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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Unreal 2 was developed by Legend, not Epic.

Also noteworthy is that Legend has been closed down by Atari. 
But Conversely... 
I genuinely couldn't see the people who made Wheel Of Time (and the Unreal mission pack) putting their feet wrong or making some sort of bloody obvious mistake. Yet somehow...

Politics, I'm sure of it... 
So, are these actual designs for Unreal 3 or are they just for the engine demo? 
I'm Learning Stuff 
I really didn't register that Unreal 3 is being developed by Epic. Surely that's something to get very excited about? A true sequel to the original Unreal. As long as there isn't any bloody politics :) 
Im just getting into mapping.
check out my screenshots! 
ZSP2 Early Screens @ Pipeline 
Groovy Pics Zwif 
What texture sets did you use. I believe I saw some from Armagon and Metlslime's. 
It's mainset Speedbz with some Armagon in there for to add contrast to the mostly darkgreen/darkbrown camo walls in there. 
hey, it looks good, go complete it! :) 
It looks like you have a good start there on the architecture. The lighting in some of the shots (especially the third) seems a little flat and uninteresting, IMO. It looks like adding a little more contrast and throwing in a few alternate lighting styles or sources might help it out.

Good work, though. Is this your first Quake map? 
I forgot to add that the purple lighting in shot 4 doesn't seem to fit very well, IMO. 
Dazka - looking promising there for the early stages of a map. Interesting take on Egyptian textures and nice to see that style done at night. Some interesting looking architecture e.g. in the first shot. Need to work on architectural consistency and more dramatic lighting, though.

Zwiffle - looking good there, a strong style and good build quality it seems, and not too dark for a change!! Personally it's not really my style, I'm not so keen on that brown used in a smaller scale (I think it works better for big designs), but the green pipes liven it up. 
Thx Guys 
I think being able to create maps is one of the coolest things you can do with a computer. Ive been tooling around with them for about a year but havint come up with anything worth showing off. If i ever do, i'll be sure to let you guys know. 
Thx Guys 
Thanks for the advice guys.
I think being able to create maps is one of the coolest things you can do with a computer. Ive been tooling around with them for about a year but havint come up with anything worth showing off. If i ever do, i'll be sure to let you guys know. 
personally, i prefer the trim textures to be more of a contrast to the main texture, just an idea. 
I am using speedys EXCELLENT andromeda textures for this:

Please come with some suggestions. btw the ghosts around the map are cpma indicators for spawnpoints 
Err. There's not much there to offer suggestions on. Have you started with the details yet? If you have, it looks like you need to seriously re-examine what you've done and add somemore.

This article is for Q1, but it's still quite applicable when it comes to adding detail for most games:

If you have not started detailing yet, then please pardon me. But if so, I don't understand why you posted this... 
And Err 
Slightly smaller images would be cool, too. 800x600 is usually big enough to get an idea what it looks like. 
yerr... looks a little plain, esp for q3, no? 
Thanks For Response 
I have detailed a bit, but I am looking for help with the detailing ideas, thanks for that guide tho, will be of some help. If anyone has any ideas for little details they think would fit please tell me :D 
Play Metroid Prime 
There's some incredible detailing in there. It's quite inspiring. 
Err, Yeah 
Do you want Quake 1/2/3 style details? Play through some levels that you thought had good details and note some stuff that you liked.

Do you want detailed machinery and other sci fi paraphernalia? Check out some drawings from artists' websites for inspiration.

Do you want something more in line with modern architecture? Try some architecture websites or books. 
Dang, RPG 
I'm going to have to get a console. You are making me envious for some of the console titles. I was very PC-centric until I spent a cloudy summer vacation at a friend's place playing Siphon Filter 2 and found the experience to be quite satisfying. 
I like the layout, but I'd consider adding a bottom (with maybe some lava/slime) to the pit-o'-death in the middle. This would allow people to rocket jump out if they were quick instead of making it instant death. If you do this, perhaps consider suspending a good item (RA?) over the pit.

I'd also consider adding a YA, or at least a bunch of shards, somewhere in the map. Right now, the RA is pretty much what the entire map revolves around. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I'd certainly get a lot of playtesting to make sure it works.

I like the grate near the PG to jump over, but you could make it a little more interesting by raising it ~16 units or so, and adding a crate or geometry on the wall on either side to allow players to make the jump--or, if you don't add anything to one side and make the jump one-way, put something quite good in the dead-end. :)

You have verts off the grid on your rock ceiling over the RG, causing the sparklies there. An arena file in the pk3 would be nice too.

More detailing is certainly necessary. My suggestion: 
A Slight Update 
I updated the map a bit, and took some screenshots and didn't read this post until I had uploaded everything. I will correct the map accordingly tomorrow. I want to thank everyone, you have been very nice and thrown good ideas my way.

Future plans as of now:
-Change the RA to a YA as it proved very dominant during playtesting.
-Throw in some cool map models from the FPS site.
-Further detail the boring walls with brushwork.

Anyway, update @ (still huge screenshots, will make them smaller for next batch)

Once again, thank you everyone, (especially pjw and RPG) 
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