mapped and had a nightmare skill in 2016, you better believe monster would not be so "routine".
I also felt monsters should do more damage.
We were just chitchatting up Quake idea's and design, that's all.
#1089 posted by metlslime on 2016/11/26 08:18:51
Yeah, it's unfair to the monsters!
#1090 posted by Mugwump on 2016/11/26 08:23:11
You might be interested in Seven's SMC for Darkplaces then: there's an option to set the monsters to vary in size, with an additional option to have their health vary according to their size. Among many other options, there's also one to make them more accurate depending on your skill setting.
#1091 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/11/26 10:57:14
Thanks for the comments, everyone. I am totally aware of how much of a risk I'm taking by changing monster health. I'll probably post a beta of the map at some point to get a feel for how people like/dislike my changes, but i'm going to hope they go down well. I like my encounters how they are now, at least for how I play, and they don't feel spongy or weird so hopefully others agree.
As a side note: Why is the rocketeer wearing red armour, but less healthy than the green-armour wearing grenadier? I can understand from a visual perspective; red = danger/alert and rocketeers are obviously supposed to take your attention. But still... Poor guys must have low health underneath all that armour :(
#1092 posted by Mugwump on 2016/11/26 12:41:49
Because their armor isn't necessarily the same as yours? At any rate, if you really need to rationalize it, you could tell yourself that since they carry a heavy payload, they need to wear light armor to retain some mobility.
Also, don't these guys come from Quoth? So it's Preach who you should be asking about that... ;)
 @Pritchard Etc.
#1093 posted by Newhouse on 2016/11/26 13:06:20
I also changed health to one enemy.. These are just my opinions*
Pyros are more fun to fight against when they are a bit more tougher. Otherwise they are rather too easy to kill, since they don't have much range in their flames. If they have more health that will make them more dangerous. They should have at least as much health as ogres or even more, since they don't more that quickly.
#1094 posted by anonymous user on 2016/11/26 13:30:43
Quake3 decided that Red = Rockets, Green = Grenades... thus are the Grunts color coded to the terror of dichromats everywhere.
I believe Grenade Grunts have slightly more HP because they often splash damage themselves fighting in medium ranges and interior areas. Rocket Grunts are meant to be at a distance and you often plink at them with a shotgun, higher HP just makes them a chore.
Speaking of Quoth, that's one of the best examples of a good mod ruined by giving monsters way too much HP for no damn good reason.
 Arbitrary Monster Health In Quake = Bad
#1095 posted by Kinn on 2016/11/26 15:01:09
I hated it in Unreal when the monsters seemed to have random health. I just felt like "am I shooting this guy right? Have I got to hit it in the head or something?". Part of what makes Quake's combat "flow" is the fact that semi-experienced players know exactly how many shots will spank that monster, and they're thinking ahead to their next target before their current target goes down. If you don't know when that knight is going to die, then the flow is broken and things just start to feel a big bogged down and annoying.
 What Kinn Said.
#1096 posted by skacky on 2016/11/26 15:06:40
Knowing exactly how many shots you need to kill an enemy is good for ammo conservation also.
Enforcers and knights: one SSG shot followed by one SG shot. You save one shell per kill.
Knights: 4 axe hits, you save 4 shells per kill.
#1098 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/11/26 15:38:59
That was one of the things that really bothers me about AD. Dropping grunts in one shot just feels wrong. That's really what I've been trying to address, compensating for the increased damage the SG has by making lower health enemies more similar to how they're "supposed" (read: usually are, not necessarily better) to be.
The RL grunt issue is a bit different. Their purpose obviously is to be used at a long range, as that's where their weapon's tracking ability is most obvious & useful. But my map is small and enclosed, but I want to get the most out of the base-themed assets as possible... hence, tweaking them to be more effective at close range.
I do worry that I am scratching the edge of sponge there, but if they do turn out to be troublesome then I can always ctrl+f my .map file and change all my edits...
#1099 posted by Newhouse on 2016/11/26 15:44:29
That is also why some maps should try out different things how to introduce new enemies. How much shells, how many rockets etc. some enemies takes, especially if some enemies are immune to specific weapons. If I remember right defenders are a bit more immune to rockets and they take 2 shots.. and was the eliminator more immune to cells/plasma.. There is more enemies that are immune to certain ammos, and I think that is only a good thing.
#1100 posted by Qmaster on 2016/11/27 04:37:59
Health should be consistent. Slight tweaks for one enclosed area might be ok if it helps achieve a certain fight length or prevent an RL Grunt from killing himself too often.
Yes. Immunity to certain ammo is a good thing. Kinda miffed that droles are immune to shells since its so dang satisfying to blast them with the DB Shorgun and watch em fall in the most satisfying death animation ever. Still makes it fun when one corners you and you switch to the Widowmaker and pow you lose.